Minutes of the Meeting of the Patient Participation Sub Group

Held on Tuesday 4th February 2014 at 6.00pm at Ashby RoadSurgery

Present: David Beverley (DB),Collin Fletcher (CF),

Elaine Godley(EG), John Hill (JH),

Allen Ransome(AR)(Chair), Jackie Vessey (JV),

Claire Williamson (CW)

Apologies: Christine Buckley, Marilyn Bunton, Wendy Lawtey,

Lesley Wilson

AR welcomed all present.

Matters Arising

Market Stall – one of the points raised was around toys and magazines within the reception area. Unfortunately, due to infection control issues these cannot be placed in reception. Badges are now available for PPG members so that there is no confusion when doing these. DB asked if the issue of toys could be included in the next newsletter. EG to speak to CB.

JH stated that magazines have now been sanctioned with the hospital – is there any reason why we cannot have these?


Late Appointments – DB asked if a paragraph could be included in the next newsletter explaining to patients why appointments could be running late. EG to speak to CB.


Patient Survey 2013/14 – It was asked if the ring back, which is ‘Option 5’ when ringing the surgery, could be taken off as this was very misleading to patients. EG to ask CB.


AR asked if the survey results could be shared with all reception staff and praise given for the comments that were received.


An ‘Action Plan’, from the Patient Survey, was agreed with all present:-

Q1. Speed at which the telephone was answered initially? - To add an additional person answering the telephone between 8am and 9am.Encourage use of online booking.

Q2. Speed at which the telephone was answered if call transferred? - To ensure that all answering machines are switched on. Facility to transfer back.

Q3. Length of time you had to wait for an appointment? - Review and monitor

The practice will be taking part in ‘productive general practice’ which will enable us to review and monitor our current appointment system

Q4. Convenience of day and time of your appointment? - To offer extended hours at the Ashby Road practice.

Q7, Length of time waiting to see the Doctor or Nurse? - To keep patients informed via jayex board. Place a paragraph in newsletter explaining to patients as to the why this could occur

Q.11 Prescription ready on time? - To change way of working at the practice. All scripts to be done by the administration team.

Q.12 Prescription correctly issued? - To change way of working at the practice. .All scripts to be done by the administration team ensuring an audit trail on every prescription.

Abbreviations list – this is still to be done.


Structure Chart for the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) – EG to ask CB if she is aware of one – if not to contact Christine Bromley.


CW/JV stated that they had still not received a copy of the minutes for the seminar that they attended in January 2013. EG to email Ian Reekie and ask if he could forward these.


EG asked AR if he had any objection to his name and contact number be used if a CQC (Care Quality Commission) meeting was imminent. She also stated that there was a need for one more PPG’s contact details be held for this. AR to take to next full meeting.


EG told the group that she had attended a ‘Carers Conference’ and had found it very interesting. It was thought a good idea if David Wilson be asked to attend a full meeting to give a talk. AR asked if all carers from the practice be invited once a date had been arranged? EG to contact David and ask for some available dates from him that coincide with meeting dates.


Meeting Closed 7.30pm

Next Full Meeting 11th March 2014 6pm Ashby Road

Next Sub Group Meeting 15th April 2014 6pm Ashby Road