File Name / TSS Charter.pdf
Category / () Regional reliability standard
() Regional criteria
() Policy
() Guideline
() Report or other
( X ) Charter
Document date / January 25, 2012
Adopted/approved by / Planning Coordination Committee
Date adopted/approved / March 29, 2012
Custodian (entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep) / Technical Studies Subcommittee Chair
Stored/filed / Physical location:
Web URL:
Previous name/number / none
Status / ( X ) in effect
() usable, minor formatting/editing required
() modification needed
() superseded by ______
() other ______
() obsolete/archived)
January 25, 2011
Establishment and Authority
The Technical Studies Subcommittee (TSS) is a (e.g.,member or Board)committee established by the Planning Coordination Committee (PCC).
The purpose of TSS is to undertake those studies related to the reliability of the interconnected bulk power systems that have been approved and authorized by the PCC.
The Technical Studies Subcommittee (TSS) shall perform studies, maintain data files, evaluateproposed system additions or alterations, prepare reports and recommendations, and perform suchother duties as directed by the Planning Coordination Committee. In order to accomplish theseobjectives,
TSS shall:
- Conduct studies and evaluate study results to determine the reliability of the Western Interconnection.Prepare annual “state of the system” reports and other reports covering study results and evaluations, and make recommendations to the PCC.
- Collect, coordinate, and maintain data files for power flow and stability studies.Monitor data submission for quality assurance.
- Determine program or modeling requirements and evaluate, validate, and propose modifications to existing WECC computer programs.
- Conduct and evaluate studies to investigate special conditions.
- Evaluate and explore new developments and techniques of interest to WECC.
- Review and evaluate reports from member systems covering proposed additions or alterations tofacilities in relation to NERC Planning Standards and WECC Regional Criteria.
- Recommend liaising with other areas when required.
- Prepare and submit an annual budget.
- Perform such other functions as may be delegated by the Planning Coordination Committee.
- Facilitate member compliance NERC Reliability Standards when applicable to TSS and its work group activities
Subcommittee Composition and Governance
- Membership
a. The TSS shall be composed of individuals nominated by member systems to the TSS chair.Insofar as practicable, membership shall represent geographic and system areas.Qualifications for membership on TSS shall include the ability to participate actively and to supply competent manpower.
c.Members shall serve indefinitely until another individual from a member system is officially appointed.
- Leadership
a.The PCC chair shall appoint one of the TSS members to serve as the TSS chair.
b.The TSS chair shall appoint one of the TSSmembers to serve as the TSS vice chair.
c.The TSS chair shall appoint one of the TSSmembers to serve as the TSS secretary.
d.The TSS chair shall manage the TSSand its meetings.
e. The TSS vice chair shall perform the duties of the TSS chair in the chair’s absence or in the event of a vacancy in the office of the TSS chair.
f.The TSS secretary shall prepare minutes of the TSS meetings for approval by the TSS.
g. The TSS chair shall/may appoint a steering committee thatshall assist with meeting agendas and action recommendations.
- Meetings
- The TSS shall determine the time and place of its meetings, provided that it shall meet at least three times per year.
- The TSS shall determine the procedures for its meetings, except,
- A quorum for TSS meetings shall be at least fifty percent of the registered members.
- Action taken by TSS shall require a majority vote of those members present.
- Meetings will be in person as called by the TSS Chair.
- The TSS chair (or designee) shall provide e-mail notice of the time and place of all TSS meetings to each member of the PCC and the Board no later than three days prior to the meeting, together with an agenda of the items for which action may be taken.Any member of the Board may attend any meeting held in person and may monitor any meeting held by conference call.
- WECC members who wish to attend the TSS meetings or monitor conferencecalls may do so after providing notice of their interest to the TSS chair by e-mail.Upon receiving such a notice, the TSS chair shall provide an e-mail copy of the notice and agenda of future meetings to that WECC member at the time the notice and agenda are provided to the PCC and the Board.
- Attend three regularly scheduled one to three-day TSS meetings a year. Also, members are expected to attend special meetings that may be called from time to time as necessary.
- Review, comment or approve internal TSS policy, principles, guidelines, letters, reports and other various work products.
- Review, comment or approve, as requested, letters and reports from WECC Staff Member Systems, PCC and Joint Guidance Committee.
- Coordinate all matters relating to TSS within own company.
- Act as official spokesperson for TSS obligations and meet assigned deadlines.
- Be willing and able to devote necessary time to fulfill TSS obligations and meetassigned deadlines.
- Be willing and able to accept a share of the subcommittee leadership on a rotationalbasis.
- Be willing and able to participate in specially appointed groups and receive assignmentsfrom TSS Chairperson or a Work Group/Task Force Chairperson.
- Assist in assessing interconnected system reliability as assigned by the TSS Chair.
The TSS shall report to PCCon its activities and any recommendations.
The System Review Workgroup, Modeling and Validation Work Group, PTI Program Users Work Group, GE Program Users Work Group, and Power World Users Work Group shall report to TSS on its activities and any recommendations.
TSS Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures can be located in the WECC/Committees/TSS/Documents.
TSS Workgroup Guidelines, Policies and Procedures can be located in their respective WECC workgroup locations on the WECC/Committees/Name of Workgroup/Documents.
Review and changes to the Charter
The TSS shall review this charter on an biennialbasis and recommend any changes to the PCC.
Approved by the Planning Coordination Committee March 29, 2012