Belle of Baton Rouge Hotel

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

February 23, 2011

2:00 P.M.


Chairman Honorable Harry Morel, Jr. called the meeting to order.

The following Board members were present: Dan Schaub, proxy for Sheriff Doug Anderson, Honorable Harry Morel, Jr., proxy for Honorable Trent Brignac, Honorable Harry Morel, Jr., proxy for Honorable Don Burkett, Honorable Harry Morel, Jr., proxy for Honorable Michael Cassidy, Cynthia Austin, proxy for Honorable Paul Connick, Jr., Jeremy Cryer, Lt. Trevor Smith, proxy for Superintendent Michael Edmonson, Honorable Harry Morel, Jr., proxy for Sheriff Sid Gautreaux, Lt. James Broussard, proxy for Chief Mike Knaps, Karen Matthews, proxy for Sheriff Wayne Melancon and Honorable Harry J. Morel, Jr.

Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement staff present were: Joseph “Joey” Watson, Executive Director, Kathy Guidry, Federal Programs Section Manager, Charlotte Gautreau, Byrne/JAG Program Manager, and Margaret Watson, Administrative Assistant.

The following District Directors were present: Jeremy Edwards, Northwest District LEPC, Inc. and Red River Delta, LEPC, Inc., Kevin Cobb, North Delta District LEPC, Inc., Amanda Bourque, Evangeline District, LEPC, Inc., Wanda Johnson, Capital District LEPC, Inc., and Helmer Magnuson, Jefferson Parish/Metropolitan District.

Guests in attendance were: David Opperman, 7th Judicial District Court District Attorney's Office; Cynthia Austin, 24th Judicial District Attorney's Office; Lee Roy Clemons, 26th District Attorney's Office; Earl Taylor, 27th Judicial District Attorney'sOffice; Ethel Queen and Roger Tully, Alexandria PoliceDepartment; Kim Eiland and Christy Ball, Department of Corrections; Kevin Clement, East Baton Rouge ParishJuvenile Court; Cody L. Cheatwood, Jackson Parish Sheriff's Office; Helmer Magnuson, Office of Criminal Justice Coordination; Susan McCartney and Corey Wilson, JeffersonParish Sheriff's Office; Roxanne Barrios, Louisiana District Attorney's Association; Jerry Gardiner, Louisiana Sheriffs' Association; Nikeo Collins, Natchitoches, City of; J.D. Thornton, Natchitoches Parish Sheriff's Office; Melanie Talia, New Orleans PoliceDepartment; Darryl Stewart, Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office; Chief Hunter Grimes, Walker Police Department and Edward Beyerback, Westwego Police Department.


Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.


Chairman Honorable Harry Morel called for a motion to approve the agenda. Jeremy Cryer made the motion. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.



Chairman Honorable Harry Morel called for a motion to dismiss the reading of the minutes of the November 17, 2010 meeting. Jeremy Cryer made the motion. Lt. Trevor Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.


There was no other old business to discuss.


48-Month Waiver Request

Charlotte Gautreau requested the Board to consider the following agencies’ request for a waiver on the 48-month limitation.

  1. B10-6-005, Town of Kinder, “Street Sales Disruption”, $18,235

With no comments or questions, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval on the 48-month waiver request. Lt. Trevor Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

Due to the move that the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement has recently gone through, Kathy Guidry asked the Board to include a special condition on all applications that they be recommended for approval pending staff review to allow staff to effectively review each application.

Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval on the above special condition added to each approved application. Lt. Trevor Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.


  1. B82-8-136, 26th Judicial District Attorney's Office, “Criminal Justice Technology Upgrade”, $32,766
  2. B07-8-019, Natchitoches, City of, “Criminal Records Improvement”, $9,204
  3. B08-8-005, L.A. Dept of Public Safety & Corrections, “Correctional Contraband Control”, $64,589
  4. B09-8-008, Walker, City of, “Criminal Records Improvement”, $11,500

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval of the state level allocations. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

Non-Confidential Applications

DISTRICT 1 – Northwest Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc. - Jeremy Edwards presented one application.

