Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled Meeting


the Officers


October 27, 2010

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Officers (“Officers”) of Londonderry Lacrosse Association, a New Hampshire non-profit corporation (the “Organization” or “LYLA”) was held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on October 27, 2010 at Londonderry Town Offices, Sunny Crest Room, located at 268 Mammoth Road, Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053.

In attendance were Jim Andrews, Melinda Andrews, Steve Breault, Kevin Derhak, Chris Hastings, Janet Piazza Hennessey, Meredith Jackes, Brian Johnson, Abigail McCune, Bob McGrath and Clark Smith each an Officer of the Organization.

Ms. Andrews, as Secretary, kept the minutes of the meeting.

Having a quorum, Mr. Derhak as President called the meeting to order. On a MOTION duly made and seconded, the meeting convened.

Ratification of Minutes

Ms. Andrews presented the Minutes of the October 5, 2010 meeting of the Officers for ratification.

Upon a MOTION duly made and seconded, the Minutes of the October 5, 2010 meeting of the Officers were accepted.

Boy’s Cannons Camp

Mr. Derhak asked Ms. McCune and Mr. Hastings to provide an update to their meeting with representatives from the Boston Cannons with respect to LYLA hosting a boy’s lacrosse camp to be organized and run by the Boston Cannons. Ms. McCune provided an overview of the meeting. Ms. McCune also provided an estimated budget for the camp and tentative dates for the camp. Following Ms. McCune’s presentation, a discussion ensued among the attendees with several of the Officers making inquiries, including but not limited to, the relationship with the Cannons and certain benchmark data from other camps the Cannons have run. Additionally, several of the Officers voiced their expectations and thoughts of what activities a camp program should include that would be beneficial to the lacrosse athletes LYLA has in its program. It became evident from the discussion that the expectations and Cannons program were consistent.

An extensive discussion ensued regarding the expected tuition for the camp and the costs to run the camp by the Cannons. The discussion also included competitive lacrosse camps that are hosted in the area and the program and activities included with those camps.

The discussion continued with LYLA obligations related to the camp. Based on the discussion among the Officers, LYLA would not have any obligations, financial or operating, other than assisting with the marketing and promotion of the camp and providing a venue for the camp.

Following the discussion, it was unanimously agreed by the Officers to continue discussions with the Boston Cannons regarding running a boy’s camp hosted by LYLA. It was agreed that the partnership with the Cannons is consistent with the mission of LYLA to promote and enhance the participation in the sport of lacrosse by the youth in the Londonderry area. Ms. McCune and Mr. Hastings agreed to obtain additional information for the purpose of answering the questions that were raised by the Officers.

Additionally, Mr. Derhak agreed to commence discussions with the Town of Londonderry and other youth sport organizations within Londonderry for the purpose of securing approval for the use of fields as a venue to host the camp.

The matter will continue to be discussed at future meetings.

Communication of LYLA Program Changes

Ms. Hennessey presented a draft communication for consideration regarding the announcement of the changes in the LYLA winter and spring programs. It was agreed that the communication was a comprehensive document detailing the changes in the programs. Following a discussion it was agreed that a summary document may be more appropriate for a general email to the Organizations Members with the detailed document being linked and posted on the Organizations web site. Ms. Hennessey agreed to draft a summary communication and distribute to the Officers for comment before general distribution.

The discussion continued regarding the ongoing communication of the program changes and the various media that may be appropriate to publish. It was agreed that the communication should be made via the local community access channel. Mr. Clark and Ms. Hennessey agreed to draft communications for the community access channel.

LYLA Lacrosse Jamboree

A brief discussion commenced regarding a jamboree format and the scheduling of fields for such an event. Mr. Clark informed the group the following availability of fields:

Derryfield School ($148.75/hour)

Sunday 3/27

Saturday 4/2

Seacoast United Complex ($100.00/hour)

Sunday 4/3

The group discussed each of the venues and the cancellation and weather related policies for each of the venues and agreed to have Mr. Clark reserve 8 hours of field time at the Seacoast United facility in Epping on Sunday, April 3, 2011.

It was also agreed that Mr. Hastings reserve two 8 hour days of field time at the UNH facility in the spring as dates may be available.

Boys and Girls Coaches Meeting

Mr. Derhak commenced a discussion regarding the boys and girls coaches meeting. A discussion ensued among the attendees regarding individuals that may be considered for coaching positions for the upcoming season, including those that were not formally coaches in previous years but regularly participated in an assisting capacity. It was agreed that each of the coordinators prepare a list of potential coaches that should be contacted to participate and attend the coaches meeting. The group also discussed coaching certification requirements for the upcoming season. All head coaches require on-field training and certification and all assistant coaches require on-line training and certification. All certifications will be paid for by the Organization.

Mr. McGrath initiated a discussion regarding overall sportsmanship as well as appropriate and acceptable conduct by the coaches, players and parents at events. Although it was acknowledged that the Organizations Code of Conduct is robust, it was also acknowledged that discussion regarding the benefits and implementation of a “field marshal” role were warranted. A discussion ensued among the attendees regarding need for such a role. General and specific examples were discussed illustrating the potential benefits for the Organization as a whole, the coaches, players and parents from avoiding certain emotional situations that may occur during events involving referees, opponent coaches, opponent players or opponent parents. It was acknowledged that these type of situations that, if they occur, are to the detriment of the entire Organization, regardless of fault or instigation. It was also acknowledged that providing a model so as to minimize and defuse any of these situations is appropriate.

The group discussed the “pros” and “cons” of asking the team parent to perform such a role. It was agreed that a designated field marshal would be more effective. It was further agreed that this topic would be discussed at length at the coaches meetings.

Tabled Business

The discussion for consideration for changing the Organizations team eligibility from aged-based to grade-based was again tabled for discussion at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Officers with the rationale that the topic required sufficient time for an adequate discussion before any decision could be made. In anticipation of the discussion at the next meeting, Mr. Derhak asked Ms. McCune to distribute to all of the Officers data regarding the current age-based classification of eligible prior year participants for consideration by the Officers.


Mr. Derhak then inquired of the other Officers if there was any business requiring executive session.

There being no such need, and there being no further business to come before the Officers, on a MOTION duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.


Meeting Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled Meeting of Officers of


October 27, 2010

Submitted this the 10th day of November, 2010 by:

Melinda Andrews, Secretary

Accepted by:

Kevin Derhak, President Steve Breault, Treasurer