Minutes of the SECC Steering Committee, June 5, 2006

Members in attendance: Co-Chair JJ Davis, Jenny Garey, Evan Holmes, Helen Kroger, Alan Machtinger, Karryl McManus, Jill Morrison, Rosey Vanderhoogt, and Vernard Wilkerson.

Others present: Joe Hickey (Coordinator), Jenn Williams-Gillespie (Administrative Support), Brook Hughes (2005 Coordinator), and Corey Marshall Steele (representing honorary chair Jack Markell).

The agenda for the meeting is attached. Co-Chair JJ Davis called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM. She welcomed the committee, especially the new members, and thanked the group for their dedication to the charitable campaign. She gave special recognition to the excellent work of Brook Hughes. JJ recommended a 2006 goal of $575,000.

Brook Hughes described the purpose and a brief history of the SECC and distributed a timeline of activities, focusing on the immediate tasks of application review, notification letters, selection of administrator, Governor’s letter to the cabinet, and the kick off meeting. Joe Hickey reviewed the new Executive Order Number 87 with particular attention on the responsibilities on the steering committee.

The committee then examined and voted to approve the sub-committee’s recommended list of SECC applications (a copy of the list of approved agencies is attached). Although there was some concern over one of the organizations on the approved list, it was agreed that since they met the criteriathey would be included. The committee also examined the United Way member agencies.

The group then discussed several applications that the sub-committee had recommended for denial and voted to deny the following: DCRAC (late application), DE Military Heritage & Educational Foundation (did not have three years of operation in Delaware), Autism Society of Delaware (less than three years in Delaware) and the Dover AFB Youth Center (already affiliated with Boys and Girls Club).

No decision was made on the Basket Brigade as this organization has not filed a 990 form. Brook will contact them to either obtain a copy or have them explain how they are exempt from filing the form. If they do so, they will be approved.

The letters approving the applications will invite organizations to bid to become the administrator of the program.

A discussion of the goal for 2006 centered around the suggestion of $575,000 by JJ or a more conservative goal of $550,000 suggested by several members of the committee. It was decided that Joe would ask JJ to consider the previous goals and amounts raisedand to decide on either amount.

It was agreed that training for the agency chairs and captains would be held in August and that would be the subject of a meeting in late July. Next steps include Jenn preparing application approval/denial letters and the letter from the Governor to the cabinet. Rosey will confirm the date of the September cabinet meeting so we can set the kick off date. Once we receive bids for the administrator, we’ll vote on approval via e-mail. We’ll also try to review campaign materials by e-mail. At our next meeting we will discuss training and campaign activities.

SECC Applications

Addictions Coalition of DE, Inc.


Animal Humane Sanctuary

Believe in Tomorrow National Children's Foundation, Inc.

Cancer Care Connection, Inc.


Children’s Beach House, Inc.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Delaware Aerospace Education Foundation, Inc.

Delaware Association for Children of Alcoholics (DACOA)

Delaware CarePlan, Inc.

Delaware Coalition for Literacy, Inc.

Delaware Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS)

Delaware Crime Stoppers

Delaware Envirothon

Delaware Financial Literacy Institute

Delaware HIV Consortium

Delaware Hospice, Inc.

Delaware Humane Association

Delaware State Police Museum, Inc.

Epilepsy Foundation of Delaware

Faithful Friends, Inc.

FirstState Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc.

Food Bank of Delaware

Frederica Senior Center, Inc.

Grassroots Citizens for Children

Ingleside Homes, Inc.

Interfaith Housing Delaware, Inc.

Junior Achievement of Delaware, Inc.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International

KC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Kent/Sussex Human Services Council, Inc. (K/S Adopt-A-Family)

La Red Health Center, Inc.

Lupus Foundation of America, Delaware Chapter

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Delaware Chapter

Meals on Wheels Delaware

ParentInformationCenter of Delaware(PIC/DE)

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, Inc.

PregnancyHelpCenter of Kent County, Inc.

Prison Fellowship Ministries

Public Allies Delaware

Reading ASSIST Institute

Seton Villa Pre-Adolescent Program

Special Olympics Delaware

St. Michael's School and Nursery, Inc.

Survivors of Abuse in Recovery, Inc. (SOAR)

The Elizabeth W. Murphey School, Inc.

The National Kidney Foundation of the DelawareValley

The NRA Foundation, Inc.

The Wellness Community –Delaware

Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, Inc.

United Way of Delaware, Inc.

Westside Health, Inc.

WHYY, Inc.