Transition to Postsecondary and Workforce:

Transition Program Assessment Tool

Standards: / Program Services Indicators: / MeetsRequirements / Did not Meet Requirements / Documentation provided?
Program has (1) or more Transition Specialist based upon the definitions outlined within the OAE RFA Policies and Procedures Application. /
  • Program has a Transition Specialist that is dedicated either part-time or full-time to fulfill the requirements of the transition programming.
/ PT:
Program has a process to ensure all adult learners have access to transition services. /
  • Program has established a routine and systematic protocol for an Adult Education Transitional Program (i.e: scheduled classroom/site visitations,Transitional Team members, or collegiate personnel, or specific roles assigned towards transitioning students for the purpose of post-secondary or employment options).

  • Program has established protocol for workshop delivery of Transition Workshops. Subject matterincludes: Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, Dressing for Success; in addition to; Financial Literacy:(i.e. Budgeting, Credit Awareness, etc.), and Digital Literacy( i.e. How to Use a Computer, Intro to Email, Online Job Search, etc.) for Adult Education students.

Program is actively exposing students to institutions of postsecondary education. /
  • Transition Specialist provides college campus toursor utilizes college resources to market college programs.

Standards: / Program Services Indicators: / MeetsRequirements / Did not Meet Requirements / Documentation provided?
Program has implemented a calendar of scheduled visits with adult learners.
Program has implemented an Individual Counseling and/or Group Counseling protocol with adult learners.
Program provides opportunity to inform students of Post-Secondary and/or employment options with adult learners. /
  • Transition Specialist meets with all Adult Education students at all program sites (if applicable) to provide orientations and/or general transition program information:
  • Examples include:1) group sessions of Adult Education students, or2) face to face meetings after class,or 3) sessions toonline communities (cohorts).
  • Specific topics include: ex: college entry process and requirements, planning for college, requirements for specific jobs to include military, types of college entrance exams/assessments.
  • Transition Specialist has an established office schedule to meet with adult learners one to one regarding individualized/confidential transition concerns. Discussions may include but not limited to goal setting, childcare, transportation issues, special needs, etc.

Standards: / Program Collaborations Indicators: / Meets Requirements / Did not MeetRequirements / Documentation Provided?
Program has developed strategic partnerships to enhance the transition services an adult learner will receive.
Program has developed partnerships to address barriers to persistence, completion of the GED and transition into postsecondary or the workforce. /
  • Transition Specialist has established internal partnerships to support the adult learner to assist with transitional services: (ex: GED testing, Financial Aid Dept, Student Support Services, Admissions Dept, College Career Center etc.
  • Transition Specialist has established external partnershipsto support the adult learner to assist with transitional services:(ex:) Department of Labor (DOL), Workforce Development, Goodwill Services, local child care, local temp agencies
  • Established collaborations with local One-Stop Career Centers to provide workshops as outlined by MOU.

Program has established a standardized student referral process that allows adult education students to access to transitional services and partnerships. /
  • Program has established adocumentedreferral system that supports adult transitional services and provides adult education students the opportunity to access available resources for transitional-post secondary and employment purposes. Examples to include: (i.e. GA Voc Rehab, DOL, Transportation Services, Childcare Services, GoodWill, etc.)

Standards: / Program Success
Ensures Completion and Transition Indicators: / Meets Requirements / Did not MeetRequirements / Documentation Provided?
Program demonstrates an effective method of on-going assessment and evaluation of student progress and improvement in the transition process. /
  • Program has a method for initial and on-going evaluation and assessment of student goals and progress in the transition process.
  • Program has established a process and has tools to assess student satisfaction and program efficacy; (i.e : Student Surveys)

Program has implemented a soft skills curriculum to assist with adult education students’ learning. /
  • Program has a career and education/soft skills curriculum program implemented in the adult education program for adult education students. (i.e. Georgia Best, GED PathSource, WorkWise, TCSG Work Ethics, etc)

Program has established a student tracking and follow-up process. /
  • Program has established a process to identify drop out students and follow-up procedures for contacting them.

Program has established a data collection system to ensure documentation of services. /
  • Program has an established data collection process to track the progress of students receiving transition services (*currentlynotes can be entered into GALIS under Transition Notes).
  • Program has a system to ensure the submission of transition reports in a timely fashion.

******Notes for further explanation of sections identified as “Meet, Did Not Meet & Documentation,notated in the space below describing your efforts.********

Transition Program and Services FY17 Page 1 of 5