Chapter 15 - The Spirit of Reform

Reform means... to change, improve, or make better

The major reform movements in our country that happened between 1820 - 1860 impacted our nation. These four decades preceding the Civil War (1861-1865) were an energetic age for American reformers and thinkers. These people (reformers) who wanted to bring about change and improvement to American life were driven by strong moral and religious convictions.

The five major reform movements were: The Abolition Movement, The Women’s Right Movement, The Education Movement, and the Movement to Improve the Care of the Mentally ill, and the Temperance Movement.

The Abolition Movement overshadowed all the other movements. Committed men and women dedicated their lives to abolishing (getting rid of) slavery. This time period also helped women get more educational opportunities and rights.

These major reform movements had a profound impact on American society, and their commitment illustrates that Americans have an opportunity to work within the democratic process to help those in need as well as improve the conditions in which people live.

Lesson 1 - Summary Notes - Social Reform (pg. 404 - 407)

-Developments in the early 1800’s helped shape the social and cultural fabric of the United States.

-The Second Great Awakening was a time of revival in the country. It was a “wave” of religious interest. It was a time of reform and change.

-The temperance movement was a social reform movement to stop people from drinking alcohol.

-The education movement was a social reform movement to improve education in the country.Many schools needed more money and better teacher training. Many schools did not allow African Americans to right to attend and parents often kept girls at home.

-A Massachusetts lawyer by the name of Horace Mann was a leader in the area of educational reform. He believed that being educated was a key to wealth and economic opportunity.

-The Movement to Improve the Care of the Mentally ill and People with Disabilities was yet another important social reform movement. Helping people with disabilities in the areas such as hearing and vision. Dorothea Dix dedicated a large part of her life to helping educate the public about the poor conditions for prisoners and the mentally ill.

-Art and Literature also changed at this time. American authors and artists developed their own style and explored American themes. This literary movement was known as Transcendentalism.

-Civil Disobedience is the refusal to obey laws that one believes are unjust (not fair).