Milford City Council Meeting

Tuesday, July19, 2016, 4:00 P.M.

Milford EMS Center, 880 North Main Street

Milford, Utah 84751

Members Present: Mayor Nolan Davis, Council Members Aaron Cox, Wayne Hardy, Les Whitney, Russell Smith, and Terry Wiseman

Absent: None

Staff: City Administrator Makayla Bealer, City Recorder Monica Seifers, Administrative Assistant Lisa Thompson, Attorney Leo Kanell, Jesse Ralphs – Sunrise Engineering, Riley Rose, Benjamin Stewart

Visitors (Official Roster): Bill and Sarah Wray, Scott Albrecht, Sherri Yardley, Blake Williams, Jaynell Bailey, Clark Dalton, John Fowles

Call to Order

Mayor Nolan Davis called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Recognition to Visitors Relating to City Business

Scott Albrecht, Beaver County – Community Center Update

Mr. Albrecht has been working on options for a multi government building. He has made contact with several property owners and mailed letters to those who he could not contact. Michael Mayer is open to working with the City on the corner lot. Mr. McCarty was not interested in saving one of his buildings as it is dilapidated. Paul Thomas would like to save his building. Scott stated it was going to be a slow process, if looking to do it quickly then downtown won’t work. He also met with Bryan McCarty on the old hotel. No one wants to see the building torn down. He has done some work on it but it is not up to standard. He is open to discussion for going into an agreement with the City. Mayor Davis stated we need to sit down and look at the time frame of it. Mr. Albrecht feels that the City would need to do a two level building if done downtown. He should have more numbers and information by next meeting. Will do a cost estimate and look at how it will affect the post office.

Mr. Albrecht presented some feedback from Roger Brooks showing a clip from Mr. Brooks’ presentation on June 30th. He proposed painting murals on the vacant buildings, placing benches and flower pots in front of operating businesses so visitors would know they are open for business. He also suggested that Milford would benefit from having antique dealers open up shop in our town. Scott stated he would like to help “orchestrate the effort” on making simple improvements to the City based on the feedback taken from Mr. Brooks.

Mr. Albrecht left the meeting at 4:28 pm.

Jesse Ralphs, Sunrise Engineering – Water Project Update

Mr. Ralphs presented and discussed the water cost and timing summary. The project scope is $3 million. The proposed funding would come through the USDA at 45% grant 55% loan. The annual Debt Service would come out to about $70,959. USDA does require that rates be sufficient to cover the project and O&M costs. It would come out to a $17 per residential connection rate increase. Bulk water sales was scaled back considerably in the scenario, although the sales have been substantial for the past few years, it is not a sure thing and cannot be considered as a revenue source. Well drilling would actually have to happen during the design phase to ensure the water is there. RD funding can’t be drawn until bids have been awarded so there would be about $823K interim financing. Jesse has contacted Marcus Keller at Zion’s Bank and this would be a water revenue bond so it would be a little easier than a tax based bond. Once the loan closes with the USDA the interim loan would be paid off. Mayor Davis asked if there was a contingency built in for if extra funding was needed for well drilling. Jesse explained that there was a contingency included in construction and professional services. Mayor Davis asked for Mr. Ralphs recommendations on contacting other lenders to compare against Zion’s. While Jesse did not have a personal or professional recommendation he supported the idea of looking at funding options. He did state that Zion’s is pretty big and knowledgeable about this type of funding but that doesn’t mean another funding source couldn’t beat them on rates.

Consent Issues

Consent issues including bills and payroll, Financial Report June 2016 and Minutes of June 21, 2016 Council Meeting; June 21, 2016 Public Hearing – Operating Budget FY 2016-2017; June 21, 2016 Public Hearing - Proposed Funding for Culinary Water Improvements; and June 21, 2016 Public Hearing – Selling Irrigation Water were presented.

MOTION: Council Member Russell Smith moved to approve the consent issues as presented. Motion was seconded by Council Member Les Whitney. All were in favor, motion carried.

New Business

Approval of Hiring of Seasonal Crew Member

Trevor Zane Carter was selected for the position and started on July 5, 2016.

MOTION: Council Member Aaron Cox moved to approve the hiring of Trevor Zane Carter. Motion was seconded by Council Member Les Whitney. All were in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Equipment Rental Agreement between Milford City and Milford Wildlife Association

Attorney Kanell – we had a hard time coming up with a description so we included a picture in the agreement. There was not a serial number of any kind on it. Council Member Whitney suggested engraving one on it. Council Member Whitney stated he was in full support of the Milford Wildlife Association and the City wants to support the youth and community.

MOTION: Council Member Les Whitney moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Motion was seconded by Council Member Russell Smith. All were in favor, motion carried.

