Riviera International Conference Centre,

Grace Murrell Room

Public Meeting

1st September 2014

6.30pm – 8.30pm

Officers of the Steering Group:

Susie Colley (SC) Chair person

Martin Cavanna (MC) Vice Chair

Andy Baker (AB) Treasurer

Minutes: Usha Garrattley

Present: Please see separate document

No / Minute/Action Agreed
1. / Welcome, Housekeeping and Apologies
SC welcomed everybody, thanked them for attending and informed all of housekeeping.
Apologies: Andy Baker, Steve Parrock, Julie Brandon, Paul Raybould, RichardCummings, Ian Hanford, Damian Offer, Tracey Cabache, Cllr Steve Darling
2. / Matters arising from 12th May Public meeting RICC
SC informed everyone that it had been agreed at a previous SG meeting that minutes were kept as brief as possible and only actionpoints were recorded.
Matters arising:
Item No 8 – Update on Community Partnership submissions of Local Greenspace in the Neighbourhood Plan –
Actions: CP Chairs to look at submissions for NP draft, including housing allocations and Greenspace, andreturn to SC when completed.
SC to attach scanned list of those present to minutes.
Amendments: MFH to be added to apologies for that meeting. Martin Cabanna corrected to Martin Cavanna
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposer: Darren Cowell Seconder: Martin Cavanna
3. / Treasurer’s report/Budget – Susie Colley
SC provided the financial information.
A query was raised over an invoice to be paid to Fruition (a company commissioned to give advice on how to get more engagement into the process)
Actions: Fruition invoiceto be an Agenda item for discussion at next SG meeting
Ideas of how we get people to engage with the Torquay Neighbourhood Planto be an Agenda item
SC to communicate with group who attended meeting with Fruition, put together a document of ideas discussed and cascade to SG
Current balance: £18612.71
4. / TranWebsite - MFH
Discussion on feasibility of going for a tidy up of website and tuition rather than a rebuild.
ACTIONS: Brief to be sent to Chris Noble as outlined by MFH, evaluated and a decision made at October SG meeting.
ML to liaise with MFH and put together a brief for theorganization of the website and tuition in managing it.
5. / Housing/Development review/CP submission
MC gave an update on the development reviewpack.
Issue re information either not beingsent to CP Chairs or sometimes not being cascaded to relevant NF Reps.
ACTION: MC to send development review pack to SG members/CP reps who request it.
6. / Masterplanning Update – Andrew Gunther
AG gave an update of the Torquay Town Centre & Gateway Masterplans and an overview of what they contain.
7. / Forward Plan Discuss/Task and Finish groups
No time for this item. SC suggested everyone take a look at the TNP website to see what has to be done in the time available up to next May.
8. / Upd Greenspace MFH
MFH aware that not all information on Local Greenspace designation has reached all CPs.
ACTION: MFH to send information to all CPs

Meeting closed at8.45pm

Next SGmeeting is on6th October 2014 - venue tbc