El Alto El Fuego Cease-Fire

• Aggression…An unprovoked attack by an enemy
• Belligerents…Nations carrying on warfare
• Conscriptions…Compulsory enrolment as soldiers and sailors
• Casualties…The killed or wounded in battle
• Convoy…A number of ships traveling together under escort for the sake of safety
• Contraband…Smuggling of goods and engaging in prohibited traffic
• Espionage…the act orthe practiceof spying
• Evacuate…To remove fromone placeto another to avoid the destruction of war
• Embargo…An order prohibitingthe shipsto leave the ports
• Mobilize…to make troops and ships for war services
• Invade…To enter another country as an enemy
• Neutral…Taking neither side in a struggle
• Alien…An illegal foreigner in a country
• Intern…To keep citizens in confinement
• Ammunition…Shells, bombs and other destructive items
• Ordnance…heavy guns and army store-items
• Bayonet…A knife fixed on to the end of a gun
• Parole…A promise given by the prisoner if given a temporary release
• Puttees…Longclothsbound round the legs of soldiers from ankle to knee
• Reveille…Music for awakeningthe soldiersin the morning
• Arsenal…A place where naval or military weapons are made or stored
• Parachute…An apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to drop safely from an aircraft
• Volley…A shower of bullets
• Salvo…The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion
• Cavalry…Horse-soldiers
• Infantry…Foot-soldiers
• Fusillade…A numberof firearms discharged continuously
• Reconnoiter…To make anexaminationof enemy territory
• Armistice…An agreement to stop fighting
• Capitulate…To surrender to an enemy on agreed terms
• Annihilate…To reduce to nothing
• Amnesty…Ageneralpardon of offenders
• Battalion…the main division of an army
• Besiege…To surround a place with the intention of capturing it
• Recruit…A soldier recently enlisted for services
• Leave…A soldier’s holiday
• Furlough… A soldier’s holiday



·  el alto el fuego-- cease-fire

·  el arma, las armas-- weapon, weapons
las armas de destrucción masiva-- weapons of mass destruction
atacar-- to attack
el ataque-- attack
la baja-- casualty (death)
la batalla-- battle
la batería-- battery
base (aérea, military)-- (air, military) base
el blanco (militar)-- (military) target
la bomba-- bomb
bombardear-- to bomb
civil-- civilian (noun or adjective)
el/la comandante-- commander
el combate-- combat
el/la (no) combatiente]-- (non)combatant
el conflicto-- conflict
la Convención de Ginebra-- Geneva Convention
el/la coronel-- colonel
el criminal de guerra-- war criminal
los derechos humanos-- human rights
derribar-- to shoot down, to bring down
destruir-- destroy
el ejército-- army
encontrarse cautivo-- to be taken captive
estar en control, encontrarse en control-- to be in control
la explosión-- explosion
las fuerzas aéreas-- air force
las fuerzas aliadas-- allied forces
las fuerzas armadas-- armed forces
humanitario-- humanitarian
el/la general-- general
el gobierno-- government
la granada-- grenade
la guerra-- war
el helicóptero-- helicopter
herido-- injured
herir-- to injure
las hostilidades-- hostilities
la inteligencia militar-- military intelligence
la invasión-- invasion
la marina-- navy
matar-- to kill
militar-- military (adjective)
el/la militar-- soldier, fighter
el misil-- missile
la muerte-- death
el objector de conciencia-- conscientious objector
la ofensiva-- offensive
la patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla)-- patrol (to patrol, to be on patrol)
la paz-- peace
el/la piloto-- pilot
el preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerra-- prisoner of war
la propaganda-- propaganda
resguardar-- to protect against
la resistencia-- resistance
sacudir-- to strike, to hit
sangriento-- bloody
el/la soldado-- soldier
el tanque, el carro de combate-- tank
el territorio-- territory
el/la terrorista-- terrorist
las tropas– tropos