Attorney Kanell supported the recommendation of engraving an identifying number on the tank and have it included on the agreement

Approval of Water Use Agreement between Milford City and Blake Williams

This agenda item was moved to follow the Public Hearing set for 5:00 pm

Discuss Library Operations

This agenda item was moved to allow for the attendance of Library Director Fowles, who would be in attendance momentarily.

Old Business

Approval of Work Release for Water Project

Jesse reviewed that this would be for the Preliminary Engineering Report and the Environmental Report that would get the City to the point where they would put in the funding application and then at that point, once it is approved, all the other tasks would be on a separate work release. This can be done when City is ready to move forward.

MOTION: Council Member Aaron Cox moved to table the work release until information has been obtained from the lender and he would like to pursue multiple lenders to make sure we get the best deal. Motion was seconded by Council Member Wayne Hardy. All were in favor, motion carried.

Update on Burrow Blocker Machine

Council Member Cox did contact the school and they are in the process of talking to people to see how well it might work. There was a little discussion but not a whole lot, but it has been presented. He asked if the City got any feedback. Administrator Bealer stated she had just read the testimonies. Council Member Whitney cited he had done the same. Council Member Cox stated that the school did talk to Mark Nelson and he had a few concerns. Mr. Cox was getting that second hand, but some of Mr. Nelson’s concerns was that it just pushes them out of the hole. Administrator Bealer will contact Mr. Nelson and follow up with him. Will be placed on future agenda for follow up.

Surplus of Property – Presentation of Bids Received.

Council Member Hardy opened and presented the bids as follows:

Alex Wright bid $20 on the utility boxes.

Tom Bradshaw bid $111 on the 2004 Grasshopper Lawnmower.

Tom Bradshaw bid $111 on the Ransomes T3101 Lawnmower.

Tom Bradshaw bid $101 on the Caterpillar Grader.

SCE Trucking bid $501 on the Caterpillar Grader.

SCE Trucking bid $51 on the tow behind angle broom.

Riley Rose bid $20 on the Exmark mower.

MOTION: Council Member Les Whitney moved to accept the bids as presented and the highest bid of $501 on the Caterpillar Grader. Motion was seconded by Council Member Terry Wiseman. All were in favor, motion carried.

All items to be paid for and picked up within 30 days

Public Hearing – Proposed Rate of $50 per Acre Foot for Sale of Irrigation Water – 5:00 PM

Mayor Davis called for comments.

Clark Dalton asked Blake Williams how many acres. Blake responded there was 190-200 acres that he would be farming.

There were no other comments – the public hearing was closed at 5:05 pm.

Council returned to New Business

Water Use Agreement Between Milford City and Blake Williams

Attorney Kanell – the agreement was included in the packets and everyone knows the changes that were talked about. The Mayor can be authorized to sign the agreement once it is completed.

MOTION: Council Member Russell Smith moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement to be updated with the legal description once they become available. Motion was seconded by Council Member Wayne Hardy. All were in favor, motion carried.

Mr. Williams left the meeting at 5:08 pm.

Discuss Library Operations

Mayor Davis stated there have been concerns, comments, and meetings. He spent three hours at the library with John Fowles and Makayla Bealer looking over the operations, passing suggestions back and forth. It was a very productive meeting. They came up with some ideas that Makayla will be presenting.

Administrator Bealer explained that currently the Library is budgeted for 65 hours per week and there is only one employee so we need to advertise for two positions. She talked with Angela Edwards at the Beaver Library and got some ideas that she suggested to John, who was supportive of them. She proposed increasing the Library Director’s hours to 29 hours per week, requiring him to physically be at the Library during 25 hours of those weeks, which would be while the Library is open to the public. Suggested hiring a Part Time Assistant at 29 hours per week to cover the front desk, help with shelving books, help with patrons, etc. Also suggested hiring a Programming Coordinator at 7 hours per week. This position would organize and run story hour, summer reading program, purchasing the supplies, etc. This position would not necessarily require them to be physically at the Library. They could be spending a lot of time out of the Library purchasing items for and coordinating these programs. This person would also be responsible for advertising.

Administrator Bealer stated that they would like to get these positions advertised as soon as possible and would like to get the Council’s input. An interview committee will be constructed to include two members of the Library Board, a member of the City Council, and Angela Edwards.

Current hours are Monday – Friday 11 – 5:30 and Saturdays 11 – 4. The state only requires that it be open for 23 hours per week, seven of those being evening and weekend. Beaver actually shuts down one day during the week and then open Saturdays. John has said that Thursdays are their slowest days, so they are proposing Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 11 to 5:30 and then Saturday from 11 – 4. This would keep us within state requirements and allow efficient operation of the Library. Job descriptions for the Part Time Assistant and the Programming Coordinator have been completed. She can email them to the Council for their review.

