Minutes of the SWIMS Network Boardmeeting heldvia WebEx on Tues 31st Oct 2017

Present: / Alison Day (ADay)
Andrew Brown (AB)
Angie Drayton (ADr)
Anne Lancey (AL)
Chris Johns (CJ) / Helen Bingham (HB)(chair)
Jenny Toller (JT) (minutes)
Morag Evans (ME)
Pam Geldenhuys (PG)
Sarah Maddock (SM)
1. Apologies: / Anne Marie Fitton (AMF)
Nicola Healey (NH) / Sarah Johns (SJ)
2. Previous minutes – accuracy
The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2017were agreed as accurate.
3. Matters arising not on the agenda
  1. SLA for support with NHS networking issues in respect of SWIMS - Oxford Health not able to help as their IT function is outsourced; JT has asked ADay re Poole –and ADay is awaiting a reply internally and will get back to JT.
  2. Use of up-to-date browsersat YDH - ADris awaiting guidance from an IT colleague at YDHand will report back. HB reminded that examples of good practice where IT barriers to education and training have been tackled are welcome.
  3. Northants libraries and BRM have provided e-journal data to JT and JT has inputted onto SWIMS.
  4. SEEDS scheme – HB reported that recent developments in terms of ILDS networking are the LAWMUNION catalogue and a north-wide catalogue PANDDA. The SEEDS group will need a new chair – ideally neutral in terms of the participating schemes – and will look at aligning standards and improving discovery of NHS funded content.
  5. Receipt and forwarding of library privilege copies from BL following the end of the Ariel service – HB continues to gather feedback on how this is now being handled, and is considering ways to develop recommended practice.
  6. Training for System Administrators – JT ran an informal training WebEx in July on layouts. Report building is due to change with SP11 so it was decided against training for this. The system administrators felt there was currently no further need for training; however to be revisited in due course if felt useful.
  7. New user types needed for national statistical returns from April 2018 – JT has added these to SWIMS.
/ ADay
SWIMS Network matters
4. Periodic review of Board terms of reference and Network terms of reference
SWIMS Network Board terms of reference – one minor change proposed by JT; no other changes. JT to update and upload. Post meeting note: now updated and uploaded
Discussion around role of patch reps. Agreed that JT will forward the agenda to LIB-SOUTH when circulating to the Board inviting staff to contact their patch rep with matters to raise.
JT to embed email addresses on the Board webpage and all were happy with this. Post meeting note: now done
SWIMS Network terms of reference – discussion around membership categories. Agreed they aren’t clear and need to be simplified both for the benefit of SWIMS Network members but also as we embark on ever closer working within the SEEDS arrangement.
Query as to whether HSL might drop charging and operate in a similar way to OXU:JR and OXU:KC. HB to ascertain.
Query as to why J01 is long term last resort. HB to contact Simon Alberici.
JT to document the current situation so that we can work towards establishing a simple arrangement.
Concern raised about the work associated with adding holdings if libraries aren’t participating much in the Network either in terms of requesting or supplying. / HB
5.SWIMS Network standing items
Membership–changes afoot at SPT (Taunton) and SLA (Oxford). SM reported that Oxford Health is taking over the management of SLA.
Compliance with general membership mandatory responsibilities - no issues
6. SWIMS Group membership
JT reported that group membership has been dwindling a little but a recent mention of this at the SMN, and specifically of the Journals Group on LIB-SOUTH by ADr, has resulted in several new group members.
7. ILDS matters; investigations into a national LMS or union catalogue; SWIMS T&F Group
  1. SWIMS Network ILDS Group feedback–ME’s report was considered.
    The item on statistics was understood to relate to the SEEDS intra-network statistics compiled by JT as a result of statistical gathering by libraries in Jan-Mar 2017.
  2. SEEDS scheme update– see item 3.4 above.
There was a discussion about the remit and continuation of the SWIMS Task and Finish Group, and whether it should perhaps merge with or report to the ILDS Group. AL, ADr and JT to raise at the group’s WebEx on Friday 3rd Nov. / AL, ADr, JT
8. SWIMS Task and Finish Group feedback
JT reported that she has reloaded the ClinicalKeywith user friendly URLs.
