CSD 640: Prevention, Assessment and Intervention of Communication Disorders
in Middle and Older Adults
Course Syllabus – Summer 2006
- Prerequisites: Formal acceptance into the CSD M.A. program in Communication Sciences and Disorders or permission of instructor.
- For Whom Planned: Speech-language pathology students in the MA program.
- Instructor Information:
Ginger Hinton, , 256-1498
Celia Hooper, , 256-1499
Lyn Mankoff, , 256-2003
- Catalog Description: Communication development and disorders (speech, language and hearing) in middle and older adults.
- Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
- Describe normal communication function in middle and older adults;
- Describe preventative measures related to communication disorders in middle and older adults (speech, language and hearing);
- Describe appropriate assessment procedures for evaluation of aphasia, dementia and motor speech disorders in middle and older adults;
- Demonstrate appropriate intervention techniques for communication disorders in middle and older adults;
- Integrate cultural and psychosocial information into appropriate assessment and treatment strategies.
All SLOs are designed to meet SLP KASA Standard III-B.
- Teaching Strategies: Multiple strategies incorporating direct instruction, collaborative learning groups, peer teaching, group discussion, student guided problem solving.
- Evaluation Methods
All specific grading guidelines and other course documents will be published on Blackboard and discussed the first day of class. If you don’t understand the expectations and grading criteria, PLEASE ASK!!!!!
Students are expected to check Blackboard and email daily to ensure that they are fully aware of all assignments, announcements and other class related information. Failure to do so may limit the ability to complete assignments and receive full credit for class participation.
- Almost daily assignments (10-30 points each): Short assignments, such as locating specific references or completing brief question sets, will be assigned throughout the course. Some may be completed during class time, while others will require work outside of class. Discussion of these assignments will take place in class and written summaries will be turned in to the instructor for grading. (All SLOs)
- Conversation with an older adult (50 points): Each student will record a 20-30 conversation with an adult over 65 years of age. The sample will be orthographically transcribed and informally analyzed in terms of syntax, semantics, morphology, intelligibility, voice quality, rate of speech, and discourse characteristics. The written document should also include the student’s personal comments about the older adult’s communication abilities as they relate to daily functioning. (SLO a,e)
- Case Studies (100 points): Students will complete a written discussion of four case studies based on audio or videotapes of older adults. One case (40 points) will focus on a patient with a motor speech disorder and the other case study (60) will be assigned to your group, for written and oral presentation, on patients with aphasia, right hemisphere disorder, or dementia. The written documents generated from the motor speech case study will include: speech and language analysis of the sample, development of a treatment plan that incorporates long term and short term goals, discussion of related services that are needed and a statement of long-term outcomes. The case study for the aphasia, RHD or dementia assignment is similar and each group will be given specific questions to answer for their case. They will also present in grand rounds format, with tx demonstration/discussion on June 17. (SLOs c,d,e)
- Creative product (50 pts): Students will develop a plan for a community-based program that focuses on prevention on communication disorders in older adults. The plan can take any form (e.g. web page, brochure, or oral presentation to a target group). The plan will be presented in class and summarized in written form to be turned in to the instructor ( SLO # a,b.e)
- Class participation (20 pts): Students will actively participate in all group projects as well as online and classroom discussions. (all SLOs)
- Resource file (50 points): Throughout the course, students will develop and maintain a resource file notebook that contains lecture notes, handouts, graded assignments, lists of resources pertaining to older adults, and other items agreed upon by the students and the instructors.
- Grading Scale: Final grades will be based on the percentage of points that a student earns relative to the total number of points possible. The grading scale for assigning letter grades is:
A+ 98-100%
B+ 87-89%
C+ 77-79%
Fbelow 70%
- Recommended Texts:
- Chapey, R. (2001). Language Intervention Strategies in Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders.4th edition. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 0781721334
- Shadden, B.B. & Toner, M.A., Eds. (1997), Aging and Communication: For Clinicians by Clinicians. New York: Pro Ed. ISBN#0-89079-771-0
- Worrell, L.E. & Hickson, L.E. (2003). Communication Disability in Aging: Prevention to Intervention. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. ISBN# 0-7693-0015-4
- Course Calendar/Outline: See attached
- Academic Honor Code: Each student is required to read the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy on the web page, and the Student Conduct Policies at and each student will affirm that s/he will honor those policies with a signature on all major work submitted for the course.
- Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes, but no attendance will be taken. However, lack of attendance may result in lowering of the class participation grade.
- Learning differences/disabilities: Students with documented learning differences or disabilities must meet with the instructor prior to the first evaluative measure to discuss any accommodations that may be necessary.