Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Chagford Parish Council
held at Endecott House on Monday 9th January 2012 commencing at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Bleakman; Coombe; Mrs Haxton; Mrs Hill (Chairman); Lloyd Hill; Parrott; Sampson; Shears; Ms Stead; Ms Thorn; Williams and Ms C. Aubertin (WDBC Environment Officer.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr d’Arch Smith
In attendance: The Clerk, Mrs Stone
a) Cllr Coombe declared an interest in Min 315b
b) Cllr Lloyd Hill declared an interest in Min 315b
The Minutes of the Regular meeting held on 12th December 2011 were confirmed as a true record and signed.
307 WDBC Public Conveniences Consultation (Min 278 refers)
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming Ms C. Aubertin (WDBC Enviroment Officer) who was invited to discuss the proposed 30% increase in charges for the maintenance of the public conveniences which seemed to be
inevitable if the conveniences were to remain open. Ms Aubertin was reminded that the Council had anticipated the proposed refurbishment of the conveniences which had been agreed with the WDBC and were due to take place by 2017. To date, the most recent update was the replacement of a wallgate, for a far superior model, in the gents’ loos for which Ms Aubertin was thanked.
Ms Aubertin suggested the Council is soon to receive a letter referring to “a transformation plan” exploring devolved services by 2015 in which Local Councils will be invited to participate. Priority for joining the benefits of the scheme will be reserved for those Councils who have made some offer in respect of a funding increase for loo maintenance.
The Chairman informed Ms Aubertin that any Parish Council decision to increase the maintenance contribution would be taken at the extraordinary meeting on 23rd January when the precept for 2012/13 would be set. It is fortuitous that the discussion with Ms Aubertin this evening has clarified matters to such an extent that a more balanced decision can be taken at the precept meeting. Ms Aubertin was thanked for her participation in this event.
308 WDBC Car Parking Strategy Group (Min 286a refers)
Following a suggestion from the Chagford Business Association that the first hour of car parking should be free of charge every day from Monday to Saturday, Ms Aubertin drew attention to the enforcement that would arise from this arrangement and the inevitable increase in other charges during the day to make up for lost revenue. Cllrs Bleakman and Parrott, for the Business Association said small businesses were losing income from the early morning shoppers for milk; papers etc; who did not feel justified in paying for a very short stop for these purposes. It was further suggested that enforcement could be avoided if parking charges did not start before 10am.
Considerable discussion then ranged from an increase in the number of season tickets issued (currently 14/18) to 25 with a possibility that business proprietors could purchase a permit that could be handed to their staff for use whilst on duty.
It was also suggested that car park revenue could be increased if the recycle skips were removed from the car park to create more parking space. Ms Aubertin replied that the skips were much used and had to be cleared and replaced frequently because of over use. This volume of use could not be compensated solely by the doorstep collections.
Ms Aubertin indicated that the Parking Strategy Group at WDBC was constantly seeking to minimize parking charges for Chagford and she would verbally report our discussion to the Committee with a request for another meeting with the strategy group. Ms Aubertin agreed to seek consideration for the free first hours parking requested and an increase in the number of permits issued.
Ms Aubertin was thanked for her constructive and valuable assistance. The Chairman also thanked the Business Association for their forbearance; perseverance and understanding of this complex problem.
309 Friends of St. Michaels (Min 281 refers)
In response to a letter from the Clerk to the Friends of St. Michaels for clarification of the status of the current constitution, Mr Barnaby Dickens replied that the records were “less than satisfactory”. He forwarded copies of such correspondence as was available and requested copies of any information that the Council held on the matter. In return the Clerk forwarded a draft copy of the unsigned and undated Constitution of 1998 and copies of various correspondence relating to Charity Trustee meetings.
The Chairman held a meeting with Mr Dickens who is writing to the Charity Commissioners prior to giving a report to the AGM of the Friends of St. Michaels.
We will be notified of the outcome in due course. Noted:
310 Grit Bins (Min 282b refers)
a) In response to the Clerk’s request for confirmation that the WDBC will insure
snow volunteers who may be required to work in the car park, she was advised that the matter had not been considered because no other Council had drawn their attention to it. The risk assessment Officer for the WDBC (Ms Lynne Coombe) is looking into the matter and will advise in due course. Noted:
b) The WDBC has installed a new grit bin in the car park and placed a small amount of salt in it but the salt previously offered by the DCC for use in the Parish has not arrived.
Resolved: The Clerk to make enquiries as to when we will receive it.
311 WDBC Devolved Services Workshop
Notice received of a Meeting to be held at the Watermark, Ivybridge on 31st January 2012 from 2pm to 4pm to discuss the development of shared services.
Resolved: The matter be referred to the Extraordinary Meeting on 23rd January to appoint two representatives to attend.
312 WDBC Town Centre, Shopping and Leisure Study
Invitation received to attend a workshop at Bridestowe Village Hall on 30th January from 2-4pm to discuss provision of shopping and leisure facilities in Towns. The WDBC has appointed Strategic Perspectives, a planning consultancy to lead the work. Noted
313 Parish Assembly 2012
The Parish Assembly meeting will take place on 19th April 2012. Venue to be confirmed later. It was suggested that the Chief Executive of the Community Council of Devon be invited to speak at the meeting.
