PRESENT: William R. Miller, Chairman
Lon K. Howell, Vice Chairman
G. Geoffrey Longstaff, Secretary/Treasurer
Colonel Charles H. Gibson
Sandra S. Glenn
Brindley B. Pieters
Clyde H. Robertson, Jr.
Jeffrey C. Triplett
Kenneth W. Wright
Stephen H. Coover, Counsel
ABSENT: Lon K. Howell
STAFF PRESENT: Larry A. Dale, President & CEO
Victor D. White, Executive Vice President
Bryant W. Garrett, Vice President of Finance
Ray Wise, Vice President of Aviation Marketing
Diane Crews, Vice President of Administration
Jackie Cockerham, Executive Secretary
Ann Gifford, Executive Secretary
Scott Cole, Maintenance
Mike Wagner, Operations
Jerry Crocker, IT Manager
Caryn Roberts, Staff Accountant
Lori Littleton, Records Manager
Jennifer Dale, Project Coordinator
Linda Cooper, Finance Manager
Patti Humphrey, Security Administrator
Diana Muniz, Receptionist
OTHERS PRESENT: Tony VanDerworp, City Manager
Daryl McLain, Chairman, Seminole Co. Comm.
Chief Bryan Tooley, SPD
Darrel Presley, SPD
Mike McCoy, SPD
Bob Stroup, AOPA
Roger Phillips, StarPort
Mike Loader, Royal Support
Dina Henderson, Southern Jet Center
James McGrath, PBS&J
James W. McCarthy, The Haskell Company
Kevin Spolski, GC
David Keys, Newport Group
Bill McGrew, HNTB
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. He introduced and welcomed Chairman McLain, City Manager VanDerworp, Sanford Police Chief Tooley, Captain Darrel Presley, and Deputy Chief Mike McCoy.
President Dale introduced Sanford Airport Authority Staff and wished Board Members and special guests a very Merry Christmas.
tuesday, november 6, 2001
Motion by Board Member Gibson, seconded by Board Member Longstaff, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, November 6, 2001.
Motion passed.
Chairman Miller advised the TBI report would be moved up to accommodate Mr. Gouldthorpe’s time constraints.
7. Larry Gouldthorpe, President, TBI US, briefed the Board on monthly
performance statistics, expanded parking, overflow parking, revenue control equipment, shuttle bus, new airline services, and World Travel Mart.
September international statistics down 4%
October international statistics rebounded strongly up 11.5% (primarily
due to new business by the ATA Program)
Domestic traffic in October was flat or slightly down
Cargo 20% down at SFB as well as throughout the Country.
Pan Am to begin service to BWI December 6, 2001
Aero Postal returning with flights on Thursdays and Fridays
Vacation Express to begin service from Sanford on December 21, 2001 to destinations such as Washington Dulles, Atlanta, Louisville, Covington and Cincinnati, and the Caribbean, Cancun, Liberia, Costa Rica, Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, Aruba and Montego Bay, and at a special rate of $39.00 each way to Charlotte and Nashville.
Word of thanks to US Customs, INS and USDA for development of procedure for handling of luggage for Vacation Express flights.
Discussion ensued.
President Dale advised there were a number of leases on the Consent Agenda. All have personal guarantees except two, Pace Airways, who will be the airline of choice for Vacation Express, and Wayne Densch, who has had a long time business presence in Central Florida and especially Sanford and Seminole County.
A. Consider approval of FDOT Joint Participation Agreement #408881-1-94-01 for security system improvements.
FDOT has offered a grant agreement to pay 5% towards the total cost of security system improvements to install an automated intrusion detection perimeter alarm on the air carrier ramp. We have already received an FAA grant for 90% of the anticipated costs. The system is currently being designed, and the total cost is expected to be around $200,000. The FDOT grant will cover up to $10,000 of the final total.
Approval was recommended.
B. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-27 with Jeffery L. Wall, for Building 514, located at 3933 Moores Station Road.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-27 with Jeffery L. Wall for Building 514, located at 3933 Moores Station Road. As part of the purchase contract for this property, this is a leaseback agreement with a one-year term, and an additional one-year option. The annual rent is $6,000; the monthly rate is $500.00, effective November 27, 2001.
C. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-41 with S. Vitale Pyrotechnic Industries, Inc. d/b/a Pyrotecnico, for Building 138S, located at 2754-64 Navigator Avenue.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-41 with S. Vitale Pyrotechnic Industries, Inc. d/b/a Pyrotecnico for Building 138S, located at 2754-64 Navigator Avenue. The term is for one year, and the annual rent is $7,247.50; the monthly rent is $603.96, effective November 14, 2001.
D. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-42 with Wayne Densch Development Company for Building 424, located at 1600 Hangar Road.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-42 with Wayne Densch Development Company for Building 424, located at 1600 Hangar Road. The tenant desires to build a corporate hangar at the Airport, with construction to commence no later than 12 months from the effective date of this lease; the term is month-to-month to provide hangar space for the tenant in the interim. The annual rent is $29,996.00; the monthly rent is $2,499.67, effective December 1, 2001.
Note: The President did not think it necessary to secure a personal guaranty for this lease for several reasons: 1) Leonard Williams is the President of the Wayne Densch Foundation; 2) the Wayne Densch Foundation is a very solvent, well-established entity in Central Florida, and contributes significantly to this community through numerous philanthropic endeavors; and 3) Wayne Densch Distributors is one of the major employers in the City of Sanford.
E. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-43 with Newsom Hardwoods, Inc. for Building 255W/C, located at 1723 Hangar Road.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-43 with Newsom Hardwoods, Inc. for Building 255W/C, located at 1723 Hangar Road. The term is for one year, and an additional one-year option. The annual rent is $19,733.50; the monthly rent is $1,644.46, effective December 1, 2001.
F. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-44 with Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc. for Building 332, located at 1609 Hangar Road.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-44 with Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc. for Building 332, located at 1609 Hangar Road. The term is for one (1) year with two (2) additional one-year options. The annual rent is $21,924.00; the monthly rent is $1,827,00, effective December 1, 2001.
G. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-45 with Richard Leatherman for Building 138N, located at 2754-64 Navigator Avenue.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-45 with Richard Leatherman for Building 138N, located at 2754-64 Navigator Avenue. The term is for one year. The annual rent is $7,247.50; the monthly rent is $603.96, effective December 1, 2001.
H. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-46 with Francisco Hernandez for Building 300-S, located at 3106 Rudder Circle.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-46 with Francisco Hernandez for Building 300-S, located at 3106 Rudder Circle. The lease term is for one year. The annual rent is $6,000.00; the monthly rent is $500.00, effective December 1, 2001.
I. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-47 with Pace Airlines for Building 318 located at 1650 Hangar Road.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-47 with Pace Airlines for Building 318 located at 1650 Hangar Road. The term is for one (1) year with two (2) one-year renewal options. The annual rent is $8,400.00; the monthly rent is $700.00 effective December 1, 2001.
J. Consider approval of Lease Number 2001-48 with Southern Jet Center, LLC for 2.091 acres of land located on the north side of 26th Place and west of Southern Jet Center, for the construction of a 20,000 square foot hangar.
Staff recommended approval of Lease Number 2001-48 with Southern Jet Center, LLC for 2.091 acres of land located on the north side of 26th Place and west of Southern Jet Center, for the construction of a 20,000 square foot hangar. The term is for thirty (30) years. The annual rent is $18,217.50; the monthly rent is $1,518.13, effective May 1, 2002, or on the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first.
Motion by Board Member Glenn, seconded by Board Member Robertson, to approve the Consent Agenda Items A through J.
Item K was pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Motion passed.
K. Consider approval of Addendum A to Leasing Policy.
Staff recommended approval of Addendum A to the SAA Leasing Policy, to establish standard lease categories (copy below).
The Leasing Policy of the Sanford Airport Authority, adopted November 6, 2001, is hereby amended, effective December 4, 2001, as follows:
SECTION 5. Standard Tenant Lease Requirements:
L. The SAA will maintain standard leases for the following categories:
1. Residential
2. Non-aviation commercial, land only
3. Non-aviation commercial, building and land
4. Aviation commercial, land/ramp only
5. Aviation commercial, building and land/ramp
6. Agricultural
Initially, these standard leases will be prepared by the President/CEO, Vice-President of Administration and the Airport Attorney. Thereafter, the implementation of these standard leases will not require attorney review; however, all non-standard leases will be reviewed by the Airport Attorney and approved by the SAA. In addition, the Airport Attorney will review all matters of lease negotiation between any tenant’s legal counsel and the Authority.
