Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club

May 16, 2017

The meeting was called to order @ 6:30pm by President Dave Tow

Executive board/Trustees/Committee members present included; Treasurer Jerry Charlton, Secretary Monica Cowles, Jerry Keltner, Rich VanBlaricomb, Keith Bowers, Jeff Burnett, Gary Emberly



Checking --$26.063.18

Savings -- $28,557.51

CDs -- $20,870.59


Black Powder Shooters meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month and some Wednesdays at 10:00am--come join us!


1. The minutes of the April, 2017 meetings were read and approved.

2. Please make sure you are on the email list to keep up with club news.

3. If you have a new key for the club that takes out the core of the locks, please let a board member know immediately so we can replace the key. Thank you!


1. President Dave Tow brought up the need for more rock for the lower parking lot and the upper road area. It was estimated that we would need approximately 7 loads of 2 1/2 minus at $4-500 per truck and trailer load. A motion was made to purchase the amount needed. It was seconded and voted on and passed.


A total of 8 prospective members submitted their applications and introduced themselves to the membership. They were voted in as a block.

Scott Quigley Valery Quigley Samuel Gentile

Danny Jones Lonnie Wall Martin Olson

Scott Hill Gary Brugger (offered assistance on environmental issues related to club)

There being no other order of business, the meeting was concluded at 7:00pm

Monica Cowles


Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club

The next meeting of the Grays Harbor Rifle and Pistol Club will be on June 20th at 6:30pm.

It is recommended that new members arrive early in order to expedite the application/payment process. Please inform inquiring prospective members of this.