·  air force-- las fuerzas aéreas
allied forces-- las fuerzas aliadas
attack-- el ataque
to attack-- atacar
armed forces-- las fuerzas armadas
army-- el ejército
(air, military) base-- base (aérea, military)
battle-- la batalla
battery-- la batería
to be taken captive-- encontrarse cautivo
to be in control-- estar en control, encontrarse en control
bloody-- sangriento
bomb-- la bomba
to bomb-- bombardear
casualty-- la baja(death), el/la herido(injured person)
cease-fire-- el alto el fuego
civilian (noun or adjective)-- civil
commander-- el/la comandante
combat-- el combate
(non)combatant-- el/la (no) combatiente
conflict-- el conflicto
conscientious objector-- el objector de conciencia
colonel-- el/la coronel
death-- la muerte
destroy-- destruir
explosion-- la explosión
general-- el/la general
Geneva Convention-- la Convención de Ginebra
government-- el gobierno
grenade-- la granada
helicopter-- el helicóptero
hostilities-- las hostilidades
humanitarian-- humanitario
human rights-- los derechos humanos
to injure-- herir
injured-- herido
invasion-- la invasión
to kill-- matar
military (adjective)-- militar
military intelligence-- la inteligencia militar
missile-- el misil
navy-- la marina
offensive-- la ofensiva
patrol (to patrol, to be on patrol)-- la patrulla (patrullar, estar de patrulla)
peace-- la paz
pilot-- el/la piloto
prisoner of war-- el preso de guerra, el prisionero de guerra
propaganda-- la propaganda
to protect against-- resguardar
resistance-- la resistencia
to shoot down, to bring down-- derribar
soldier, fighter-- el/la militar, el/la soldado
to strike, to hit-- sacudir
(military) target-- el blanco (militar)
tank-- el tanque, el carro de combate
territory-- el territorio
terrorist-- el/la terrorista
troops-- las tropas
war-- la guerra
war criminal-- el criminal de guerra
weapon, weapons-- el arma, las armas
weapons of mass destruction-- las armas de destrucción masiva

Common Military Vocabulary

·  Anti-guerrilla Operations: operations which are conducted againstguerillaforces.

·  Area Defense: a type of defense that is oriented toward retaining a particular terrain. Area defense will rely mainly on the deployed forces that fire to repulse and stop the attackers.

·  Assault: the last step on an attack phase. It is rushing to close combat in order to drive the enemy out for hand-to-hand combat, using hand grenades and bayonets.

·  Attack: form of offensive combat. It is an offensive type of action that is directed against the enemy. The purpose is to drive the enemy from his position in order to kill or capture.

·  Barrage: protective firing of indirect firing weapons

·  Boundaries: the company and battalion defense areas which are limited due to terrain and means of approach.

·  Caliber: the diameter of the measured bore. It is expressed in decimal inch fractions.

·  Charge: part of a fire command. It establishes the propellant’s amount in a shell.

·  Checkpoint: an easy to identify point on a terrain used for controlling the movement or identifying locations.

·  Civic Action: the act of using military forces on certain projects involving its contribution to economic development purposes for the locals. Some of the projects usually cover agriculture, education, public works, communications, sanitation, and health

·  Close combat: refers to hand-to-hand combat or fighting. It involves the use of weapons such as pistols, bayonets, rifles, and hand grenades.

·  Counterattack: refers to the attack by a portion or the entire defensive force against the attackers. The main purpose of such an attack is to regain the ground that has been lost, or to destroy the enemy’s advance units. The objective is to deny the enemy of friendly territory.

·  D-day: refers to the day in which an operation will commence.

·  Debarkation: the process of unloading equipment, supplies, or troops from an aircraft or ship.

·  Deployment: the extension of depth or width of a unit. It refers to how a particular unit is organized for combat.

·  Direct fire: refers to the fire that is delivered by a weapon which is aimed directly to its target.

·  Dump: temporary space to store military supplies.

·  Ejection: refers to the process of expelling empty cartridges from weapons using an ejector.

·  Evacuation: it is the process of relocating casualties from the battlefield. It is also the clearance of personnel from a locality.

·  Extraction: the phase of an operation which involves the removal of empty cartridges through ejection.

·  Ground Zero: the specific point on a ground where a nuclear weapon xploded.

·  Guerillas: refers to the combatants which are members of an organized military force. Their activities usually involve harassment and disruption of the opposing forces.

·  Infiltrate: the passing of troops in small groups through an entrance in the enemy’s side.

·  Insurgency: refers to rebellious political activity, revolt, or rebellion designed to overthrow or weaken the authority by its very own people.

·  Insurrection: the process of rising up to challenge the government by its very own people.

·  Obstacle: a natural or artificial barrier that impedes or stops the unit’s movement.

·  Penetration: form of attack that allows the attacking force to enter or move forward through the enemy’s defensive position.

·  Political warfare: refers to the aggressive approach in using politic methods to fulfill national plans.

·  Raid: refers to a small scale operation that involves quickly penetrating hostile territory in order to secure important information, to rattle the enemy, or to destroy their installations. When the mission is accomplished, the operation ends with a withdrawal.

·  Rebellion: refers to open resistance that is organized and armed against the government.

·  Revolt: to cast off allegiance to the government.

·  Revolution: a rebellion that is able to succeed in toppling down the government and establishing new authority.

·  Security: actions taken by a certain command in order to protect its group from sabotage, espionage, and observation.

·  Withdrawal – an action whereby the unit disengages from the enemy as a direct order from their commander.

·  Zone of fire: a particular area where a unit delivers or is about to deliver fire.