for Tuesday, March 10, 2009 held at 7:00 p.m. at

830 Whitewater Avenue,

St. Charles, Minnesota



John Schaber

Dave Braun (entered 7:29 p.m.)

Orv Dahl

Wayne Getz

Mayor Bill Spitzer


Kyle Karger, Supt. Public Works

Nick Koverman, Administrator

Police Chief Bill Eckles

Rick Schaber, Park Rec Director

Janell Dahl, Deputy City Clerk

Holly Rognholt, Customer Service Specialist

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Julie Haas, Joel Haas, and Craig Hilmer.


Quorum was established with Mayor Spitzer calling the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


APPROVAL of the AGENDA with following additions/deletions:

4). Avante Energy-Renewable Energy Options cancelled due to inclement weather

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Orv Dahl

Motion declared carried


-February 10, 2009

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Wayne Getz

No discussion

Motion declared carried.

-February 24, 2009

Motion to approve: Wayne Getz

Seconded by: Orv Dahl

No discussion

Motion declared carried


Motion to approve: Wayne Getz

Seconded by: John Schaber

Motion declared carried


Mayor Spitzer provided a brief synopsis of his recent meeting with the high speed rail group.


3. Chief Eckles expressed favorable opinion for Officer Robbie Floerke who has finished his 1 year probation. It was questioned whether or not a formal approval would be made by Council. Administrator Koverman expressed that it has been done with Council or without Council, but that nothing stated in the contract or employees handbook requiring such action.

6. During the Park Board report by Orv Dahl, resident Joel Haas questioned the ice rink use and possibly volunteering to work at the rink. The Council expressed their gratitude.


1. 2009 I&I Projects: The 2009 I&I project list was reviewed again and Councilman Schaber liked how the list will potentially save the tax payers dollars down the road. A motion was made to approve the list of $130,000 in expenses.

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Orv Dahl

Motion declared carried.

2. Televising/Jetvac Truck Purchase. Supt. Karger presented the truck had 3,199 hours on the 10-year old unit with a rebuilt pump and a 1-year warranty. He reiterated that annually the City pays Municipal Pipe & tool roughly $25,000 in inspections without including I&I projects. Councilman Dahl liked how it pays for itself in a relatively short period of time. Councilman Schaber felt the City could clean the lines to our standard. Councilman Getz asked if it would pull our crew away from other jobs and put too much of a burden on the crew. Supt. Karger said they will need to shuffle projects and that if it were to take too much time he would not be asking. He added that the crew sees the benefit of the unit with other cleaning components for leaves, sand, and other small debris within the storm sewer basins, etc. A motion to approve the purchase of the truck was made.

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Orv Dahl

Motion declared carried.

Supt. Karger requested a friendly amendment to allow him the option of not moving ahead with the purchase if when they see and run the unit if it doesn’t make sense that he not proceed. The friendly amendment was made.

3. Warning Siren Work. Estimates for the purchase of one siren and reconditioning of two sirens were reviewed. It was noted that the estimate was more than budgeted however Supt. Karger would work with the installer in order to have the amount come within budget. A motion to approve the warning siren work.

Motion to approve: Wayne Getz

Seconded by: Dave Braun

Motion declared carried.

Mayor Spitzer noted at this time that the Sanitary plant estimate was $15.5 million that would be spread out until 2020. The district is working to secure stimulus money for the project.


1). ATV Ordinance. Administrator Koverman provided a brief explanation of the reasoning for the ATV Ordinance being put on the agenda for discussion. Joel Haas questioned various pieces of the ATV/golf cart ordinance. Mayor Spitzer pointed out various sections of the State law with regard to special vehicles on a roadways explaining that as a city we can be more restrictive, but not less restrictive. Mr. Haas expressed that he uses his ATV for business purposes such as snowplowing and that not being able to ride at night time would hinder his ability. Julie Haas asked that if ordinances were going to be enforced that residents be reminded and that she understands that we have the right to permit. It was questioned as far as using ATVs for snow removal equipment and Mayor Spitzer thought it might be best to refer the item to Public Safety for review. A motion was made to send the issue to the Public Safety Commission.

Motion to approve: Wayne Getz

Seconded by: John Schaber

Motion declared carried.

6). Three Phase Purchase-Excel Manufacturing. Administrator Koverman reviewed the bids received from two electrical suppliers for a 3-phase transformer for a local business. The bid from Jerry’s Electric for $15,600 was received and the purchase had made in order to have the delivery for April installation.

7). City Hall Modifications. The bids for bullet proof glass and cameras were reviewed. Councilman Schaber expressed that it is a shame. Councilman Braun asked about the money and Administrator Koverman had not begun to locate the funds, but indicated some General Fund dollars. A discussion was held as to the pros and cons of glass versus cameras. Mayor Spitzer also offered that he felt additional training for employees might also be helpful and noted that if people want to truly harm city employees they could wait until they come out of the building. Councilman Dahl relayed a recent conversation with a League of Minnesota Cities representative of Loss Control. He suggested we make contact with them, but he said she commended the city for being proactive. The question of personal protection was discussed as well as even signs signifying no guns allowed on premises allowed. It was questioned if we could get one more quote for cameras and if Loss Control could come down prior to the March 24th meeting.

8). Park & Rec 2009 Summer Job Listing. The list of 2009 Park/Rec jobs were reviewed. A discussion was held regarding hiring in light of the potential cuts. It was determined that it would be more difficult to find youth to fill the positions if indeed they were not at least advertised at this point. Motion to approve the job listings.

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Dave Braun

Motion declared carried.

9. 2009 Mowing Bids. It was discussed to put the bids out for mowing. A motion to approve the listing was made.

Motion to approve: Dave Braun

Seconded by: Orv Dahl

Motion declared carried.

10 Ordinance #524 Account, Billing, and Collecting. Administrator Koverman discussed the reasoning for the needed change to the ordinance to reflect accurate annual percentage rate changes as it relates to meter deposits. While the city has adjusted the rates, the ordinance states a flat rate. In addition, it was discussed as to meter deposit rates and connect/disconnect rates being easily adjusted per the administrative fines and fees ordinance. A motion was made to adopt Ordinance #524 as stated.

Motion to approve: John Schaber

However after further discussion the motion was withdrawn.

A motion was made to table the item until the next regular meeting in order to make all necessary adjustments.

Motion to table: John Schaber

Seconded by: Wayne Getz

Motion declared carried.

11). Cops Grant Application. A brief discussion was held regarding the application to the COPS grant that would furnish the salary and benefits of a first year officer for three years. Per the grant, it states that the City will then continue to employ the officer for one year following the conclusion of the grant and that the City will be responsible for any increases over the term of the grant. It was agreed by the Council to apply for the grant. A motion to proceed moving forward was made.

Motion to approve: John Schaber

Seconded by: Dave Braun

Motion declared carried.

Any unscheduled appearances were welcomed. Hearing none a motion to adjourn was made.

Motion to adjourn at 8:31 p.m.: Wayne Getz

Seconded by: John Schaber

Motion declared carried.


William J. Spitzer, Mayor



Nick Koverman, Administrator