Accra, 6TH junE 2005

Resolutions of the 36th Ordinary General Assembly - Accra, 6th june 2005



The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Considering the report made by the Executive Committee on evolution of the UNION membership in Eastern Africa,

Decides, in compliance with section VI of the Bylaws relating to the transitional provisions, to re-establish the basic system of nominating the members of the Executive Committee, ie 3 members per subregion except the subregion hosting the headquarters of the UNION which is entitled to have 4 members.

Actingunder article 13 of the constitution,

Puts in placefor 2005-2008 period the Executive Committee as follows:

* North Africa

1. EEHC (Egypt)

2. SONELGAZ (Algeria)

3. STEG (Tunisia)

* West Africa.

1. NEPA (Nigeria)

2. SOGEPE (Cote d’Ivoire)

3. VRA (Ghana)

4. SOGEM (Mali-Mauritania-Senegal)

* Central Africa


2. SEEG (Gabon)

3. AES-SONEL (Cameroon)

* SouthernAfrica


2. ENE (Angola)

3. ZESCO (Zambia)

* Eastern Africa

1. KenGen (Kenya)

2. ELECTROGAZ (Rwanda)

3. EEPCO (Ethiopia)

The following utilities have been elected as subregional Vice-Presidents of UPDEA:

  1. North Africa: EEHC (Egypt)
  2. West Africa: SOGEM (Mali-Mauritania-Senegal)
  3. Central Africa: SNEL (DRC)
  4. Southern Africa: ZESCO (Zambia)
  5. Eastern Africa: KenGen (Kenya)

Appoints the VRA (Ghana) as President of UPDEA and President of the Executive Committee for the period of 2005-2008


The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Consideringthe new vision of UPDEA defined in year 2002 that UPDEA must be the primary catalyst for the realisation of access to electricity for all the peoples of Africa,

Considering the work accomplished by the Executive Committee and the General Secretariat in the framework of 2002-2005 activity programme in line with the new vision,

Consideringthat some actions implemented or started in the period of 2002-2005 deserve to be pursued in order to finalize them for the benefit of our member utilities,

Decides that for the 2005-2008 period, the UPDEA activities must be focused on 5 broad outlines, namely :

  1. The subregional power pools coordination
  2. Rural electrification including cross-border electrification
  3. The databank of the African Power sector
  4. The African Electrotechnical Standardisation Commission
  5. The public image of the UPDEA

Requestsfrom the Executive Committee, to put in place a plan of action containing the following main activities:

  1. Subregional power pools

- Set up a forum for co-ordination and integration of activities of the African

Power pools and coordinate its activities.

  1. Rural Electrification including cross-border electrification

- Explore all possibilities of financing projects and inform the utilities concerned,

- Organise meetings between the development partners and the power utilities


- Assist the promoters of the projects in accessing funds.

  1. Databank of the African Power sector

- Start the system tests with the available data even if it’s not all utilities that

have submitted information,

- Survey the best approaches, including outsourcing, to collect data from the

utilitieshaving problems in this area,

- Implement the databank by October 2005.

  1. The African Electrotechnical Standardisation Commission (AFSEC)

- Participate in setting up AFSEC inclose collaboration with the African Union


- Produce a distribution standard to be adopted by the member utilities and

endorsed by the Governments and national standards bureaus.

- Ensure a technical support and the necessary expertise to AFSEC.

  1. Public image of the UPDEA

- Work in close collaboration with the African Union Commission in order for the

UPDEAto be granted the status of specialised institution of the African Union

- Broaden the UPDEA to other utilities,

- Publish a UPDEA news bulletin using publishing agencies where necessary.


The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Selectsthe city of Nairobi (Kenya) as host of the 16th Congress of UPDEA.

Requestsfrom the Executive Committee to set the date and make the necessary arrangements for the organisation of the Congress in conjunction with the host utility, KenGen (Kenya).

Adoptsthe theme of the 16th Congress as follows : Good governance of national power sectorsas a keyfactor for the realisation of access to electricity for all the peoples of Africa


The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Consideringthe 35th Ordinary General Assembly which met in Douala (Cameroon),

has taken the decision of replacing the auditor of UPDEA,

Having screened the various applications and offers from the candidates, following the public advertisement for vacancy on the subject,

Has retainedthe services of Mr. TIEMELE YAO DJUE to be Auditor of the UPDEA for the period of 2005-2008.


The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Satisfiedwith the good turnout of African power utilities, affiliate members of UPDEA,international organisations and others in the 15th Congress of UPDEA,

Expressesits sincere thanks and congratulates the Executive Committee and General Secretariat of UPDEA for the quality of the job accomplished in the last three years which boosted the public image of the UNION in Africa and worldwide.

Encouragesthe Executive Committee and General Secretariat to pursue their endeavour in order to develop further the activities of the UNION.

Passed inAccra, 6th june 2005


The 36th Ordinary General Assembly of UPDEA, meeting in Accra on 6th June 2005,

Consideringthat Mr Thulani S. GCABASHE has assumed the tasks of President of UPDEA from 2001 to 2005 with commitment, foresight and wisdom,

CongratulatessincerelyMr Thulani S. GCABASHE for the quality of his leadership asPresident of the UPDEA and thanks him for the efforts made to ensure a smooth running of the UNION’s activities.

Passed inAccra, 6th june 2005


Resolutions of the 36th Ordinary General Assembly - Accra, 6th june 2005