Present: John Purkiss in the Chair, Marian & Bob Kuyper, Daphne Harvey, Rose Phillips, Gordon Stevens, Iris Crane, Dave Bowling, Cris Bowling Cook, Linda & Fred Mulley, Jan & Neil Fawcitt, Jo Wakeling, David Smith, Peter Risk, Pam Painter, Michael Keal, Fraser Massey, Matthew McGettigan, J Beard, Robert Quick, Lesley Keefe.
Apologies: Brian Martin, Chris & Kim Ford, Canon Paul Robinson, Sue Sammons, Steve Swinney, Karen Dobson, Jill Draper, Mike Tarbard, Scott Sullivan, James Thomas, Cynthia Adams, Rosie Roast, members of Thameside Nature Park
Marian had received a request from Mike Tarbard:-
Can I please make a request. I understand the concern that residents have over lorries. However it is wrong to refer to them using the Bata factory site. Bata closed down in 2006 and the site is now owned by 1 Big Storage and the site is known as the Thames Industrial Estate. As Chairman of the Bata Heritage Centre I would not want to see or hear of the Bata name being used incorrectly and in a derogatory manner. I hope you and all members of The Welcom Forum understand where I am coming from on this one.
Matthew McGettigan reported there had been no further damage to signage around the lake since the last meeting. The worse parts of the footpath had been patched up so you could cycle safely along them now. This was a temporary fix a better job would be done when resources are available. Cattle Egrets had been seen on the park they differed from ordinary egrets in that they have shorter yellow beaks, unfortunately they only visited for one day. There were still places available on the Halloween event on Monday 31st October. Adverts were being placed in the Thurrock Gazette on a fortnightly basis. A Catering Officer had now been appointed. Members of the Forum questioned the cost of some of the events would it be possible to have lower costs especially the children led ones. Perhaps a postcode discount or two for one. Matthew reported that the half term week had been as busy as the school summer holiday helped by the excellent weather. There had been one incident involving a motor bike and the police had given them an incident number.
Fraser updated the Forum regarding Friends of Gobions Park. They had a strong committee with new members joining all the time the new website is which has all up to date information. Grays Football Trust has donated £400 and Small Sparks £250 to the fund, the Forum handed over a cheque for £2,000 as agreed at the AGM back in June. There had been a meeting with Sue McPherson from Thurrock Council at the park who was totally backing the group. More fund raising would be going on in the coming months a sponsored walk on 3rd December starting at the park and finishing at St. Catherine’s Church . On 28th January there would be a family race night at the Ship Pub in East Tilbury. Janice Fawsitt has been in touch with Luke Love also of the council and he had found a new seat for the zip wire. It was hoped that Sue McPherson would help the group cut through all the red tape associated with this project. John Purkiss urged the group to keep Luke Love on board as he would also be very useful in the park redevelopment. Linda Mulley asked what could be done to stop the vandals that frequently damaging areas of the park. Fraser replied that he had a very good spy network of people whose houses overlook the park and it was hoped future vandalism could be stopped. It was agreed that most of this was carried out be children not living in the area. Linda said that if we could have a hub building in the park it would reduce the vandalism as there would always be people on site. It was stressed that it would be helpful if local children could be encouraged to have some input as to what they would like to see the park developed and educating them to look after it. Janice replied that hopefully local children would be on board for doing the artwork on the skate ramps.
There is still a big problem with HGV movements throughout the night from the Thameside Industrial site. The caretaker of Stanford House, Cliff Musson had been very vigilant on reporting to the council details of vehicles ignoring the enforcement order in place. Sue Sammons our councillor would be attending the November meeting hopefully with Mr.Musson, the manager of Thameside Industrial site and a member of Thurrock Council to discuss this matter. In 2018 Walsh are due to finish so that will reduce the lorry movements through the village.
Janice and Rose have signed up for a Speed Watch Course if anyone else would like to sign up please let Janice or Marian know so their names can be put forward.
A total of 565 cars had been counted in one hour going down the Muckingford Road, most of them exceeding the speed limit.
The secretary agreed once again to write to the council to see if a 20mph speed limit could be put in place outside East Tilbury primary school.
Walton Hall Lane had been heavily used the last week due to Buckingham Hill Road being closed for re-surfacing. John Beard who lives in Walton Hall Lane had called the council regarding lorries unable to get past each other on a particular bend and the council did respond immediately by putting in temporary traffic lights. The road has been left in a bad state of repair with the banks breaking down and putting mud on the road. John also reported that motor bikes are still using Walton Hall Lane every weekend to go off road scrambling, plus 4 x 4’s racing down the road. The road congestion this week is just a foretaste of what it will be like if planning permission is given for 500 houses in Linford – almost impossible to get out of the area from the 3 very narrow country lanes which access the area.
Canon Paul Robinson is hoping to call a meeting of the Sports Hall Committee in the near future. John reassured the committee that all the problems we have experienced with the hall will be solved by Christmas.
No news to report on this. A total of 137 residents objected. John Purkiss to find out when the planning committee of the council will discuss the matter. An email received by Sue Sammons regarding the 106 monies is disturbing just two of the items listed are £500 to print leaflets for all households on how to use the level crossing and anti-skid tarmac at the level crossing. We must fight to make sure if the development goes ahead, which we do NOT want, that the 106 money stays in Linford and East Tilbury and does not go elsewhere in Thurrock. This 106 money must be spent on Education, Health and Highways.
Janice reported that no decision had been made at the moment as to where the new crossing will be. Local businesses are urging the government to make a decision quickly.
Rose reported that buses and traffic are still speeding through West Tilbury.
Dave Bowling and John Purkiss volunteered to go to the police meeting at East Tilbury Library the following day to the police meeting to complain regarding the lack of police presence in the area.
Cris Bowling Cook complained about the number of multi occupancy dwellings in the area. Surely the council could put a stop to any more being approved. Dave said that some of privately ownedrented accomdation were in a disgusting state with black mould on the walls. John pointed out that it was up to the residents to complain to the landlords about these matters.
Maxine would like our notice board out of the post office and John Purkiss volunteered to ask Cliff Musson if it could be put on the outside of Stanford House. Marian to email Cliff as well.
Pam Painter reminded everyone that there would be a Remembrance Service at the War Memorial at 10.50 on 13th November and Dave said there would be one at Coalhouse Fort on 27th November. The Christmas Bazaar at St. Catherine’s would be on Saturday 3rd December 10.00 – 2.30.
Next Meeting Thursday 24th November 7.30 at Linford Methodist Church.
All the Minutes of Forum meetings can be found at