Minutes of theMeeting of the Parish Council on17/3/15


Mr M Stamp (Chairman),Mrs S Smith,Mr G Dixon, Mrs G Dennis,Mrs J Ranby,Mr P Dawson,

Mr J Padley and Mrs J Trotter (Clerk)

Visitors:- PCSO Harrison and colleague

1)Apologies for Absence:-

Cllr M O’Connor (Illness),Cllr D Pattison, Cllr Wiseman (WLDC Meeting)& Cllr Strange. Cllr Stamp informed the Council that Cllr O’Connor is making a good recovery.

2) To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-

Cllr Stamp – Item 20. Cllr J Ranby – Item 8.

3) Notes of last meeting on 17th February 2015, to be approved as minutes:-

Theminutes were signed as a true record.

4) Chair and Council’s Comments:-

Cllr Stamp reported that a car has been parked on the entrance of Old Gallamore Lane, the police have been informed and the owner of the car has been asked to move it off the flowered area. Cllr Smith commented that this is the second incident of this type. It was noted that there were 2 versions of the agenda and the Clerk apologised for the error.

5) Reports from District and County Councillors:-

None in attendance.

6) Crime

PCSO Harrison had sent over statistics for February, and the Clerk put them in the correspondence file. PCSO Harrison had e-mailed to say that he would try to attend the meeting.

7) Clerks Report on Matters Outstanding:-

  • The Clerk and Chairman met with the Highways Officer to discuss the area on North Street/Manor Drive and other various issues. The path between Market and Middle Rasenand Nags Head-Wilkinson Drive will be patched in the next financial year. The pothole team were due to attend the parish in the w/c 9th March 2015. The street light repair on Church Street has been chased up. The A631 resurfacing works have been confirmed as due to start on 21st September for 3 days.
  • The trees in the Churchyard have now been planted.
  • Anglian Water have provided an answer to capacity queries – copy e-mail in correspondence file
  • Following the finance training, Clerk has agreed with website manager that a further LCC free website will be set up and maintained by Clerk (as agreed by Council in 11th October 2012 PC Meeting) for the purposes of the new transparency regulations.

8) Planning:-

132265 – Glebe Farm, Lincoln Lane – Permission granted

132368 – Grapha Farm, 54 Caistor Road – Permission granted

132713 – Land off Caistor Road – Outline Planning Permission for new commercial premises–No objections. A discussion ensued with regard to the highway restrictions.

132677 - The Grange, Stockmoor Lane – Provision of Toilet and staff room–No objections.

132731 - 11 Hoe Drive – extension to form lounge, dining, bedrooms & en-suite–No objections.

PCSO Harrison and colleague arrived at the meeting, and the Council agreed that Item 6 be re-visited.

6) Crime

PCSO Harrison reported that are now a further 2 PCSO’s in the locality. PCSO Harrison asked that the parishioners continue to report suspicious vehicles. Burglaries are on the increase in the locality. PCSO Harrison and colleague left the meeting.

9) Correspondence:-

LCC – Community Wildlife Grant Information

CPRE – Best Kept Village Competition Information

WLDC – Planning Department Information, Meeting Dates & Siting of Utility Equipment Letter

Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

LALC – Fields in Trust InformationDfC&LG Guide for Councils re Audit & Accountability

Armed Forces Day Funding Information

10) Finance and Accounts for Payment

Income:- Burial Payments£200.00

Interest£ 3.01

WLDC Grant£331.56

Invoices:-AG & AC Gibson£ 25.20

Middle Rasen Village Hall£ 10.00

Green Grass Contracting£ 60.00

West Lindsey CAB£ 50.00

Mill Farm Nursery£341.00

HMRC£ 13.20

Mrs J Trotter£472.02

All Invoices were passed for payment.

11) Discuss and resolve bank cancellation charge for lost cheque

The Clerk reported that a cheque (101134 - £54.60) had been in issued in December which has subsequently been lost in the post. There will be a cancellation cost - £12.00. Proposed that cheque is cancelled at the cost of £12.00 and new cheque issued – chq no: 101153.

Proposed: Cllr J Padley. Seconded: Cllr S Smith. Resolved unanimous.

12) Reports from Meetings

Following the finance meeting, the Clerk reported that the Council will need to make more information available on line. It had previously been agreed that a County Council website would be set up, and the Clerk will now ensure that this is done and the relevant information uploaded in order to meet the transparency regulations.

13) Update on land at end of North Street/Manor Drive

Clerk and Chairman met with Highways Officer. After discussion, Highways would undertake a basic tidy up the area of land, but not in the foreseeable future due to budgetary restrictions. Highways Officer was in agreement that Parish could tidy up area if plans were presented and agreed by them prior to any works occurring. Clerk has met with Robbie Parry at the site and asked him to draw up a couple of schemes for Council’s consideration. Clerk to look at available funding streams. The Chairman commented that he is prepared to work with Robbie Parry to tidy up the area and told the Council that Cllr Strange is prepared to give the Council some funding. A discussion ensued with regard to the area and what the project might entail.

14) Approve parishioner plaque (including placement) for “Ernie’s Garden”

Clerk had yet to receive any information, but had spoken to the representative concerned. Clerk to e-mail the parishioner to ask for more details for the next meeting.

15) To review and resolve Burial Regulations & Fees

Clerk presented new burial form which now includes burial regulations, rather than two separate forms. Council discussed ways that it would be able to differentiate a “parishioner” from a “non-parishioner”. After discussion it was proposed that there be one chargeable rate for Headstone erection which was set at the current parishioner rate of £75 and £25 respectively.

Proposed: Cllr Dawson Seconded: Cllr Dennis. Resolved unanimous.

16) To review standing orders

Clerk reported that there are currently no updates to standing orders.

17) To review finance regulations

Clerk reported that there are currently no updates to financial regulations.

18) To review risk management policy

Clerk commented that a quarterly risk assessment agenda item will need to be added to future agendas to ensure compliance. Council were in agreement to remove creation of PC plan from document.

Resolved unanimous.

19) To review Cemetery Risk Assessment

No updates.

Cllr Dawson to take the chair in Cllr Pattison’s absence - resolved. Cllr Stamp left the meeting.

20) To discuss and resolve Chairman’s Expenses for 2014/15


Proposed: Cllr Padley. Seconded: Cllr Ranby. Resolved unanimous.

Cllr Stamp returned to the meeting.The clerk left the meeting.

21) To discuss and resolve Clerk’s Expenses for 2014/15


Proposed: Cllr Dawson. Seconded: Cllr Smith. Resolved unanimous.

The Clerk returned to the meeting.

22) To review Council Meeting Dates for Year 2015/16

Clerk asked if Council still required a meeting in August, and for confirmation that the preferred date is the third Tuesday of the month. Proposed that meeting day remains the same, and to dispense with August meeting for this year.

Proposed: Cllr G Dixon. Seconded: Cllr G Dennis. Resolved unanimous.

23) Items for next meeting

None tabled.

There being no other business the meeting closed at8.50pm.

Date……………….....…. Signed…………………………………… (Chairman)