Fabric OS

Quick Guide

13 June 2005 – version 1.0

Cover trough FOS v5.0


Table of Content

Table of Content 2

Shell 4

General 4

Acounting 4

Tracking (Audit) 4

License 4

SupportShow 4

Firmware 5

Zoning Command 5

Alias 5

Zone 5

Config 5

Fabric Assist 5

QuickLoop 5

Global 7

Licensed Product 7

Secure FOS 7

Advanded Performance Monitoring 8

FabricWatch 8

FICON Support 9

Diagnostics & Test 10

General 10

Fabric 10

Blade 11


Memory 11

Switch 11

Routing 12

Genral 12

Static 12

FSPF (Fabric Shortest Path First) 12

DLS (Dynamic Load Sharing) 12

IOD (In Order Delivery) 12

FC Protocol 12

Services 13

Management Server 13

Name Server 13

Network 13

Snmp 13

Syslog 13

Time 14

Security 14


FC Multicast 14

Fabric 15

Info 15

Config 15

Log 15

ISL 15

Chassis 16

Info 16

Config 16

Log 16

Blade 16

HA (Director Switch only) 17

Switch 18

Info 18

Config 18

Diag 18

Port 19

Info 19

Config 19

Log 20

Diag 20

PortSwap 20

Routing 20

Reset 20



exit / Logs out from a shell session
h / Print shell history
killTelnet / Terminate telnet/serial login sessions interactively
login / Login as a new user
logout / Logout from remote session
myId / Display the current login session details
quietMode / Displays/enables/disables quietmode on telnet session
shellFlowControlDisable / Disable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port
shellFlowControlEnable / Enable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port
supportFtp / set support Ftp parameters
timeout / Sets or displays the idle timeout value for a login session
bannerSet / Set security banner
bannerShow / Display security banner


passwd / Set usernames and passwords
userConfig / Manages user accounts
userRename / Renames the user login name

Tracking (Audit)

trackChangesHelp / Displays information on track-changes feature commands
trackChangesSet / Displays information on track-changes feature commands
trackChangesShow / Displays status of track-changes feature


licenseAdd / Add a license to this switch
licenseHelp / Print license help info
licenseIdShow / Show system license ID
licenseRemove / Remove a license from this switch
licenseShow / Show current licenses


supportSave / retrieve support data from switch to host
supportShow / Prints switch information for debugging purposes.
supportShowCfgDisable / Disables a group of commands under supportshow command.
supportShowCfgEnable / Enables a group of commands under supportshow command.
supportShowCfgShow / Displays the groups of commands enabled for display. by the supportshow command.


firmwareCommit / Commit firmware to stable storage
firmwareDownload / Download firmware into switch
firmwareDownloadStatus / Display the progress and status of firmwareDownload
firmwareRestore / Restore the old firmware in the switch
firmwareShow / Display firmware versions in the switch
version / Print firmware version

Zoning Command


aliAdd / Add a member to a zone alias
aliCreate / Create a zone alias
aliDelete / Delete a zone alias
aliRemove / Remove a member from a zone alias
aliShow / Print zone alias information


zoneAdd / Add a member to a zone
zoneCreate / Create a zone
zoneDelete / Delete a zone
zoneRemove / Remove a member from a zone
zoneShow / Print zone information


cfgAdd / Add a member to a configuration
cfgCreate / Create a zone configuration
cfgDelete / Delete a zone configuration
cfgRemove / Remove a member from a configuration
cfgShow / Print zone configuration information
cfgDisable / Disable a zone configuration
cfgEnable / Enable a zone configuration
cfgActvShow / Display Effective zone configuration information

Fabric Assist

faZoneAdd / Add a member to a fabric assist zone
faZoneCreate / Create a fabric assist zone
faZoneDelete / Delete a fabric assist zone
faZoneRemove / Remove a member from a fabric assist zone
faZoneShow / Print Fabric Assist Zone information


qloopAdd / Add a member to a qloop
qloopCreate / Create a qloop
qloopDelete / Delete a qloop
qloopRemove / Remove a member from a qloop
qloopShow / Print qloop information


cfgClear / Clear all zone configurations
cfgSave / Save zone configurations in flash
cfgSize / Print size details of zone database
cfgTransAbort / Abort zone configuration transaction
cfgTransShow / Print zone configurations in transaction buffer
zoneObjectCopy / Copies a zone object
zoneObjectExpunge / Expunges a zone object
zoneObjectRename / Renames a zone object

