MONDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 2010 AT 2.00P.M.


Report of the Director of Strategy Partnerships

Author: Keith Shephard (Tel: 01992 555368)

Executive Member: Richard Roberts(Performance & Partnerships)

1. Purposeof Report

1.1To secure delegated authority to exercise the ‘accountable body’ endorsement of four Local Area Agreement 2 (LAA2)(2008-11) targets, currently under renegotiation.

2. Summary

2.1In 2009four of the LAA2 targets were set aside for later renegotiation in view of the impact of the economic downturn. HertfordshireForward and the County Council welcomed that move.

2.2Partner agencies are now in discussion with GO East to agree appropriate targets based on revised evidence and trends. This report requests Cabinet agreement to a formal process for the signing off those targets subject to renegotiation.

3. Recommendation

3.1That, following the meeting of the Hertfordshire Forward Partnership Development and Performance Group on 1 March 2010, the Director of Strategy & Partnerships, in consultation with the Executive Member for Performance & Partnerships, be authorised to endorse the four renegotiated LAA2 targets and the introduction ofNI21, referred to in the report, and to make any technical adjustments required to the Agreement on behalf of the County Council. .

4. Background

4.1The Hertfordshire Local Area Agreement 2008 – 2011 has four targets that were “parked” in 2009 due to their particular vulnerability to the impact of the current recession. These are currently being re-negotiatedtogether with targets for the final year of LAA2:-

  • NI* 116: Child Poverty (hosted by the Children’s Trust Partnership)

This target is subject to redefinition by Central Government

prior to any re-negotiation. Tackling disadvantage forms a key part of the Children Trust priorities and related work programme

  • NI 152: Worklessness (hosted by the Hertfordshire Works Partnership)

The recession continues to impact on the number of benefit claimants, particularly people on Job Seekers Allowance, which, whilst levelling off, has grown over the year.

Representatives of the Hertfordshire Works Partnership continue to discuss the issue with JobCentre Plus. It may be possible to reset the baseline, given the scale of economic change that has occurred since this was originally set.

  • NI 154: Housing Growth (hosted by the Better Places to Live Partnership)

This target is, in part, related to the Area Assessment ‘red flag’ on planning for new housing.

The Hertfordshire Housing Consortium has been set up to coordinate housing development. The Better Places to Live Partnership has recently been established and is bringing together the relevant partnerships and organisations responsible for producing plans and needs assessments.

  • NI 172: Business Growth (hosted by the Hertfordshire Works Partnership)

This indicator has been affected by the recession.

Representatives of the Hertfordshire Works Partnership and Business Link are currently in discussion regarding the possibility of switchingthe focus to NI 171, which relates to the number of business start ups in the County.

* NI = National Indicator

4.2In addition to these renegotiations, the Safer and Stronger Communities Partnershiphas agreed to bring into LAA2 a target for NI 21 (Dealing with local concerns about anti social behaviour and crime by the local council and police). There will also be a suite of minor technical adjustments to the Agreement as part of the refresh.

4.3Appropriate agencies from the host countywide partnership are working together and with GO East to establish mutually acceptable wording. County Council officers are involved in each case.

4.4On 1 March 2010, the Hertfordshire Forward Partnership Development and Performance Group will consider the outcome of negotiations on the four targets prior to them being submitted to Government as an agreed set. The County Council, as the LAA ‘accountable body’, is required to endorse them. Given that there is no Cabinet meeting timetabled between 1 March 2010 and the submission deadline it is proposed that the necessary endorsement is delegated to the Director of Strategy and Partnerships in consultation with the Executive member for Performance and Partnerships. .

5. Financial Implications

5.1The total maximum Performance Reward Grant available to the County for LAA2 is £7m, across 33 targets in all. The national model for calculating the reward, and payment of it, requires clarity. If payment follows the pattern for LAA1 PRG it will follow in late 2011/12.

Background Information

Local Area Agreement for Hertfordshire 2008 - 2011