From the list below, choose one of the activities that will best

reflect your understanding of the novel, Schooled by Gordon Korman.

___What does it mean to be “schooled?” Name the characters who got schooled throughout the novel and provide evidence to show how you know this. What does getting “schooled” have to do with the theme of this novel? Answer this question using a 4-square essay format. You will need to complete the planning sheet as well as your essay.

___Create a poster that identified (six) significant decisions that one of the main character makes during the book and the consequences of those decisions.

___Change one thing in the story and explain how this change would affect the book. For example, change the setting of the story, add or delete a character or change an event in the story. Your write-up should be a minimum of 1 ½ typed pages.

___Come up with a list of 10 tips that would have helped Cap have a better experience at C-Average. What should he have known before attending C- Average? Start with 10 (least important) and end with 1 (most important). Be sure to explain your reasons for choosing these tips. Present these tips on an eye-catching poster.

___Choose one of the characters from the novel. Describe this character in detail and then give evidence to show how you are similar or different to this character. Answer this question using a 4-square essay format. You will need to complete the planning sheet as well as your essay.

___Construct a timeline showing at least 5 of the major events that occurred during the course of the story. Your timeline should have a paragraph describing each of the events and a picture to accompany your write up.

___Pick two “Rainisms” from your group’s list. Explain each “Rainism” and the meaning of it. Also state if you believe it, disagree with it and have had a personal experience with it. Each write-up should be a minimum of one page typed (double-spaced). The “Rainisms” should be typed in larger font so it stands out on your page.

___Complete a digital comic strip showing at least one key event in the book using Pixton or Bitstrips (or another digital format). Be sure to include an introduction depicting the significance of the scene and a concluding frame. Plot, characterization and action are key to a good comic.