JT has also amended the batch import process and loaded the Wiley Medicine and Nursing collection e-journals - c400 titles – with holdings for the 4 libraries (including affiliates) which subscribe.
The group is due to meet via WebEx on 3rd Nov to discuss the Lancet e-journal record and monitoring of changes to the ClinicalKey collection. JT is now working with OCLC on batch import of affiliates’ holdings.
See also item 7 above.
SWIMS System Matters
9. Feedback from SWIMS contract monitoring meeting and current/recent OCLC issues
JT and CJ reported on the WebEx of 4th Oct and main discussions/activities of the group:
Mostly discussion was around system configuration and technical issues, many of which are fixed in SP12.
The link checker is still not operational.
JT and the system administrators now have access to a dashboard to check the service health of OCLC services.
CJ reported that he had raised a problem with complex searches slowing down the system after filters have been removed. This is fixed in Service Pack 12.
10. Standing item: upgrades and enhancements
JT reported as follows:
  1. Service Pack 11 has been applied to the test database and training for system administrators carried out by OCLC on 5th Oct – JT is awaiting confirmation of downtime and then will publicise. However there is one showstopper in that our locally created reports haven’t been migrated. Awaiting news from OCLC.
    JT also reported that the automatic download of MARC records for discovery systems which becomes possible in SP11 will require a rethink of record deletion processes. JT is awaiting clarification from OCLC and will raise with the Cataloguing Group.
    SM queried GETStream reporting – JT confirmed this is already available on our live system. See the reporting FAQ.
    SM has a list of new reporting requirements. SM to share with JT. Post meeting note: JT will review.
  2. Folio – OCLC is developing a replication scriptfor WebView settings and CJ will be overseeing this work.
  3. A refresh of the test data from the live database took place on 17 Aug.
/ JT
11. Reports on recent meetings and activities of the SWIMS system groups
The group reports were reviewed.
  1. System Administrators’ Group – CJ talked through his report.
  2. Circulation Group – thanks were expressed to AB for chairing this group. There is now a rotating chair and Tom Arnold (PLY) will chair the next meeting. AB explained in respect of OLIB Occupations that if potential new entries come to light, he is contacting NHS Digital who pass it to the ESR job roles team for consideration. However creation of new roles is a slow process.
    HB felt that the group had achieved a lot with AB as chair.
    SM queried if the Job Role (Addressee) field will be filterable in SP11, and JT confirmed that it will.
  3. Journals Group –ADr explained that the group continues to ponder its role now that libraries subscribe to ever fewer print journals. However new members will be joining soon, and one library has approached her about possibly newly adopting the module. It was agreed that the level of use of the module should be ascertained, starting by checking the list of module usersPost meeting note: JT has removed I01 from the list.
  4. Acquisitions Group –no report as the group has not met since the last Board meeting.
  5. Cataloguing Group– no report as the group has not met since the last Board meeting.
Compliance with mandatory policies – JT reported that as a result of her weekly checks for orphaned title records, she had contacted one particular library assistant politely to request mandatory corrective work (hiding of the orphaned title records), as she does variously each week. On this occasion she copied in the library manager, as this issue had not occurred at that location before. The response from the library manager stated that JT should not have contacted the library assistant directlyin order to manage workloads locally.
The group agreed that contacting the person responsible for the OLIB error/oversightwas in fact the sensible way to handle such issues; so for future reference this approach would be included in the mandatory policies document. JT to update. Post meeting note: now updated
HB to send a reminder to SMN about SWIMS mandatory policies and procedures on behalf of the Board. / ADr
12. AOB
Syndetics – JT flagged up that she had received the renewal for 1/2/18-31/1/19. The group supported a renewal. JT to liaise with HB.
SWIMS-SYSTEM mailing list – JT reported that she is considering rationalising mailing lists, and should there be no issues with commercial confidentiality, she may delete SWIMS-SYSTEM. The group had no objection. / JT/HB
13. Dates and locations of next meetings
WebEx –Tues 20th Feb 2018 10:00-12:00. JT to book WebEx. Post meeting note: WebEx now booked.