John Fowles stated he was appreciative of Makayla’s efforts.

Jaynell Bailey asked how long it takes to hire. Makayla explained that she would like to advertise for a week and hold interviews the following week in an effort to get someone in place as soon as possible but it could be a month out if someone has to give a two week notice. Jaynell asked John if he had purchased the prizes for the summer reading yet. John replied some, not all, but they will work through that as soon as they can get over there. Probably Thursday or Friday. Jaynell offered Friends of the Library to help with getting prizes. Makayla asked Jaynell if they would be willing to help with purchasing the prizes. Jaynell stated yes, they have children right now that are ready, that have completed their reading. Makayla asked if she would work with her on purchasing.

Administrator Bealer added that through this process it was discovered that the Library policies are not that clear and precise so it is being suggested that the Library Board hold monthly meetings for a few months to get some defined policies adopted allowing the Library to operate. Two examples given were book disposal and internet use policy. The Library Board only meets quarterly right now but it is felt that they need to meet monthly until the Library has got back into full operations.

MOTION: Council Member Terry Wiseman moved to accept the recommendations as presented by Administrator Bealer. Motion was seconded by Council Member Les Whitney. All were in favor, motion carried.

Mr. Ralphs asked to be excused at 5:21 pm.

Ordinance and Resolutions

  1. Resolution 15-2016 “Compensation and Salaries FY 2016-2017”
  2. Resolution 16-2016 “Electronic Meetings”
  3. Ordinance 4-2016 “Implementation of SERVLINE Leak Program”

Council Member Hardy has been approached by residents with questions regarding the water leak program. They are confused on where the liability ends. He has been stating that if they take the $2 one, and they have a water or sewer leak, they are covered to their foundation. City Recorder Seifers explained that the $2.00 coverage is for water loss only, which is for water that goes through the meter in the event of a leak. It does not have anything to do with line breaks, it is only associated with water usage. So, if there is a water leak because of a line break or the sprinkler not working properly, etc. anything that would cause a higher than normal usage resulting from a leak, it is for water leak adjustments only. The water loss protection only covers water that goes through the meter that the consumer is charged for. Right now, when this happens, the customer has to come to the City and ask for a one-time leak adjustment. It is a one-time adjustment that the City has to write off. It does not have anything to do with the water line, or the sewer line, it is specific to water that goes through the meter that the customer is billed for. Council Member Whitney – you can claim more than one time now? Recorder Seifers – I believe it is limited to one time per year, but that is a lot more forgiving than what we have offered in the past. Administrator Bealer added that you have to remember that when customers ask for an adjustment, and we have had several of them, the City writes that off. The City still has costs associated with pumping and treating that water. So this not only protects our citizen’s but it protects the tax payers and the City. There are three parts to this coverage: there is Water Loss Protection, there is also Water Line and Sewer Line Protection. Everyone (residential only) is automatically being enrolled in the water loss, which will add $2 to their monthly bill, however, they can call Customer Service and have it removed, but if they do that, the City will not give any adjustments if they have a leak, the customer will be responsible for the entire amount of the bill. They can opt in for the water line and sewer line coverage, which is their choice as well. Council Member Hardy asked how they can sign up for the line coverage. Staff explained that the flyer has a customer service number that is used for all three options. Flyers were mailed out to all residential customers with the utility statements last month. Additional flyers are available at the City Office as well as online. Council Member Hardy – so you have to call that number if you want to sign up for the water line and sewer line? Staff – yes.

MOTION: Council Member Wayne Hardy moved to adopt Resolution 15-2016 “Compensation and Salaries FY 2016-2017”; Resolution 16-2016 “Electronic Meetings”; and Ordinance 4-2016 “Implementation of SERVLINE Leak Program”. Motion was seconded by Council Member Russell Smith. Roll call votes were as follows: Council Members Aaron Cox - Yes, Wayne Hardy - Yes, Russell Smith - Yes, Les Whitney - Yes, Terry Wiseman - Yes. Motion carried.

Staff and Council Reports

Staff Member Reports and Comments

Leo Kanell ~ City Attorney

 No reports or comments.

Makayla Bealer ~ City Administrator

No reports or comments.

Monica Seifers ~ City Recorder

No reports or comments.

Lisa Thompson ~ Administrative Assistant

No reports or comments.

Ben Stewart ~ City Foreman

No reports or comments.

Council Member Aaron Cox ~ Water, Public Safety and Law Enforcement, Beautification

Asked how much money came in on the surplus sale? Makayla responded that they made $814 today and $9000 plus last month. He asked if the proceeds would go towards a container. Makayla - the container has been purchased, costing $3500. The remainder of the proceeds went into the General Fund.