Minutes of theUniversity LGBT Subcommittee

of the Equity & Diversity Committee

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

12:00 - 1:00 PM

Robertson Alumni House Conference Room

Attendees:Erin White, Cristina Ramirez, Randi Buerlein, Kenneth Decker, Lisa Webb, Jeff Wing, Dvora Courtland, Susan White, Dorothy Fillmore, Steve Gottfredson, Rebecca Hurst, Donna Coghill

  1. Call to Order

Subcommittee Co-chair Jeff Wing called the meeting to order promptly at 12:02p.m.

  1. Approval of minutes fromthe January 18, 2011, meeting (Jeff


The minutes were approved subject to the additions of Rebecca Hurst and Erin White to the names of those in attendance.

  1. Update from Equity Diversity (Jan Altman[in absentia, although

represented] and Cristina Ramirez[reporting])

The Equity and Diversity Committee membership was impressed with the extraordinary participation in Safe Zone training evinced by the VCU police department.Huzzas and kudos were expressed to Chief John Venuti and Officer Matt Rulandfor their enthusiastic embrace of this important initiative.The subcommittee noted with pleasure the VCU News Services article concerning this remarkable success.[1]

It also was noted that Jan Altman offered additional Safe Zone training in recent weeks, and that even more are to be forthcoming.Further, staff and faculty of the VCU Libraries have requested Safe Zone & Green Zone updates.

The parent committee also was provided a summary of highlights of the work of this subcommittee.Finally, the upcoming Network Virginia Symposium was described to the E&D Committee membership, and a request was made for volunteers to help with this large undertaking.[2]

  1. Gender Identity and Expression (Dorothy Fillmore)

The Subcommittee’s workgroup, still under formation, has not yet met.Dorothy noted a need for additional expressions of interest, and solicited nominations to that end.Work also has continued on moving the Climate Index Survey through VCU’s “thousand points of no.”Following considerable delay, the parent committee has given its blessing to this initiative, which currently rests on the desk of the interim provost. An additional meeting with Provost Warren is needed for this and other purposes (and indeed, with the president).Jeff Wing has agreed to schedule this.

  1. Burnside Watstein Award(Jeff Wing)

Rand Buerlein noted that we have excellent nominations for the student, faculty and administrator awards, and Jeff agreed to coordinate a meeting of the selection committee.It was noted that while the deadline for nominations has passed, Randi will continue to accept same until such time as the committee meets.Mention was made of the fact that the date for the awards ceremony has changed, and that both Sarah and Chris are aware of this and have adjusted their calendars to reflect this.The need for a plan for communicating this change was expressed (see further discussion below).The subcommittee retains hope that musical entertainment can be arranged, and it was suggested that Dave Greenagel may have ideas; he should be contacted for suggestions and/or asked to perform.Dave may have thoughts on this. Dvora reportedthat payment for student performers has proven problematic in the past; suggestions for other means of compensation were made (meals, textbooks, etc.).

  1. Network VA Symposium: June 18, 2011 @ VCU (Donna Coghill)

Donna will forward symposium registration materials, and seeks input and/or suggestions concerning the symposium (these can be delivered via email to ).The possibility of continuing education credits was raised; Donna will contact Randi and Jan concerning this.

Donna reports that in addition to a keynote address delivered by Sue Rankin (developer of the aforementioned Climate Index Survey), there will be two series of three concurrent sessions, for a total of six.It is envisioned that lunch will revolve around continuing discussions of symposium topics.

Finally, Donna reminds us to register if we plan to attend.

  1. Other Old or New Business

Steve Gottfredson brought up the poor attendance at yesterday’s rally.Not only were students in relatively poor attendance, but university faculty and administrators – to whom we typically look for real leadership concerning important issues of civic concern, social importance, and civil rights – were virtually absent.

It was suggested that the subcommittee has an on-going need for the capability to develop communications plans and strategies, and considerable discussion ensued.Steve agreed to seek assistance with and to take the lead on this initiative.

Further discussion developed around the subcommittee’s need for assistance, and it was agreed that several ideas should be pursued: the VCU Works program (which Lisa Webb offered to supervise, should it be available), the Federal Work Study Program (which would require a small budget, perhaps supported by the interim provost or by Vice Provost Rhone), Service Learning opportunities overseen by Vice Provost Cathy Howard).The subcommittee will pursue these, and will explore other possibilities as well.

Dorothy noted that Campus Pride training on anti-bias/ anti-hate in higher education has received a great deal of interest throughout the university community, and the subcommittee agreed that we should seek to send representatives from across the university for training, with the expectation that they would in turn train others of our community.This too will be discussed with the interim provost as it will require resources.

Members also discussed the value and desirability of a Campus Pride student leadership experience. How can we nurture future leaders in this arena?Could we develop a scholarship (perhaps named in honor of Njeri Jackson)?Steve mentioned money in Dr. Rhone’s area (assigned, he believes, to Tim Reid and/or Reuban Rodriguez) that is targeted for a student leadership scholarship program. Dorothy agreed to look into this, too.Queer Action may have a student – we can talk to Liz Canfield about a sophomore who may be good to take future leadership.

Lisa raised the important issue of engagement with/on the MCV campus, and it was discussed at length.The new associatevice president for diversity at MCV (reporting to Dave Sarrett) may be a good contact; we also could work with MCV Health Collective on this.

The subcommittee noted the value of a spring graduation event to balance the fall.Other universities do this, to good effect.The subcommittee could use the summers to plan these affairs for the academic year. ErinWhite offered to work on an event work group.

The subcommittee noted a need to follow up on forum results with the interim provost and president. The co-chairsshould meet with these parties, and these reports should be part of the message delivered at this meeting. The eventsof last spring were hugely attended, and we should utilize this opportunity as an interest reminder.

Finally, these discussions provided focus for the need to get Dr. Warren a re-occurring budget and a one-time budget.


  1. Next meeting: Tuesday, March 15, 2011, 12:00-1:00pm
  2. 2011 Burnside Watstein LGBT Award Ceremony & Reception will be held on Thursday, April 14, 3:30-5p, at the Scott House (NOTE: NEW DATE!)
  3. Sandra Moran’s visit to VCU: Tuesday, March 29, 2011

LGBT Subcommittee Minutes 2010-2011

  • August 17 : Donna Coghill
  • September 21 : Maria Altonen
  • October 19 : Donna Coghill
  • November 16 : Cristina Ramirez
  • December 21 (this is a lunch gathering, only, no minutes necessary)
  • January 18 : Jan Altman
  • February 15 :Steve Gottfredson
  • March 15 : OPEN
  • April 19 : OPEN
  • May 17 : OPEN


[2] At this point the Committee paused for a round of introductions, as there have been several recent expressions of interest in joining its efforts.