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Arne Parish Council


held in Stoborough Village Hall, West Lane, Stoborough

on Thursday, the 16thAugust 2012 at 7.30 pm







Minutes were taken by the Clerk, Miss M D Weller

1.Declarations of Interest

12/78Chairman to ask for any Declarations of Interest on items contained in the Agenda. Any councillor who decides there is a prejudicial interest will be asked to leave the room during discussions but that councillor is welcome to make a submission during Public Participation Period from the floor in accordance with paragraph 12(2) of the Code of Conduct. Declarations of Interest can be made at any time during the meeting.


12/79There were apologies for absence from Mrs BJ Kenward (family).


12/80Mr T Heritage proposed and Mr M Frenchman seconded the motion it was

Resolved that the Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th July 2012, having been circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

4.Consideration of Payment to Contractor

12/81Clerk advised due to the late start in clearing vegetation along the FP20 towpath Redcliffe to SouthBridge, a local contractor had stepped in and completed the first cut. Dorset Works Organisation have now taken on the work and been asked to start earlier next year. Rights of Way Officer would be satisfied if the Parish Council did find a local contractor to carry out this work and County Council would seek the funding for this. Last time a contractor cut the path for the Parish Council, the cost was £50.

Mr T Heritage proposed and Mr M Frenchman seconded the motionit was

Resolved that the Parish Council would pay £50 to the contractor for his work on production of an invoice.

5.Public Participation Period

12/82Mrs A Goodbody of Ridge asked about the maintenance of the towpath and Clerk advised she was seeking information from Rights of Way as to how many cuts are normally made and if they would be reduced due to financial problems, also what they paid per cut would by useful to know so that a local contractor can be hired instead. There is a small Rights of Way community fund that can be used for this work. Mrs Goodbody also advised there were overgrown bushes near the seat on the green opposite the Quay.

12/83Mr J Hole of Church Knowle was concerned with the planning application for Slepe Farm, which was being considered by the parish councillors this evening. He outlined his reasons for concern as stated in his email which the Clerk had circulated before the meeting. The application is for a larger residential unit than existing and reduction in offices but increase in employment buildings but crucial details were lacking. Considering the sensitivity and rural nature of the area, it was vital that inappropriate development was not allowed. Mr Hole referred to the designation of areas round the farm, traffic impact, sewage and water services, existing restrictive covenants and design.

12/84Mr P Love of Stoborough Green advised residents were concerned at the state of the gate into the Encome Estate field at Scotts Close. He asked if it was owned by Knightstone Housing Association and the Clerk agreed to email the question.

12/85Mr P Love also raised the question of where funds would be found if the government does cut the grant paid to district councils by 10% for council tax. Clerk advised the councils would have to find the deficit from other sources.

12/86Mrs J Scragg of Ridge reported the vegetation on the boundary of Ridge Cottage and the paddock behind was impeding traffic and cyclists travelling along Nutcrack Lane. Clerk would write to the owners of Ridge Cottage and Mr R Smith, who owned the land adjacent, asking them to cut the vegetation back to their boundary.

Chairman thanked the public for giving their comments to members.

6.Results of Planning Applications

12/87Planning Applications

Plan No.

6/2006/0666 - Floodplain east of HolmeBridge to railway line, East Holme

Installation of 8 water level control structures and 4 clay bunds on

floodplain ditches, creation of shallow scrapes and grips.

AgreedParish Council objects to this application

No decision

6/2010/0685/686Doreys Pit, East Stoke

Variation of conditions in both applications

AgreedParish Council objects to both applications

No decision

6/2012/0365-367–Old Post Office site, Corfe Road, Stoborough, Wareham

Demolish outbuildings to rear 39 and 41 Corfe Road, demolish outbuilding

rear 41 Corfe Road and erect detached dwelling

AgreedParish Council objects to all applications

366 and 367 Approved – 365 No Decision

6/2012/0246Land at Masters Pit, Puddletown Road, East Stoke

Construction of single turbine 75m to hub 27m blade with infrastructure

AgreedParish Council objects to this application

No decision

6/2012/03131 Gover Close, Ridge, Wareham

Replace existing conservatory with single storey extension

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.


6/2012/0390 The Elms, Worgret Road, Worgret, Wareham

Replace existing dwelling with single unit

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.


6/2012/0392 Cherry Bank, 32 Furzebrook Road, Wareham

2 storey extensions and alterations

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.

No decision

6/2012/0408 Pippins, Barnhill Road, Ridge

Install garden shed, workshop/garage, wood store, site mobile home, widen main access

AgreedParish Council objects to this application

No decision

6/2012/0417 13 Gover Close, Ridge, Wareham

Remove existing conservatory and erect single storey extension

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.

