Highnam Parish Council

Lassington Oak Highnam ~ Linton~Over~Lassington

Minutes ofa Meeting of the Highnam Parish Council held in The Old School

on Tuesday 12th January 2010 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs R Hanbury (Chairman), D Davies, M Heenan, A Campbell, M McGillion, R Head,

D Nelson.

In attendance: Mrs J Rosam (Clerk), Cllr P Awford (Gloucestershire County Council), 3 members of the public.

Before the business of the meeting, a maximum of 15 minutes will be allowed for questions and comments from members of the public.

Items discussed included rubbish collection and gritting of roads during the snow, Cllrs Awford and Davies would be following these up. The footpath around the spine would be discussed under agenda item 7. Cllr Awford also agreed to look at the barriers on the cycle path which may not allow disabled access.

Presentation by Julie Davies of Tewkesbury Borough Council on new recycling arrangements. Julie was unable to attend due to the poor weather; she will be attending next month.

  1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr E Keene.

  1. Members of the Council are invited to declare any interest they may have in the business setout below


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th November 2009.

The minutes were received and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.

  1. CountyCouncillor’s Report

The weather was dominating the news; priority was being given to gritting A and B roads. The programme of staff redundancies at the County Council was continuing. Cllr Awford was planning to meet with Richard Gray from Highways to review the condition of the roads.

  1. District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Davies was concerned about the recycling/rubbish collection and was planning to report this to an Executive meeting at the Borough. The Clerk was asked to write and support these views.

  1. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk started her report by noting the sad news that Pat Duggan, the Council’s youth worker for a number of years, had died.

Request to alter date of meeting from September 14th to September 7th 2010 – agreed.

Phil Taylor, Chairman of FC Highnam, explained to Council about the club’s plans to ask the Borough for security of tenure on the playing field so that they could apply for grant money towards the new changing rooms. Council was happy with this but wanted to ensure that the field remained for the use of the entire village and that arrangements were made for responsibility for the changing room should the club fold. Clerk to write to the Borough and ask that the Council is allowed to see the lease before it is signed.


  • Joint Core Strategy meeting on 18th January
  • Emergency Planning Workshop on 10th February


To consider quotations received for:

Refurbishment of bus shelters

A report on the condition of the bus shelters and quotation from Jobs 4 U were circulated and it was agreed to accept the quotation which totalled a maximum cost of £640.

Footpath around spine road

Three quotations had been received and were circulated. Council agreed that it only wanted a road stone path and the Clerk was asked to contact Greenfields again to ask for an amended quotation, altering the size and depth of the path originally quoted.

A request had been received from Highnam Parochial Church Council that Council pay for lighting in the new car park. It was agreed to ask them for a quotation before a decision could be made.

Cllr Campbell reported that work on the new playground had stalled due to the snow but it was hoped that it would be completed by the end of January. The official opening and publicity was being planned. Cllr Head was able to obtain turf and offered to assist with laying and it was requested that the project should stay within budget if at all possible.


‘Talking Transport’ consultation questionnaire.

No debate on this item. Cllr Hanbury agreed to complete a questionnaire.

It was noted that the proposed Park & Ride at Linton had been put on hold. Council expressed concern about the hatchings outside Linton Lodge and the Clerk was asked to write to the Director of Environment at the County Council requesting that they continue to press the Highways Agency for either traffic lights or improved visibility splay at the junction.

A draft order had been received from the Highways Agency concerning the gaps in the central reservation on the A40. The inspection period is from 15th January – 5th February.

The Clerk reported that she had contacted the County Council to request a speed survey around the spine road and it was hoped to carry this out in the spring.

9.Community Centre

Cllr Heenan reported that quotations were being obtained for the refurbishment of the Old School. There were currently problems with the heaters in the halls. Two events had been successful: Fred Wedlock and the Salvation Army concert.


The Clerk explained that she would be identifying the Powers under which payments are made in the minutes. This list would be in the minute book and available to Councillors if requested.

Invoices for payment

Payments made by standing orders RBS account
28/01/2010 / JA Rosam - Salary / s/o / 53 / £457.00
Cheques – RBC account
12/01/2010 / WJ Gough / 964 / 28 / £70.00
12/01/2010 / Guy Shankster - grounds / 965 / 41 / £69.88
12/01/2010 / The Benefice Press - advertising / 966 / 37 / £208.00
Additional invoices
12/01/2010 / HCCT – room hire November / 967 / 29 / £16.00
12/01/2010 / GRCC – annual membership / 968 / 57 / £25.00

All agreed

Bank reconciliation

RBS Account
Balance at 28/10/2009 / £26,402.49 / Payments January 2010 / £804.88
Payments Nov/Dec 2009 / £1,773.17 / Restricted funds / £18,077.18
£24,629.32 / £18,882.06
Operating balance / £5,747.26
Co-Op accounts
Community Direct Plus / Business Select 14 Day
Balance at 30/10/2009 / £5,598.29 / Balance at 27/08/2009 / £10.00
Interest / £0.56
Transfer to Rec Grd a/c / £4,500.00
£1,098.85 / Operating balance / £1,108.85
Recreation Ground Project
Balance at 28/10/2009 / £2,413.36
Transfers / £4,500.00
Payments Nov/Dec 2009 / £1,292.88
Uncleared cheques / £ 4,240.64 / Operating balance / £1,379.84

Noted that the operating balance for the Co-op account was £246.91 following the payment of a cheque. It was then agreed.

A request for a grant had been received from The Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury – not agreed.


09/01274/FUL / Mr C Barringer / 4 Lassington Grove, Highnam / Single Storey extension

No objection.

12.Residual items


The meeting closed at 8.55pm.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 9th February 2010

Signed______Date ______