Summary Sheet
1835 Market Street, Suite 2410
Philadelphia PA 19103-2968
Fund For Children(FFC) grants support Philadelphia-based youth leadership development organizations. Funded organizations successfully engage youth to become skilled decision makers and action-oriented leaders. Grants support both organizational and program-specific needs including program resources and technical assistance for program-related planning and curriculum development. Eligible organizationsoffer programs that have a youth leadership development theory of change. This includes youth engagement in organizational and program development and implementation; acurriculumthat includes social, emotional and political themes and content; civic engagement opportunities;and authentic youth-adult partnerships.
The Fund for Children
- Grants range from $2,500 up to $50,000and no more than 10% of organizational budget
- Serving children and youth ages 0 -18
Application Process for Strategic Investment in Youth
Organizations seeking funding from the FFCshould call The Philadelphia Foundation first to speak with a Program Officer.
Applicants are required to complete anapplication and budget template.Please upload the application and supplemental materials to the Fund For Children Drop Box. All applications delivered successfully will receive an automatic response. If you do not receive an automatic response, please call us to ensure that your materials are received.
Applications cannot be considered until the following supplemental documents have also been submitted electronically:
- 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter
- List of Board of Directors
- Three years of audits (if your organization does not have audits, we will accept your IRS 990)
- Current PA Bureau of Charitable Organizations Certificate
- Board-approved Nondiscrimination Policy
- FFCbudget template
Important Considerations
- Requests should demonstrate a history of youth programming. Pilot programs within organizations should demonstrate previous experience working with youth.
- Organizations cannot apply to both the FFC and TPF’s regular Discretionary Grantmaking within the same calendar year.
- Organizations receiving Discretionary Grants are still eligible for YOUTHadelphia grants.
The Fund for Children was established as part of a lease agreement between the City of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Phillies baseball and Philadelphia Eagles football teams.The $2 million annual investment supports programs to improve the quality of life for children and youth in Philadelphia.
Organization: / Counties Served:Date: / Date incorporated:
Executive Director: / Tax ID #:
Address: / City, State, ZIP:
Phone No.: / Website URL:
Email address:
Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable): / Fiscal Sponsor's Tax ID #:
Address: / City, State, ZIP:
Phone No.: / Website URL:
Fax No.: / Email address:
Program Name
Total Program Budget
Request Amount
Your organization MUST complete the online Eligibility Wizard in order to submit an application. Have you completed the Eligibility Wizard on The Philadelphia Foundation's website? Click in the appropriate box to the right.
Current year
Previous year
2 years prior
3 years prior
*Refer to organization’s audited financials or completed 990 in reflecting revenue and expense in previous years. Current year’s figures can be based on budget forecast.Use unrestricted totals.
BOARD of DIRECTORS: Check any that apply and indicate what percentage of your Board, where appropriate.
Female % Male % Genderqueer or non-binary %
LGBTQI+ % Differently Abled % Youth (13 – 18) %
Program Alumni % Immigrants %
Caucasian %
Black or African American %
Latinx or Hispanic %
Asian or Asian American % / Native American %
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Isl. %
Middle Eastern %
Other: %
SENIOR MANAGEMENT: Check any that apply and indicate the percentage of your senior management where appropriate.
Female % Male % Genderqueer or non-binary %
LGBTQI+ % Differently Abled % Youth (13 – 18) %
Program Alumni % Immigrants %
Caucasian %
Black or African American %
Latinx or Hispanic %
Asian or Asian American % / Native American %
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Isl. %
Middle Eastern %
Other: %
POPULATIONS SERVED: Check any that apply and indicate the percentage of your client population where appropriate.
Terminal Illness %
Incarcerated %
Returning Citizens or formerly
incarcerated %
Adjudicated youth %
Immigrants %
History of sexual, physical
or psychological abuse %
Addiction % / Women/girls %
Men/boys %
Genderqueer or non-binary %
LGBTQI+ % Housing Insecure %
Diagnosed with a developmental
disability %
Blind/visually impaired %
Orphaned children
(have lost one or more parents) %
Infants (0-3) %
Children (3-12) %
Teenage Youth (13-18) % / Elderly %
Adults %
Caucasian %
Black or African American %
Latinx or Hispanic %
Asian or Asian American % / Native American %
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Isl. %
Middle Eastern %
Other: %
What is the total number of unduplicated individuals served or represented by your organization's programs and services in the past year?
What percentage of the constituency served or representedby your organization could be classified as low-income?
Organization: %
Program: %
What is the methodology used to determine the figure quoted above?
Mission of organization:
In no more than 200 words, provide an overview of your organization,including past and present initiatives.
In no more than 150 words, briefly summarize what you are seeking funding for.
Responses must be in narrative form.
- What are the organization’syouth-specific objectives?
- What are theorganization’s youth development outcomes (short-, medium-, and long-term)? How are they measured?
- What activities are used to achieve youth programobjectives? (E.g. workshops, field trips, etc.)
- What resources are used to implement, support and/or drive your youth programmingdelivery? (E.g. Staff, community networks, other youth groups, funders, etc.)
- How doesthe organization civically engage young people?
- How do youth contribute to the design/planningand implementation of youth programs?
- What opportunities exist for youth to influence organizational policies and practices?
- How is the organizationinclusive of all young people regardless of race, class, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, economic status, physical/cognitive ability, citizenship status, nationality, ethnicity and/or religious affiliation?
- In what ways does the organization’sstaff foster appropriate youth-adult relationships and partnerships?
- What professional, academic or community experience do staff bring to organization programming?
- Describe all professional development opportunitiesrelated to youth development that program staff receive. (E.g.Staff are trained in trauma-informed program best practices).
- Are all program staff and volunteer child abuse clearances up to date including PA Child abuse, criminal history, and FBI fingerprinting? If not, please explain.
Please upload this form as well as a copy of the documents listed above to: Fund For Children Drop Box.
If you have any questions please call a Fund for Children program officer at 215-563-6417.