No decision

6/2012/0418 Dove Cottage, Barnhill Road, Ridge, Wareham

Remodelling of cottage, attic conversion and extension

AgreedParish Council objects to this application

No decision

6/2012/0419 Worgret Manor Hotel, Worgret

Change existing hotel into private residence.

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.

No decision

6/2012/0423 Hazel Lodge, 6 Stoborough Meadows, Wareham

Install photovoltaic solar panels SW facing rear roof

AgreedParish Council has no objections to this application.

No decision

12/88Planning Applications Received

The Parish Council considered the following planning applications :

6/2012/0464Broomhill, Grange Road, Wareham

2 storey extension

AgreedParish Council has no objections

Councillor R Scragg declared a personal interest in this matter under the Code of Conduct as owner of 3 The Meerings and, as it was a prejudicial interest, left the meeting before its consideration.

6/2012/0465 3 & 4 The Meerings, Arne Road, Ridge

Removal Condition 11 to provide pedestrian access

AgreedParish Council has no objections

6/2012/0466 Slepe Farm, Arne

Construct replacement dwelling and employment use at Slepe Farm
AgreedParish Council objects to this application :

1. No detail on foul sewage disposal or connection

2. Increase from 1 bedroom flat to large 3 bedroom house within the 400m buffer zone - this is always opposed by Natural England elsewhere in the area so must be opposed in this very rural and sensitive area. The footprint has trebled so overdevelopment of residential area.

3. Reduction of office space resulting in change of use but no details as to future use but still retaining the full 15 car spaces for parking. This is not an industrial estate and should never become one.

4. Lack of detail on the type of employment use envisaged for this site - original covenant was for natural conservancy use only and this should be adhered to. Future employment uses might result in HGV vehicles accessing site and the roads are totally impractical for this use.

5. Traffic impact on roads that can barely allow 2 cars to pass without passing places being put in place; original employment use did not encourage large HGV delivery vehicles to access the site.

6. Arne Road and the area round Slepe Farm is part of the Purbeck Cycleway; large vehicles would increase health and safety risks to road users.Nutcrack Lane has width restriction so vehicles would use New Road or come via CorfeCastle. None of the roads have any classification, were not built to take HGV traffic so damage to the highway will be inevitable, damage to verges where HGVs or large vehicles have to pass each other as seen on other rural roads in the area and these verges around Arne and Slepe have conservation value for wild flowers.

7. Water supply is through 1" pipe and has supported Maranoa Slepe Farm and Slepe Farm but if larger house is built and more employment brought in, the supply will not support both farms.

8. Impact of large development on the character of the area and visual aspect from the open countryside and public highway.

9. No detail for the new employment building. Approval cannot be given when there is so little detail.

10. Parish Council understands this is an outline application only but believes this is inappropriate due to the sensitivity and national importance of the area. A full application should be submitted with all details shown to allay fears of inappropriate development.
6/2012/0467 Worgret Manor Hotel, Worgret Road, Wareham (Listed)

Change of use from hotel to residential

AgreedParish Council has no objections and as this application is being declared invalid, if the replacement applications have the same details as this one, the Parish Council will have no objections to them either.

6/2012/0472 10 Hollow Oak Road, Stoborough

Single storey extension and raised roof for accommodation plus detached garage.
AgreedWhilst the Parish Council has no objections to this proposal and the site is large enough, there is concern at the visual impact from the open countryside over which it looks. Planning officers might consider screening to be appropriate.
6/2012/0481 Newlands, New Road, Stoborough

Formation of sun lounge

AgreedParish Council has no objections.

7.Accounts for Payment

12/89Authorisation was given for the payment of the following accounts and the cheques were signed:-

Power / Name / Reason / Amount
LGA 1972 s111, 151 / MD Weller / Petty Cash / £25.00
LGA 1972 s111, / MD Weller / phone/mileage / £163.50
LGA 1972 ss112 / MD Weller / Clerk's salary / 367.31
LGA 1972 ss112 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / £91.60
Total / £647.41

8.Additional Items for Discussion

12/90Clerk advised Knightstone Housing Association had been invoiced for their contribution towards the dog bin installed at Scotts Close.

12/91Clerk reported that Wareham & District Development Trust were taking the lead in resurfacing the river towpath (FP20) from Redcliffe to SouthBridge. They had some quotations but were waiting for 2 more. County Council Rights of Way has a funding source for this work and there are other appropriate funds available. The work will go ahead once the contractor has been chosen and the funding in place.

The Chairman thanked all those present for attending and the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.



Planning Meeting will be on 6th September2012at 7.00 pm if there are applications to discuss

Next meeting will held on the 20th September 2012 at 7.30 pm

Arne Parish Council 16.08.2012 …………………………….