Licensed Product

Secure FOS

authUtil / Get and set authentication configuration
secActiveSize / Displays the size of the active security database
secAuthSecret / Manages DH-CHAP shared secret key information
secDefineSize / Displays the size of the defined security database
secFabricShow / Displays security related fabric information
secFCSFailover / Enables a backup FCS switch to take over as primary FCS switch
secGlobalShow / Displays the current internal security state information
secHelp / Display information about security telnet commands
secModeDisable / Disable security mode
secModeEnable / Enable security mode
secModeShow / Display if security mode is enabled or disabled
secNonFcsPasswd / Set the admin password for non-FCS switches
secPolicyAbort / Aborts all changes to the defined database that have not been saved
secPolicyActivate / Apply defined policy set to all switches in the fabric
secPolicyAdd / Add members to an existing policy
secPolicyCreate / Create a new policy
secPolicyDelete / Delete an existing policy
secPolicyDump / Display all members of existing policies
secPolicyFCSMove / Move a member in the FCS policy
secPolicyRemove / Remove members from an existing policy
secPolicySave / Save a defined security policy to flash memory on all switches in the fabric
secPolicyShow / Display an existing security policy
secStatsReset / Reset security statistic for a policy or all policies to 0
secStatsShow / Display security statistic for a policy or for all policies
secTempPasswdReset / Reset a password on a remote switch
secTempPasswdSet / Set a temporary password on a remote switch
secTransAbort / Abort current security transaction
secVersionReset / Reset the version stamp to 0

Advanded Performance Monitoring

perfAddEEMonitor / Add end-to-end monitor
perfAddIPMonitor / Add monitor for IP trafic frame count
perfAddReadMonitor / Add filter-based monitor - SCSI Read
perfAddRWMonitor / Add monitor - SCSI Read and Write
perfAddSCSIMonitor / Add monitor for SCSI frame count
perfAddUserMonitor / Add filter-based monitor
perfAddWriteMonitor / Add filter-based monitor - SCSI Write
perfCfgClear / Save Performance configuration to FLASH
perfCfgRestore / Restore Performance configuration from FLASH
perfCfgSave / Clear Performance settings from FLASH
perfClearEEMonitor / Clear end-to-end monitors' counters
perfClearFilterMonitor / Clear filter-based monitors' counters
perfClrAlpaCrc / Clear ALPA device's CRC count
perfDelEEMonitor / Delete end-to-end monitor
perfDelFilterMonitor / Delete filter-based monitor
perfHelp / Print Performance Monitoring help info
perfMonitorClear / Clear end-to-end/filter-based/ISL monitors
perfMonitorShow / Show end-to-end/filter-based/ISL monitors
perfSetPortEEMask / Set overall mask for end-to-end monitors
perfShowAlpaCrc / Get ALPA CRC count by port and ALPA
perfShowEEMonitor / Show user-defined end-to-end monitors
perfShowFilterMonitor / Show filter-based monitors
perfShowPortEEMask / Show the current end-to-end mask


fwAlarmsFilterSet / Configure alarms filtering for Fabric Watch
fwAlarmsFilterShow / Show alarms filtering for Fabric Watch
fwClassInit / Initialize all Fabric Watch classes
fwConfigReload / Reload Fabric Watch configuration
fwConfigure / Configure Fabric Watch
fwFruCfg / Configure FRU state and notification
fwHelp / Print Fabric Watch help info
fwMailCfg / Configure Fabric Watch Email Alert
fwPortDetailShow / Create a report with detailed port information
fwSamShow / Show availability monitor information
fwSet / Set port persistence time
fwSetToCustom / Set boundary & alarm level to custom
fwSetToDefault / Set boundary & alarm level to default
fwShow / Show thresholds monitored and port persistence time

FICON Support

ficonshow RNID / Displays all RNID (Registered Node Identification Data) for FICON devices connected to the local switch.
ficonshow RNID fabric / Displays all RNID entries within the fabric.
ficonshow LIRR / Displays all LIRR (Link Incident Record Registration) entries for FICON hosts that registered with the local switch.
ficonshow LIRR fabric / Displays all LIRR entries within the fabric.
ficonshow SwitchRNID / Displays switch node identification data of the local switch.
ficonshow SwitchRNID fabric / Displays switch node identification data of each switch in the fabric.
ficonshow RLIR / Displays all RLIR (Registered Link Incident Record) entries within the local switch.
ficonshow RLIR fabric / Displays all RLIR entries within the fabric.
ficonshow ILIR / Displays all ILIR (Implicit Link Incident Record) entries within the local switch.
ficonshow ILIR fabric / Displays all ILIR entries within the fabric.
ficonclear RLIR / Clears the RLIR entries from the local RLIR database
ficonclear RNID / Clears the 'not current' entries from the local RNID database.
ficoncupset / Sets FICON-CUP parameters for a switch
ficoncupshow / Displays FICON-CUP parameters for a switch
ficonHelp / Displays a list of FICON support commands
ficondbg / FICON Debugging