All FBO Leases will be prepared by the Airport Attorney.
ADOPTED BY THE SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS by motion duly made, seconded and approved at its regular monthly meeting held December 4, 2001.
Discussion by Board Member Glenn as to acceptance of the policy by Board Members Longstaff and Triplett.
Discussion ensued.
Board Members Longstaff and Triplett advised they were in agreement with the policy change.
Motion by Board Member Longstaff, seconded by Board Member Pieters, to approve Item K as recommended.
Motion passed.
A. Consider approval of agreement with U.S. K-9 Services for purchase and training of explosives detection dog.
President Dale advised the FAA maintains a federally-funded program to provide K-9 explosives detection dogs for the largest airports in the country. At the moment, there are about 188 canine teams working full-time at the top 39 major airports. The FAA plans to add 25 more airports in 2002 and 16 more in 2003. Since our airport is ranked about 103rd in the country, it will probably be several years before we can hope to get a FAA-funded dog team assigned to SFB. We have requested that the FAA put us in their program as soon as they can. In the meantime, we need to have the capability of detecting explosives much sooner than the FAA can possibly do it for us. Thus, we have contracted with a local firm, U.S. K-9 Services, to provide us a bomb-sniffing dog on an hourly basis while we move towards getting a full-time dog.
We have obtained a price quote from this firm, which would allow us to purchase a “dual purpose” dog that will be trained to provide explosives detection, as well as provide criminal apprehension, handler protection, tracking, building search, and area patrol search. This would make the expenditure for the dog much more cost-effective. The cost to acquire the dog, and train the dog and handler is approximately $8,000.
We are currently working with the City of Sanford Police Department to see if they will provide the law enforcement officer who would act as the dog’s handler. The proposal we have before the City would be for the Airport to pay for the dog acquisition and training, officer training, acquisition of the transport vehicle and kennels, and the City would provide the cost of the officer’s salary, weapons, uniforms, equipment, and benefits. The Airport’s start-up costs of about $45,000 are anticipated to be fully offset by 100% grants from the FDOT under a new program recently passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in the special session. This K-9 team would be “on duty” at the Airport about 50% of its duty time, and the remainder would be working duty elsewhere within the City.
Staff recommended that the Board approve the request, subject to the City also approving their share of the costs to provide the officer as handler.
Chief Tooley advised the program would be good for both the City of Sanford and the Airport and ultimately provide better security to the traveling public, which was the intent.
Discussion ensued.
City Manager VanDerworp advised the program request would be taken to the City Commission on Monday December 10th and he would recommend it. The program is a good partnership for the City of Sanford and the Airport.
Discussion continued.
Motion by Board Member Robertson, seconded by Board Member Glenn, to approve the agreement with U.S. K-9 Services for purchase and training of an explosives detection dog as recommended.
Motion passed.
B. Consider Employee Handbook.
President Dale advised Staff recommended approval of the Employee Handbook prepared by the Vice President of Administration and Human Resources, which had been sent to Board Members prior to the Board Meeting.
Discussion about similarity and differences to the City of Sanford Employee Policy and legalities.
Discussion regarding contract employees.
President Dale advised he hoped to have short form contracts with all of the Vice Presidents. He would work with Counsel on those contracts.
Board Member Longstaff asked since we are owned by the City if there be any benefits that would differ from the City Policy.
Discussion regarding citizenship requirements.
Counsel advised correction of one statement made so that there would not be any misconception perpetuated. He advised the Sanford Airport Authority is not owned by the City. The Authority is a dependent special district, which is a separate entity altogether. The City does own a portion of the Airport property proper and the Airport Authority owns some other parcels that had been acquired since the initial acquisition of the Airport by the City in 1969. The Authority would not come under the same rules and regulations that the City had to deal with. He further advised he thought the Vice President of Administration had done a good job drafting the policy.