Minutes of Wigston Central Surgery PPG Meeting 24.4.17
In Attendance- Denise randell (Chairperson), Jane Sinfield (Practice Manager), Dr Sangita Ravat, Andrea Stevenson, Chandrika Patel, Judy Warner, Judith Wilson, Rebecca Smith, David and Vivienne Hedges
Apologies- Arvinder Lotay, Angela Thody, Bill Pickering, May Hilton
The minutes were approved from the previous meeting.
Updates from Jane Sinfield Business/Practice Manager
JS informed the PPG that Dr Ravat is the GP who will represent Wigston Central Surgery doctors at PPG meetings in the future.
Long Street Surgery EMIS site was officially closed on 24.4.17. All the patients who were registered at Long Street Surgery have now registered or been registered with other GP practices. WCS patient list size is now 12150. JS reported that Open Morning Surgery is very very busy. DH asked if there is anything we can do to ‘educate’ patients how to look after themselves better in order to reduce the number of patients attending the open morning surgery sessions. It was generally agreed that the PPG has worked hard at promoting patients to see the Advanced Nurse Practitioners and work done through its past and future Health Awareness campaigns is hopefully aiding and educating patients to look after themselves better and signposting them to what help there is in the community.
A new GP has been appointed at the practice to replace Dr Blaze. DR Chawla will start at the practice on 2.5.17. He is a former partner of another practice. He will work 5 sessions at WCS –All day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
To date WCS has 2100 patients per doctor where the national average is 1800 patients per doctor. JS stated that closing the patient list at the surgery is not an option as GP/patient list sizes is a nationwide problem with a GP shortage.
JS reported that to date WCS has not had a CQC inspection yet. The Practice is working hard to get everything ready for the impending imminent inspection.
JS asked AS if she had received information to compile a display board highlighting ‘The Day in the Life of a Receptionist’ AS had not received the relevant information to date in order to do the display, highlighting all the work that they do and what a demanding job it is being on the frontline of the practice. JS explained that some patients are very self- focussed and there has been a lot of backlash from patients with the receptionists about the changes to ordering repeat prescriptions, which is a directive from the ELRCCG to help reduce medicine wastage. DR, VH and DH asked JS to pass thanks on to the staff for their professionalism when handling some very difficult confrontations.
JS explained that the Wigston Two Steeples building now has a few unused rooms since the closure of Long Street surgery. The NHS building is non - profit making. Some of the rooms have been rented out to NHS audiology and paediatric audiology outreach appointments. WCS also has links with Nuffield Hospital. It is hoped that in the near future some of the rooms will be rented out by some of the consultants from Nuffield hospital for private consultationsand NHS patients using choose and book. 11 consultants have so far expressed an interest to use the building which also has a minor operations suite. The hiring out of the rooms will help towards the running costs of the building.
JS thanked AS and DR for all the work they did on the Medicine Wastage campaign. As the campaign was seen as an example of ‘good practice’, Shazia Patel from ELRCCG asked them to take the display to the last area meeting 27.3.17 to share with other PPGs in East Leicestershire and Rutland.AS produced a handout on how to compile a display board for other PPGs.
Patient Survey February 2017
DR brought to the meeting the results of the WCS patient Survey and shared them with everybody. DR passed on her thanks to AM for sending through a proforma for the questionnaire and also to AT who helped DR to compile the patient questionnaire for 2017. DR also expressed her thanks to everybody on the PPG who gave their time to come to the surgery to hand out the survey to patients. In total 263 patients completed the questionnaire during the focus week. Thank you to all patients who completed the questionnaire. Thank you to DR for all of her hard work analysing and producing the excellent results. The results of the survey will be displayed on the PPG board at the surgery plus AS will do a display showing the results and outcomes which are very positive for WCS so well done to everybody! What a Great Team!!
Judy Warner gave Denise an example of how questions on patient surveys could be phrased for patients with learning difficulties. This will be taken into account for the next survey so that people with learning disabilities can access the survey and be included.
First Contact Plus
Unfortunately Debbie Preston from First Contact Plus failed to attend the meeting . DR to make contact with her again to hopefully arrange another meeting as the PPG would like to advertise this service to all patients.
ELRCCG/PPG meeting Leicester Racecourse March 27th 2017
AS to email PPG members minutes of this meeting plus the powerpoint presentations given by the speakers.
Bushloe surgery PPG has contacted Wigston Central Surgery PPG proposing that Wigston Two Steeples Medical Centre has some signage erected at the junction of Station Road and Abington Close. The signage was approved by WCS PPG.
AS will email PPG members regarding forming a working party for a campaign ‘Engaging with the Community’ in the near future.
The date for the next meeting is 7.8.17 6.30pm