Chairman Benjamin Gettinger called to order the Tuesday, November 17, 2015 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 7:35 p.m.



Members Present: Anthony Sutton, Michael Dolan, John Grant, Jeanne Cervin (Vice Chair);

Edward Mead, Carl S. Moore, Tom Nichol, Tom Panzella, Jim Quish, Benjamin Gettinger, Chair.

Staff: David B. Sulkis, City Planner; Phyllis Leggett, Board Clerk

C.EXECUTIVE SESSION – Discussion of Pending Litigation

Milford Developers, LLC and Wheelers Woods, LLC v. City of Milford Planning & Zoning Board -Wheelers Farms Road.

Motion: By Ms. Cervin to go into Executive Session.

Second: By Mr. Sutton.

Vote: All members voted to go into Executive Session with Matthew Woods, Trial Counsel and David Sulkis, City Planner.

The Board went into Executive Session at 7:38 p.m. The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:40 p.m.

D. 1.CGS 8-24 APPROVAL – Request by William Saley for abandonment by the City of Milford of a portion of land in front of 88 Milford Point Road, located on Map 6, Block 86, Parcel 2, in the R-5 Zone, of which William Saley is the owner. POSTPONED


2.45 COOPER AVENUE - (ZONE R-5) - Petition of Aviel Suarez for Coastal Area Management Site Plan Review approval to construct a single family residence on Map 22 Block 458 Parcel 42, of which Marina Mitas and Aviel Suarez are the owners.

Aviel Suarez, homeowner and contractor for the new residence was present at the hearing for Board approval of a CAM application he was presenting.

Mr. Sulkis: Read Stephen Harris’ Administrative Summary which was in favor of the contruction of the new residence. Two off-site parking spaces are required by the regulations.

Mr. Grant: No parking shown on the plan. How will that be addressed? The foundation plan does not show how the two decks will be supported. The plans do not show elevation marks on the floor plans or site plan, especially where the decks are located.

Mr. Grant questioned: How will the decks be supported. What type of foundation system will be used for those. What are the actual elevations of the decks. How will the two off-site parking spaces be addressed.

Mr. Suarez: First floor elevation will be 16 feet above sea level, which exceeds the FEMA standard. Parking is going to be similar to every other residence in the area; a carport underneath the house for two cars. The decks will be cantilevered out four feet from a substructure which is noted on the foundation plan.

Mr. Grant: Did not think the underneath area could accommodate two cars due to the columns that were there. Also the deck could not be cantilevered to the extent Mr. Suarez stated.

Discussion ensued. The Chair explained to Mr. Suarez that the Board could vote on his application and deny it, or he could work with staff to remedy the plans to comply with Mr. Grant’s comments.

Mr. Sulkis: Noted the plans do not show parking and it is not known if the parking will work if it is not shown on the plan.

It was determined Mr. Suarez would work on his plans and return to the Board on the next agenda.

3.1595 & 1695 BOSTON POST ROAD – ZONE (CDD-5) Petition of John Knuff, Esq. for Amendment to a Special Permit approval for minor modifications to the special permit and site plan on Map 100, Block 805, Parcel 13, of which CG Milford, LLC is the owner.

John Knuff, Esq., 147 Broad Street, Milford, Ct, representing the property owner for minor amendments to the Special Permit and Site Plan approvals that the Board approved on July 1, 2015. These are three small changes to the approved plans.

1. Adding 3,300 of building square footage in the rear of the building. There are three buildings on the site under construction. The one furthest to the right is raised off the ground in the back and that is where the additional 3,300 SF will be. The development area will not be increased. Impervious coverage will be reduced.

2.DOT has requested some changes.

3.Some architectural changes will be made to the front elevation on behalf of the retailer, REI, an all inclusive outdoor sports store, similar to EMS. This is the first store of its kind between Fairfield and New Haven; a major boon for the City.

Ray Paier, PE, VP, Westcott and Mapes, 142 Temple Street, New Haven. Explained the minor modification of adding 3,300 SF to Building No. 1 via the displayed site plan. The width of the building has not changed. The length addition has been increased approximately 29 feet. He reviewed the parking spaces, which have increased for the required usage.

The second minor modification is at the request of DOT. There is an existing culvert beneath the Post Road that dumps into a brook on the southerly part of the property.

The DOT approached the applicant to extend the culvert. The design has been approved by Inland Wetlands as well as DOT. All the criteria has been met.

Ray Oliver, 3 Lafayette Street. Described the proposed new façade via a display plan. Showed the elevation of the previously approved building designs. New façade will be the signature façade for REI, the recreational company. Using their building materials which is part of their signature design. REI will be the anchor store to the project and will complementthe rest of the shopping plaza. An additional bay of 3,300 to the rear of the building which will be a shell space at this time. REI has not designed a floor plan as yet. There will be covered parking area underneath the building.

Mr. Sulkis: No questions.

Mr. Nichol: Asked about the traffic flow of the shopping center.

Mr. Paier: Has been working with the DOT and traffic team. OSTA has given its approval. Showed the loading docks at the rear of the building on the lower level.

Motion: Ms. Cervin made a motion to approve the three minor amendments to 1595 Boston Post Road, which will be a great addition to the Post Road and the City of Milford.

Second: By Mr. Nichol.

Discussion: None

Vote: All members voted in favor.


4.1613 NEW HAVEN AVENUE (ZONE R-12.5) Petition of Thomas B. Lynch, Esq. for Special Permit and Site Plan Review approval to construct eight residential units under Connecticut General Statutes 8-30g Affordable Housing Act, on Map 82, Block 791, Parcel 7A, of which Charles Gagliardi is the owner.

Mr. Sulkis: The consultant will be awarded the contract tomorrow for the review of the traffic data.


Mr. Mead: The Police Commission rejected the application of 224 Seaside Avenue due to the inability of the sanitation truck to access the area.



Motion: Motion to approve by Ms. Cervin.

Second: By Mr. Quish

Discussion: None.

Vote: All members voted in favor.


Chairman Gettinger asked Mr. Quish to introduce his guest, Joe Arata (ph), who attended tonight’s meeting to observe the City process.


Motion: By Mr. Dolan to adjourn.

Second: By Mr. Grant.

Vote: All in favor.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

__Phyllis Leggett

Phyllis Leggett, Board Clerk
