Minutes of the SWIMS Journals Group Meeting
10thOct 2017 10:00-12:00 via WebEx
Present: / Angela Drayton (AD) - chairJake Procter (JP)
Jenny Toller (JT) / Barbara Moye (BM)
Marina Sotiriou (MS)
Claira Bannon (CB)
- Apologies and introductions
Ann is unable to continue to be part of the group. The Group thanked AV for all her contributions and her experience, which will be greatly missed.
2. Minute taker: / BM
3. Minutes of last meeting - accuracy
Agreed as accurate.
4. Minutes of last meeting - matters arising not on the agenda
Option to not auto-generate copy records when checking in – this has been implemented. However, historically problems have been encountered when old copy records have been deleted. JT to review at the next meeting
Training possibilities – JP and JT to canvas for interest in some training or refresher session for module users at the next SW library assistants away days. BM to ask for any interested users on LIB-SOUTH.
SP10 – serial issues batch claim – now allows you to manually create an alert which will give a list of issues to claim. BM to test and confirm it works. JT can set up a copy of the alert for locations if they request to use it. / JT
5. Hiding journal holdings
Some locations have hidden journal holdings in Webviewby changing the copy category to ‘Hidden in WebView’ e.g. if moving stock between libraries, departmental journals or at RCH/SLH they have hidden all their ClinicalKey e-journal holdings.E.g. EYE CONTACT
These titles flag up in integrity checks as journal titles with no holdings but can’t be deleted - OLIB said they had copy records – although they don’t show in OLIBWeb. They do show up on copies of a title search.
JT to review the procedure for checking for title records with no holdings and update to reflect this.
6.Service pack 11 enhancements
JT informed the Group that the main changes are in reporting and other refinements. One relevant change for journals – you can no longer delete a Library Location record if it still has serial copy records attached. This should solve problems experienced previously following the closure of a library.
7. Housekeeping journal entries for ceased titles
The Group discussed the best way to handle titles which are no longer held and titles where the library held a departmental copy which has now ceased publication e.g.AAC: AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION.
JT/AD to suggest new data integrity checks to identify and remove these titles, and produce a new FAQ. / JT/AD
8. SWIMS T&F group update
JT has put both ClinicalKey and Wiley Medical and Nursing Journal Collection holdings onto SWIMS. Affiliates e-journals have also been catalogued by JT.
A bulk automatic update of affiliates e-journals is being tested by JT. / JT
9. Data integrity checks
The group found no problems with the data integrity checks.
AV’s data integrity checks reallocated to:
MS - Check that all e-journals have a title note
JP- Check that all e-journals have an object
9. AOB
BM is assisting Sarah Maddock to move SLA journal holdings on SWIMS.
The Group still has a role to play in supporting users with both print and e-journals. AD to put out a call for new Group members, especially in the Avon, Gloucester, Wiltshire area.
MS and JP expressed interest in additional training from AD.
MS still unable to see issues to check-in of Physical Therapy Theory and Practice following a change to frequency. AD to review.
AD would like to stand down from chairing the group after the next meeting, but stay on the Group. Volunteers requested to take over as chair. / BM
10. Date/note taker of next meeting
The next meeting will be at Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. Date in Feb 2018tba.
CBto take notes.