Diagnostics & Test


dataTypeShow / Displays sample data stream types used in some diagnostic commands
dbgShow / Display debug levels of various modules
diagClearError / Clears diagnostics failure status.
diagCommandShow / Display diagnostic command descriptions.
diagDisablePost / Disable diagnostic POST.
diagEnablePost / Enable diagnostic POST.
diagEnv / Diagnostic debug parameters management package.
diagEsdPorts / Sets the ESD skip-ports list
diagFailLimit / Set diagnostics fail limit.
diagHelp / Print diagnostic help info
diagLoopId / Select the diagnostics loop ID.
diagModeShow / Displays diagnostic mode configuration.
diagPost / Set or display diagnostic POST configuration.
diagRetry / Set or display diagnostic retry mode.
diagSetCycle / Set diagnostic script parameters.
diagSetEsdMode / Set or display ESD mode.
diagsetshowtime / Set or display diagnostic show-time mode.
diagShow / Display diagnostics status.
diagShowTime / Set or display diagnostic show-time mode.
diagSkipTests / Set or display diagnostics skip test flags.
diagStatus / Display currently running diagnostic tests.
fcPing / Sends a Fibre Channel Extended Link Service (ELS) ECHO request to a pair of ports
pdShow / Show information from Panic Dump file
rcsDisabled / Displays whether Reliable Commit Service (RCS) is enabled
setDbg / Set debug level of the specified module
setEsdMode / Enables or disables ESD mode
setVerbose / Specifies module verbose level


spinFab / Functional test of switch to switch ISL cabling and trunk group operation.
systemVerification / Runs a suite of diagnostic tests on all switches in a fabric


burninErrClear / Clears errors stored in the nonvolatile storage on the slot during burn-in
burninErrShow / Displays errors stored in the nonvolatile storage on the slot during burn-in
burninLevel / Sets the diagnostics burn-in level
burninStatus / Displays the diagnostics burn-in status
diagSetBurnin / Initializes the blade for a burnin run.
diagStopBurnin / Terminate burnin run on a blade.
backplaneTest / Tests backplane connection for a multiple-blade configured system


backport / Tests for backend ASIC-to-ASIC links
chipRegShow / Displays the port registers for a given chip number
cmiTest / Verifies the control message interface (CMI) bus between ASICs
filterTest / Tests frame filters
miniCycle / Runs a functional test of internal and external transmit and receive paths at full speed
minisPropShow / Displays ASIC pair properties
statsTest / Statistics counter test for the ASICs.
txdPath / Performs a functional test of ASIC pair TXA,TXD connections


camTest / Verifies QuickLoop's Content Addressable Memory (CAM) SID translation
centralMemoryTest / Tests ASIC-pair central memory operation
cmemRetentionTest / Tests the data retention of the central memory SRAMs
sramRetentionTest / Data retention test of the miscellaneous SRAMs in ASIC.
turboRamTest / Performs a turbo SRAM logic test for 2 Gbit/sec ASICs


crossPortTest / Tests functional operation of port external transmit and receive path
fportTest / Functional test of F->N, N->F point-to-point path
loopPortTest / Functional test of L_Port M->M path on a loop
slTest / Tests the serial link of port N->N path
spinJitter / line-speed jitter measurement
spinSilk / Functional test of internal and external transmit . and receive paths at full speed
statsClear / Clear port and diagnostic statistics.
stopPortTest / Terminate the running porttest.



aptPolicy / Get and set Advanced Performance Tuning policy
portRouteShow / Display various routing tables for a port
routeHelp / Print routing help info
bcastShow / Display broadcast routing information
pathInfo / Display routing information between two ports


uRouteConfig / Configure a static route
uRouteRemove / Remove a static route
uRouteShow / Display unicast routing information

FSPF (Fabric Shortest Path First)

fspfShow / Displays Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) protocol information
interfaceShow / Display the FSPF (TM) interface information
linkCost / Set or print the FSPF cost of a link
lSDbShow / Display the FSPF Link State Database
nbrStateShow / Display FSPF neighbors' states
nbrStatsClear / Reset the FSPF interface counters

DLS (Dynamic Load Sharing)

dlsReset / Turn off the dynamic load sharing (DLS) option
dlsSet / Turn on the dynamic load sharing (DLS) option
dlsShow / Display the state of the dynamic load sharing option

IOD (In Order Delivery)

iodReset / Turn off the in-order delivery (IOD) option
iodSet / Turn on the in-order delivery (IOD) option
iodShow / Display the state of the in-order delivery option

FC Protocol

fcpLogDisable / Disable logging of FCP events
fcpLogEnable / Enable logging of FCP events
fcpLogShow / Display FCP probing log information
fcpProbeShow / Display FCP probing information
fcpRlsShow / Display FCP RLS (read link state) information


Management Server

msCapabilityShow / Display Management Server Capability.
msConfigure / Configure Management Server
msPlatShow / Display the Management Server Platform Database
msPlatShowDBCB / Display the Management Server Database Control Block
msPlClearDB / Clear the Management Server Platform Database fabric-wide
msPlMgmtActivate / Activate the Management Server Platform Database fabric-wide
msPlMgmtDeactivate / Deactivate the Management Server Platform Database fabric-wide
msTdDisable / Disables the Management Server Topology Discovery Management Service
msTdEnable / Enables the Management Server Topology Discovery Management Service
msTdReadConfig / Display status of Management Server Topology Discovery Service

Name Server

nodeFind / Display all the devices' PID matching the given world wide name
nsAliasShow / Display local Name Server information with Aliases
nsAllShow / Print global Name Server information
nscamShow / Print local Name Server Cache information
nsShow / Print local Name Server information
nsZoneMember / Display the information of all the online devices which are zoned with the given device.
nsStatShow / Display local Name Server Statistical information
