Minutes of Wirral Cycling Annual Group Meeting
Lever Club Port Sunlight
Apologies: Beryl Westbury, Yvonne Attwood, Paul Malloy,Bridget Lambert, Sue James, Barbara Murdock, Kevin Hadfield, Irene Doran, Jill McNamee, Lynda Murray, Ian & Mary Ritchie, Jo Whittam, Sue Fowler, Barbara Etty
Present: Chris Mudd, Pauline & Martin Cartwright, Sonia Oldershaw, Tony Littleford, Gillian Fachiri, Roy Sheriff, Carolyn & Neil Ross-Jones, Peggy Challis, Steve Huskisson, Peter Williams, Sue & Andy Mace, Steve Whittaker, Sue Hughes, Jan Ball, Bob Beamish, Clare Proctor, David Brewer, Sheila Coetzee, Bernie Mylett
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action/OwnerWelcome & Introduction to the committee from the Chair Andy Mace
Weds Facebook Write Ups / Great write ups, many thanks to Ian / Tony proposed thanks for Ian Hughes’s write ups
Secretary Role / Secretary – Barbara Murdock has stood down, many thanks for many years of service and Sonia Oldershaw has taken on this role. / Sonia’s appointment proposed and seconded by Clare Proctor Chris Mudd
Other committee members / Barbara Gill Tony – Agreed as committee members Positions all approved / Proposed and seconded Clare Proctor Chris Mudd
Treasurer (Carolyn Ross) Chair (Andy Mace) Membership Secretary (Neil Ross) / Positions all approved / Proposed and Seconded by Steve Huskisson and Clare Proctor
Chairman’s report / Ride Stats:
Weds 48 rides and 4 cancellations – average 12 riders (plus Kevin’s) – Main leaders Chris, Gill, Peter and Andy.
Sundays 20 rides – average 7 riders, Kevin, Neil and Andy principal leaders
Andy encouraged other people to lead rides if they felt comfortable.
Club wants 3-6 members per annum to do first aid course to keep skills levels high. Peter Williams thanked all riders who helped with incident earlier this year, collective skills are important, and everyone rallied around.
Thanks to all ride leaders given by Sue Hughes. Roy Sherriff also added his thanks.
Andy reflected on rides this year and the most memorable events including café stops. Café stops were cafes where closed. Muddy & wet rides with 20 miles to go home and the Shrewsbury weekend, kindly organised by Tony Littleford.
Andy reflected on incidents where we have had safety risks. He advocated group splits for safety. Also discussed giving horses enough space.
Dog friendly weekends away had been raised as a query for future organised events, however Bob Beamish voiced some concerns re this. Carolyn summarised by saying as with everything we do it is always good to reflect from time to time and see if we need to do things differently although as Tony L said organising these weekends is complicated already, there are members pro and against this idea!
Bikeathon / Wirral Cycling marshal ¼ of route.
Andy gave thanks to Ian Richie for work over the years on signage. Tony L has volunteered to take this role over, Tony like another volunteer to help with this.
Thanks,given to Chris Mudd for stepping in and organising the event admirably this year giving Sonia Oldershaw a break. Andy asked if anyone else would like to do the organisation instead of Sonia? (who is happy to do this again if needed)
We are also looking also for marshals for future events.
Clare Proctor volunteered to help Sonia in organisation going forward.
Chris Mudd thanked all marshals from this year and other years.
£175 given to WCG by Bikeathon Committee for their help. Agreed to use this money this year for donations to club shirts. Andy suggested same amount should be given to charity such as Wirral Cycling Hub. Going forward he suggests that any funds generated from Bikeathon should go to a charity nominated by organiser of Bikeathon. Bernie endorsed that it was as a good idea to support local charities and asked if club could afford this. Carolyn said this needs to be considered but she will report later re finances. Bob B suggested all Wirral Clubs should be asked to donate and wants club to be cautious. Andy stressed this is an idea is for future consideration.
Thankyou’s / Thanks, given by Andy for organising weekends away to Kevin, Tony and Sonia. Thanks to Sonia for email and other tasks she does and to other committee members.
Treasures Report by Carolyn / Carolyn Read report to Group. (see report)
Deficit forecasted in this year’s accounts,however Treasurer reported as not an issue as there is historical surplus of c £1800
Membership Report by Neil / Neil read report (see report)
Discussion about less riders on Sunday, no real understanding of this. Bob B raised issue that return rides were too fast and believed that people were left to make their way home. Discussion about this within the group with several riders saying they had not been left and provision was made for the everyone’s return.
Andy does not believe Sunday rides should change- Sundays are traditionally longer and faster rides.
Bikeathon Report / Sonia said all had been covered, next event is 10 June 18 and instructions will go out after Xmas
New Rider Feedback / Andy asked for feedback: new members said they felt welcomed and comments about many comments about leaders working hard to look after their riders. Back markers also endorsed as a good idea.
Member Items:
Subsidised Club shirts/ Membership fee / Roy Sheriff suggested we have subsidised shirts. Great advertising for club. Bernie endorsed this as good advertising and good for camaraderie.
Roy thinks fee could increase to help fund shirts. Sonia reflected our ability to subsidise shirts, this will always be less than bigger clubs.
19 people showed interest in buying a club shirt at cost approx. c £35. View that we would get min 20 people needed to get a club order subsidy.
Roy S volunteered to work on design.
At this moment in time committee have voted no increase in fees is needed.
Accounts and Minutes / Roy asked for ¼ ly accounts and minutes to be published. Committee agreed that more committee updates would be valuable and
Sonia agreed to publish more info going forward. It was also suggested summary of the minutes are put on website with link on email. Andy did point out that there were v few meetings last year, hopefully going forward this will change. Andy suggested members review communications to members at next committee meeting.
Ride classification / Chris Mudd suggested we provide classifications on rides on weekly emails etc with verbal information on speed and hills etc.
Also raised issue about new riders and suggested all new riders shouldread ride description before and get in touch with leader in advance to ensure ride is suitable. Bob B raised concerns about club ethos and said club is going too fast. Several riders expressed the view that there will be 2 rides going forward going forward to ensure all riders catered for.
Tony proposed:
1)At ride leaders meeting ABC ride definition determined
2)At least 1 C ride a month (8-10 miles an hour average)
Leaders meeting organised for 20 Nov – venue Sonia’s
Members invited to email ideas to be discussed at leaders meeting- emails to Sonia or Andy or Wirral Cycling
Peter’s Letter / Peter raised: Start Points/Descriptors/Outbound further destinations/ difficulty at stations.
Agreed to discuss at leaders group
AOB / Peggy C asked if it is OK to join a ride at an interim destination- Andy confirmed its ok
Roy raised riders having a medical card with them on a ride – Andy confirmed he will laminate cards for anyone and club support everyone carrying a medical info card. There is a website to help print from.
Roy suggested this info should be on WCG web site. Also, to go on ride leaders’ agenda.
Carolyn asked if AGM should be weekend or Sunday – no one raised hand for Sunday afternoons therefore will be evening event.
Tony gave thanks to Sandra for standing in when he was ill last Shrewsbury weekend. Tony asked for view on Preston as next year’s destination- view was that was it was a goodvenue.