Example for Special Schools (MLD)

About this unit: KS2 RE and the Expressive Arts

Prior learning / Technical Vocabulary / Resources
It would be helpful if
*Pupils have previous experience of Bible stories. / In this unit children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to:-
*Stories in the Bible. / *Symbols of emotions.
*Children’s illustrated Bible.
*Dressing up clothes.
At the end of this unit
Most children will: / Be able to use some religious words to recall a Bible story.
Talk about what they have learnt from the story.
Some children will not have made so much progress and will: / Draw a picture to illustrate part of a Bible story.
Some children will have progressed further and will: / Be able to retell a Bible story in some detail.
Be able to describe the emotions of some of the Bible characters.
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Learning outcomes / Contribution to other Curriculum Areas
Respect emotions and feelings of all people. / Use voice to convey feelings and meanings of single words e.g. happy, sad, cross, worried excited, tired etc. / Have opportunity to think about feelings and meanings. / English – speaking and listening.
PSHE / Citizenship
Learn stories from the Bible to explore human behaviour and feelings.
Use drama to explore ways that God looks after people. / Read or tell any of the following stories.
All are excellent examples to use for dance, drama and role-play.
*The Prodigal Son- ‘hot seat’ feelings about things you would like but are not old enough to have experienced or owned. What would you do if you were very rich, or won the lottery?
*The Good Samaritan- choices and excuses for doing something we don’t want to do. Act out the story. Use modern day examples of the characters.
*The life and stories of Moses from birth, finding the baby in the bulrushes, life of a slave in BC Egypt. Use drama and role-play using ‘The Plagues’, the ‘Passover’, leaving Egypt, wandering in the desert, 10 commandments, and the ‘Promised land’. / Begin to learn how Bible stories can be relevant to our life in the 21st century.
Have opportunities to use drama to express feelings and emotions.

Suggested Assessment Task: Refer to special school’s assessment sheet.