TRUSTEES PRESENT:Mr. Greg Bender, Ms. Deborah Forbes, Mr. Rick Massini, Dr. L.J. (Roy) Wilson, Mr. Terry Riley (via teleconference)

OFFICIALS PRESENT:Dr. Grant Henderson, Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Sherri Fedor, Associate Superintendent

Mr. Lyle Cunningham, Associate Superintendent

Mr. Jerry Labossiere, Secretary Treasurer

OTHERS PRESENT:Mrs. Glenda Houlston, Director of Programs and Instruction

Mr. Terry Freeman, District AISI Coordinator

Dr. Ken Sauer, Western Canada Summer Games

Mr. Mark Ward, Teacher, Crescent Heights High School

CHAIR:Mr. Greg Bender


SPECIAL NOTE:The Chair read the following statement:

As per Section 71, Subsection 5 of the School Act, Mr. Terry Riley, Trustee, is participating in the December 21, 2010 Regular meeting by electronic means and as per Section 71, Subsection 6 of the School Act, is deemed to be present at the December 21, 2010 Regular meeting.

Process for voting – The chair shall call the question, note the votes of the trustees present in the room and verbally ask Mr. Riley for his vote on the question.


Addition to Agenda:

Items for Action:

9. January Meeting Date

34. Mr. MassiniTHAT the Agenda be approved as amended.



Presentation and adoption of the Minutes of the Regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 and Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010.

  1. Ms. Forbes THAT the Minutes of the Regular Board meeting held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 and Committee of the Whole meeting held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 be adopted as presented.



  1. Copy of letter dated November 21, 2010, from Minister Hancock re: tripartite discussions


  1. Principal Leadership Publication

Dr. Hauserman, Ms. Storlien and Mr. Edwards had a recent article published in the Principal Leadership magazine. We are proud to recognize their dedication and achievement with this publication.

  1. Awards Ceremony at Crescent Heights High School

Congratulations to all staff and students involved in the Senior High Awards Ceremony held on December 16th. The district is very proud of the outstanding work of these students.

  1. SADD/Key Club Family Christmas

Congratulations and thanks to Ms. McCaig and our students for organizing and hosting a family night for children 12 years of age and under, along with their families.


1.AISI Presentation

The work on Instructional Intelligence continues to support our improved learning through enhanced instruction. A list of ten principals of best practice around instruction has been established with input from district staff. This list forms a common vision and language that we see and hear as we move throughout classrooms in our district.

Instructional Intelligence is a tool toassist us in moving towards the district’s visions of enhanced instruction. It provides sound well researchedinstructional strategies to ultimately aid in improving student learning. This work is something that will continue to move forward andisseen as a long term project.

A review of the various measurements being taken to assess the success of the project was provided.

In addition, the District is involved in the Tell Them From Me Project, which is designed to measure student engagement. Mrs. Glenda Houlston is the project coordinator and shared information regarding this project. Students in both high schools, as well as Alexandra Middle School, have participated in this survey. Ms. Houlston showed the demo survey on the website and explained that the interactive charts measure social, emotional physical health and academic outcomes.

Elementary schools within the district will be participating in this survey in January 2011.

  1. IMAP Project

As a component of the AISI Project the district has become part of a consortium of 7 districts developing Smart Board material for the curriculum. Our district is focused on embedding instructional intelligence practices into this project. The IMAP Project (Intra-jurisdictional Math AISI Project) is being built around the new Math curriculum and should assist staff to gain a deeper understanding of this new curriculum.

There are four guiding principles for our participation. These are:

  • Constructivist in nature
  • Hands on component
  • Interaction with the Smart Board
  • Instructional intelligence strategy

Mr. Freeman shared some highlights from units that have been completed and are now available for use. Overall there is great collaboration taking place internally and with the 7 participating school districts.


1.2015 Western Canada Summer Games

Dr. Ken Sauer was in attendance to request Board support on the City of Medicine Hat’s bid to host the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games, which will take place August 6to 9, 2015. Dr. Sauer has requested a letter of support from the Board and District for the potential use of accommodation sites and District facilities. The event will include approximately 2500 participants and volunteers. The bid submission is due by March 2011.

36. Mr. RileyTHAT the Board of Medicine Hat School District No. 76 endorse the City of Medicine Hat’s bid to host the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games and for the use of school facilities to stage events and accommodate participants.


A letter to this affect will be forwarded to Dr. Sauer to be included in the submission package.

2.Field Trip Request to California - CHHS

Mr. Mark Ward, teacher at Crescent Heights High School, has requested permission for students from the Crescent Heights High School Senior Band to travel to Los Angeles and Anaheim, California on April 20-24, 2011. A Field Trip request form was attached for information. There will be 57 students and 7 chaperones traveling with the group. Students have done fundraising to raise money for this trip, and other funds have been secured to ensure that students with financial difficulties are still able to travel with the group.

It was recommended that the Board approve, in principle, a field trip for students from Crescent Heights High School Senior Band to travel to Los Angeles and Anaheim, California for the period April 20-24, 2011, inclusive, subject to the following conditions:

a]that the District’s Student Waiver Forms be signed by all parents;

b]that there be no cost to the Board, other than the cost of substitute teachers for approved supervising teachers traveling on the Field Trip;

c]that any adults participating in the trip who are not designated supervisors be informed and sign a release that the Board does not accept any responsibility (liability or otherwise) as a result of their participation;

d]that the Secretary-Treasurer, or designate, obtain confirmation that adequate District insurance is in place for this field trip;

e]that criminal record checks be obtained for parent supervisors (non-district personnel);

f]that the Principal/Teacher responsible continue to monitor and keep track of the travel advisories and ensure that students and parents are aware that the trip could be cancelled;

g]that the Principal/Teacher comply with all criteria set out in Policy 743;

h]that a letter be signed by each parent granting permission for their child to travel out-of-the-country with another specifically named adult;

i]that each student be in possession of a passport, valid for at least six months beyond the expected return date;

j]that each parent be given a copy of the letter from Dr. Grant Henderson, Superintendent, re: measles immunization.