Resolved: The Chairman to extend an invitation to the Chief Executive of CCD
314 Diamond Jubilee Mugs.
Following suggestions that diamond Jubilee Mugs should be purchased for all persons under the age of 16 on 1st September 2011, numerous designs were obtained and a bone china mug bearing an inscription was selected at a cost of £2.85 per mug. It is anticipated that approximately 250 will be required.
Resolved: The sum of £750 to be made available for the purchase of the mugs.
315 Development Control Matters
a) 0605/11 Holystreet Manor, Chagford
0606/11 Holystreet Manor, Chagford – Listed Building Consent
Proposed internal and external alterations including construction of atrium, garden room, pool house and pool.
Cllr Bleakman reported that it had not been possible to arrange a site visit to meet the owner’s requirements but it will now take place on Tuesday, 10th January and a recommendation will follow. Noted:
Cllrs Coombe and Lloyd Hill declared an interest in the following item and left the room
b) 0162/11 Proper Job
The DNPA Continues to fail to inform the Parish Council of the status of the correspondence submitted in respect of the Proper Job site.
Resolved: i) The Clerk to write a strong letter to Mr Belli questioning his failure to keep the Council informed; ii) The Clerk to furnish Cllr Shears with copies of the correspondence and e-mails to enable him to make further enquiries.
Cllrs Coombe and Lloyd Hill returned to the meeting.
316 Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
0516/11 Lakeland Farm North Bovey
Proposed installation of photovoltaic array on south facing roof of barn. Noted:
317 Grant of Listed Building Consent
0544/11 10 Lower Street, Chagford
Proposed replacement windows Noted:
318 Development Management Delivery Plan
The amended Version of the Development Management Delivery Plan provoked a heated debate at the DNPA meeting on Friday 7th January when it was suggested the Bellacouch site be removed from the Plan. After much discussion it was agreed the site remain in the Plan. Cllr Shears was thanked for his participation in this event. Noted:
319 6 New Street, Chagford
A letter to the DNPA re lack of response in respect of a planning application has still not met with a reply.
Resolved: The Clerk to pursue the matter.
320 Proposed Tree Works
a) Land adjacent to Bellacouch.
The Contractor has been unable to carry out the trimming of the tree at Cross Tree because of severe weather conditions.
Resolved: The Clerk to enquire when the work can be carried out.
b) Grandy’s House
The proposed felling of 3 trees in the grounds of Grandy’s house met with much opposition. Letters received were forwarded to the DNPA Trees & Landscape Officer. The matter was discussed fully and concerns were expressed about the safety of the trees.
Resolved: The Council is of the opinion that the Thuja has no amenity or wildlife value. The Fir is located very close to the rear wall of houses in Orchard Meadow and although tall and nicely formed the Council is also of the opinion that the potential risk of damage is such that the tree should be felled.
With respect to the Sitka Spruce, which is largely covered in ivy, the Council recognizes that this tree is significant on the skyline. However, given its current and potential size and its proximity to a number of houses in Orchard Meadow, the Council is of the opinion that this tree could potentially be a danger in the vicinity.
321 Local Development Framework – Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document.
Cllr Bleakman affirmed that the guide reflected a previous discussion the Parish Council had had with National Park Officers when it was pointed out that some issues required a more positive approach. Noted:
There were no items to discuss
323 Diamond Jubilee Account – Noted:
An account for the Diamond Jubilee expenditure has been opened at the National Westminster Bank with a transfer of £500 from the Parish Council account to start the proceedings. The account will require 3 signatures from nominated persons, to authorize any expenditure and will be closed on completion of the celebrations.
324 WDBC Memorial Garden Grant (Min 300 refers)
Following information received from the WDBC that an outstanding sum of Grant monies was being held in respect of the Memorial Garden, the Clerk enquired whether the cost of installing the water supply (£118.93) could be claimed in part payment. A reply indicated that only 28.6% of eligible capital costs would be available reducing the claim to £34.
Resolved: To let the matter lie on the table.
325 Jubilee Park Monthly Inspection Report
Cllr Bleakman commented that the wet month had made it impossible to cut the grass which was now very long. The front hedge needs trimming but Western Power has offered to cut the top. There is a large covering of moss in places which need treating. The litter situation was satisfactory save for the can bank being filled with other rubbish. There was a heavy flow of water through the leat making it difficult to clear the sand trap. There is a cap missing from the top of a gate post and the skate park gate is not closing properly.
Resolved: i) Mr Pell be invited to carry out an additional cut as soon as it is practicable to do so; ii) The Clerk to ask Mr Messling to attend to the skate park gate.
326 Public Convenience Monthly Inspection Report
Cllr Bleakman reported conditions were good in spite of the weather except for graffiti on the back of the gents’ loo door. A new efficient wallgate has been installed.
Resolved: i) The Clerk to thank the WDBC for the new wallgate; ii) the graffiti be reported with a request that it be removed.
327 Dartmoor Hill Farm Project
Dates and Points to Remember Noted:
328 DALC – Model Contract of Employment
The NALC and SLCC Have launched an updated version of the Model Contract of Employment. There are no negotiated changes to terms and conditions. Noted:
The following accounts were approved for payment
a) Direct Debit – BT Broadband services 36.04
b) 3573 Mrs P Stone – December Salary 719.55
c) 3574 Mrs P Stone – December post, electric, computer 24.45
The following publications were made available to Members
a) DALC Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2012
b) NALC – Campaign to Protect Rural England.
The Meeting ended at 9.35pm
Confirmation of the Minutes
Dated……………. Signed……....