1. B10-1-009, Natchitoches Parish Sheriff’s Office, “Intensive Incarceration”, (continuation); $21,748; Representative: J.D. Thornton

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval of the above application. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

DISTRICT 2 – North Delta Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc. – Marky Tucker presented one application.

1. B10-2-011, Jackson Parish Sheriff’s Office, “Integrated Criminal Apprehension

(ICAP)”, (continuation); $12,976; Representative: Cody Cheatwood

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval of the above application. Lt. Trevor Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

DISTRICT 3 – Red River Delta Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc. - Jeremy Edwards presented one application.

1. B10-3-001, 7th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, “Pretrial Intervention”, (continuation); $23,072; Representative: David Opperman

With no questions or comments, Lt. Trevor Smith made a motion to recommend approval of the above application. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

DISTRICT 4 – Evangeline Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc., - Amanda Bourque presented one application.

  1. B10-4-002, 27th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, “Differentiated Case Management”, (new); $16,195; Representative: Earl Taylor

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval of the above application. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

DISTRICT 5 – Capital Law Enforcement Planning Council, Inc., Wanda Johnson presented two applications.

  1. B10-5-012, Town of Clinton, “Criminal Patrols”, (new); $4,000; Representative: Captain Troy Abshire

With no representative present, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to table B10-5-012, Town of Clinton. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstention.

  1. B10-5-034, Town of Walker, “Criminal Patrols”, (continuation); $9,000; Representative: Chief Hunter Grimes

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval on application B10-5-034, Town of Walker. Lt. Trevor Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition. Lt. James Broussard abstained on #2, B10-5-034, Town of Walker.

DISTRICT 7 – Jefferson Parish Criminal Justice Coordinating Council - Metropolitan District Law Enforcement Planning and Action Commission - Helmer Magnuson presented two applications.

1. B10-7-001, 24th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, “Pre-Trial Intervention”, (continuation); $80,658; Representative: Cynthia Austin

2. B10-7-018, City of Westwego, “Criminal Patrols”, (continuation); $17,444; Representative: Edward Beyerback

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval on the above applications. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition. Cynthia Austin abstained on #1, B10-7-001, 24th Judicial District Attorney’s Office.

DISTRICT 8 – State Level – Charlotte Gautreau presented four applications.

  1. B07-8-019, City of Natchitoches, “Criminal Records Improvement”, (new); $9,204; Representative: Nikeo Collins
  2. B08-8-005, Louisiana Dept. Public Safety & Corrections, “Correctional Contraband Control”, (new); $64,589; Representative: Kim Eiland

3. B09-8-008, Town of Walker, “Criminal Records Improvement”, (new); $11,500; Representative: Chief Hunter Grimes

4. B82-8-136, 26th Judicial District Attorney's Office, “Criminal Justice Technology Upgrade”, (new); $32,766; Representative: Lee Clemons

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval of the above applications. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition

Update on Hurricane Criminal Justice Infrastructure Recovery Grant

Report attached to minutes

Update on Stimulus Grant

Report attached to minutes

Confidential Applications

District 7 - Jefferson Parish/Metropolitan District Law Enforcement Planning and Action Commission - Helmer Magnuson

1.B09-7-015, Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office, “Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force”, (continuation); $43,000; Representative: Major Darryl Stewart

2.B10-7-008, Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, “Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force”, (continuation); $80,658; Representative: Jerry Monnerjahn/Susan McCartney

With no questions or comments, Jeremy Cryer made a motion to recommend approval on the above applications. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The motion passed without opposition or abstentions.

Next Meeting Date– May 25, 2011

Adjournment – Jeremy Cryer made a motion to adjourn. Lt. James Broussard seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Margaret Watson, Administrative Assistant