37. Mr. MassiniTHAT the Board approve, in principle, a field trip for students from Crescent Heights High School Senior Band to travel to Los Angeles and Anaheim, California for the period April 20-24, 2011, inclusive, subject to the conditions outlined.


  1. Exhibit 301 E 001: Quality Leadership Performance Criteria

Revisions have been made to Exhibit 301 E 001 to align with the Principal Quality Practice Standard. The revisions were taken to the Coordinating Committee for its review. One addition change was recommended, as follows:

In second sentence, remove “Quality leadership in the school district” and replace with “This”.

38. Dr. WilsonTHAT the Board approve revised Exhibit 301 E 001: Quality Leadership Performance Criteria as amended.


  1. Policy 303: Administrative Appointments and Procedure 303 P 001: Filling Administrative Appointments

Revisions have been made to Policy 303 and Procedure 303 P 001. The revisions were taken to the Coordinating Committee for its review.

39. Ms. ForbesTHAT the Board approve revised Policy 303: Administrative Appointments and Procedure 303 P 001: Filling Administrative Appointment, as presented.


5.Role Description 500 R 010: District Principal

The Role Description for District Principal has been revised to align with the Principal Quality Practice Standard. An old version of 500 R 010 and the revised version of 500 R 010 were attached.

40. Mr. MassiniTHAT the Board approve revised Role Description 500 R 010: District Principal, as presented.


6.Common Planning Day

Mr. Mal Clewes has gathered input from staff and parents in the district. Overall it was felt that a common planning day will build an ongoing collaborative structure, provide consistency within the district and will be more convenient for parents. Upon board approval, the Superintendent will take this back to District administrators in the new year.

In addition, the District will continue to plan a district wide planning day, which will take place at Crescent Heights High School.

41. Mr. MassiniTHAT the Board approve a district-wide common planning schedule for full day Friday once per month to be implemented for the start of the 2011-2012 school year.


7.School Act Framework

The province is gathering input regarding a proposed School Act Framework. The Board identified a number of key items in response to Alberta Education and will submit a letter expressing concerns regarding:

i)The continued need for a universal screening process before the age of 30 months.

ii)Charter schools – enquire as to what kind of measures will the charter schools be made accountable for and how will this be shared with other school districts in the province.

Overall, it was felt that the tone and main focus of the framework is good and aligns well with the District’s focus on learning.

8.Policies for Board Review

The Board has approved a plan for reviewing policies. At this meeting the following policies werereviewed:

a)Policy 341: Occupational, Health and Safety

42. Mr. Riley THAT the Board approve Policy 341: Occupational, Health and Safety, as presented.


b)Policy 350: Healthy Interactions

43. Dr. WilsonTHAT the Board approve Policy 350: Healthy Interactions, as presented.


c)Policy 370: Appeals Concerning Student Matters

44. Ms. ForbesTHAT Policy 370: Appeals Concerning Student Matters, be tabled until the completion of revisions to the Education Act.


9. January Meeting Date

Further to discussion arising from the Closed Conference meeting, the January 18, 2011 Regular and Closed Conference meeting will be rescheduled to January 12, 2011.

45. Dr. Wilson THAT the Board approve the change in date for the Regular and Closed Conference meetings from Tuesday, January 18, 2011 to Wednesday, January 12, 2011.



1.Coordinating Committee Minutes

Minutes from the December 6, 2010 Coordinating Committee Meeting were attached.

46. Dr. WilsonTHAT the minutes be accepted for information.



1.Recognition of Georges P. Vanier School

The Board had requested, at the November 16, 2010 meeting, that a committee be established to determine an appropriate manner in which to recognize Georges P. Vanier School as the students are now part of Herald School. The committee has been established and consists of Steve Jones, Principal of Herald School, Sherri Fedor, Associate Superintendent Student Services and teachers from both Herald School and the former Georges P. Vanier School.The committee has met to share ideas on how best to honor the history of the former school.

Georges P. Vanier School motto “Where all the pieces fit” has now become the new motto for Herald School. Historical pictures from Georges P. Vanier School are being framed and will be put into an enclosed case at Herald School, along with a document describing the history of Georges P. Vanier School. A community evening of celebration is being planned for April, in which the students will be profiled.

  1. Early Childhood Screening

The subject of 2 ½ to 3 year old screening was raised at the December 7, 2010 Board meeting. This universal screening is no longer funded by the government. A social sector committee has been formed in this region. Positive steps have been defined as this issue moves forward.

At the last Board meeting, consideration was given to sending a letter to the government expressing concerns regarding the lack of funding. The district has been made aware that the social sector as a larger group is working on this and therefore a letter will not be sent.

  1. Mental Health Capacity Building Project – MyPlace

The District has been providing the MyPlace project at Alexandra Middle School and Crescent Heights High School over three years as funded by Alberta Health Services. A recent announcement has indicated that further support will be continued.

The District has a number of pilot projects requiringparameters. The Superintendent will work on criterion to bring back to the Board for consideration.


  1. Mr. RileyTHAT the meeting adjourn.


The meeting adjourned at 9:01 p.m.


