Clerk: Wendy Gray
25 Windsurf Bank, Tallington
Tel: 01778 341496
Present: Cllr R Clarke
Cllr S Forward
Cllr T Pearson – Chairman
Cllr J Stannage – Vice Chairman
In Attendance: Wendy Gray Parish Clerk, Mrs J Burrows
- Apologies for Absence:
- Declaration of Interest: None
- Planning:
- Minutes of meeting held on 12th December 2011: These were approved and signed.
- Matters arising from the Minutes:
- Council web site – Cllr Forward and Parish Clerk will receive training in the first instance. Date to be agreed (30th January).
- Highways Officer – Parish Clerk had written to highways listing items raised but response received from PCC asked for further clarification/information so that the appropriate and right person(s) from highways be invited to discuss our requests. Agenda item for next meeting to prepare document.
- Vacancy – co-option to take place at next meeting. Agenda item for February.
- Cllr Clarke attended Rural Neighbourhood North meeting (see below).
- Seat to be ordered and delivery to be made to Cllr Clarke’s address.
- Banking forms to add further signatories received – Cllr Stannage will start to complete his details.
- Precept 2012/2013: It was agreed that the precept should remain the same as last year. Proposed Cllr Clarke all in agreement. Parish Clerk to complete forms and return by due date.
- Finance:
Invoice Parish Clerk – Expenses - £91.90
Invoice Parish Clerk – Tax payment - £88.82
- Special Projects:Boat Launch Facility (under the A1 Bridge) road goes down to sewerage pumping station. May need to request 2 trees be lopped down, need to have discussions with Environment Agency. Grants may be available. Request to be made in writing by Parish Clerk - Cllr Clarke to draw up proposed plan for consideration and forward to clerk.
- Diamond Jubilee 2nd – 5th June 2012:A committee has been set up to organise an event for Sunday 3rd June. A member of the Parish Council has been approached to seek the councils view on 1 or 2 issues the committee would like the Parish Council to help with.
- Funding for publicity
- Could they make use of Parish Council’s third party insurance
- Drinks licence – to cover licence application fee
- Correspondence:
Augean Newsletter had been circulated.
Cllr Sortwell had sent in report from the last Communicare meeting on matters arising.
John Wilcockson, Tree Officer had replied to our request and asked that we schedule some dates for the Spring to look at various trees within the village that may need attention.
- Matters for Consideration: Living Villages report - Cllr Clarke will prepare report for Living Villages for February and Cllr Stannage will prepare report for March.
- Reports from Councillors: Cllr Clarke attended Rural Neighbourhood Meeting. No projects planned for Wansford, reducing size of capital budget with one exception there may be money available for cycle way through Wansford, too late for this year may know until earliest April 2013.
Monday 13th February 2012 Monday 12th March 2012
Cllr Forward apologised will not be able to attend February or March meetings.
Cllr Pearson apologised in advance that will not be able to attend May meeting.
The meeting closed at 9 p.m. / Actioned by:
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Cllr Clarke
/Parish Clerk
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Stannage
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Signed: ……………………………………. Date: ………………………..
T Pearson, Chairman