JULY 24, 2017

The Town Hall/Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Tom Yokley. Present: Deputy Clerk: Pat Taft. Trustees: Dave Carter, Matt Bunger, Skylar Tierney, Heather Hofferkamp. Absent: Patrick Gettleman, John Brennan. Employees: Kent Thompson, Mel Butterfield.

GUESTS: Linda Hughes, Kevin Kuhn.

Trustee Hofferkamp made a motion to approve the minutes of the regularly scheduled board meeting on July 10, 2017. Trustee Tierney seconded the motion. All ayes, motion carried.


President Yokley asked if any of the Board members or guests have anything. Nothing was discussed.


FINANCE (Skylar Tierney): Trustee Tierney moved to approve the monthly bills as presented. Trustee Hofferkamp seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

Trustee Tierney moved to approve the purchase of the McGrath property for $256,200. Trustee Carter seconded. All ayes, motion carried.

WATER & SEWER (Matt Bunger): We had been working with Pat Gleason (who has moved ton to a new job) on the Andrew/Williamsville water extension. We are now working with James Meece and met with him last month to talk about a number of things: Different routes, loans, and grants, EPA. We will meet again on August 16.

We received a notice from CWL&P which we will discuss at the next meeting.

Kent Thompson said thata block of Jones Street will be closed next week to replace the sewer line. President Yokley said that the rock will cost more than the sewer. Estimate for rock is $21 per ton and we need 1300 ton due to the roadway.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Heather Hofferkamp): Trustee Hofferkamp moved to approve building permit fee ordinance 2017-08, effective date of January 1, 2018. Trustee Carter seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

PARKS & RECREATION (Dave Carter): Thanks to Mr. Thompson for work on the lighting at the Park. People have been asking about the fence around the tennis court. It’s not done yet because we don’t have all the supplies in to finish it. So, if anyone asks, please relay that information to them and if they need to talk with someone about it, tell them to call Dave Carter. President Yokley asked if there was a date from Goodman’s Fence as to when the supplies would be in and Kent Thompson said they are saying next Thursday, so they will maybe start Friday.

STREETS, ALLEYS, SIDEWALKS & STORM SEWERS (Patrick Gettleman): President Yokley said that Trustee Gettleman is not here, but we will have Trustee Tierney introduce the agenda items. Trustee Tierney moved to approve the sidewalk list and it was seconded by Trustee Carter. All ayes. Motion carried. Trustee Tierney moved to approve the amendment adding $17,000 to MFT resolutions for sidewalks and it was seconded by Trustee Bunger. All ayes, motion carried. Trustee Tierney moved to authorize the bid for Main Street and TrusteeHofferkamp seconded. All ayes, motion carried. This is just to put the bid out there (to overlay). Trustee Tierney moved to authorize the bid for Linden Lane Overlay and Trustee Carter seconded. All ayes,motion carried. Trustee Tierney moved to authorize for bid our portion of the Lester Street extension. Trustee Hofferkampseconded. All ayes, motion passed. Kent Thompson said we have a bid for $3500 for oil/chipping the back parking lot at the Park, closest to trail. Materials only will cost $3,500. We will vote on this at the next meeting.

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: For information at this time: Trustee Bunger is trying to get information on the 2017 Urban & Community Forestry grant to help with the cost of the Emerald Ash Borer. Mike Dirksen is an Urban Forestry Consultant that works with Area Wide and he will help us determine if we can qualify for a grant. Trustee Bunger said the grant will require a plan and is administered by Morton Arboretum. They provide technical assistance at no charge.

The regular board meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Village of Williamsville adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By

Pat Taft, Deputy Village Clerk