12 MARCH 2001
*Cllr K Barnes*Cllr Mrs N Symonds
Cllr A Burlton*Cllr R Taylor
*Cllr T Coldwell*Cllr K Warnell (Chairman)
*Cllr Mrs J DemontiCllr Miss C Woodman
*Cllr L Pinnell*Cllr J Wyllie
Cllr Mrs M Richmond (V/Chairman)*Cllr Mrs J Richardson (ex officio)
* denotes present
In attendance: Cllr Engel
Apologies were received Cllr Mrs Richmond and Cllr Miss Woodman
RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the last meeting held on 26 February 2001, be confirmed as a correct record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chairman.
(i) No objections were raised on the following applications:
3/00/1982/AD/MHT / Illuminated sign on back panel to Station Road elevationCannons Health & Fitness Club, Anchor Street
Applicant: MACE Ltd
3/01/0096/FP/MHT / One and a half storey rear extension with 2 No. dormer windows added to elevation
1 The Carpenters, St Michael’s Mead
Applicant: Mr J Stoddart
3/01/0199/FP/MHT / Demolition of existing and erection of new garage
105 Stansted Road
Applicant: Mr R Etchells
3/01/0208/FP/PB / Extension to bar/restaurant
The Old Bulls Head PH, 102 London Road
Applicant: Pubmaster Ltd
Comment: Concern was expressed that there may be a loss of mature trees on the site
3/01/0218/FL/PB / Demolition of existing building – Harris House and construction of temporary car park area A/B
Herts & Essex Hospital, Haymeads Lane
Applicant: Herts & Essex Community NHS Trust
3/01/0261/FP/MR / Sun Lounge
11 Fulton Crescent
Applicant: Mr D Badcock
3/01/0281/FP/PB / Single storey rear extension
53 Havers Lane
Applicant: Mr D Reiffer
3/01/0286/AD/SE / 3 No. externally illuminated signs fixed to brickwork
Thomas Treadgold House
231 London Road
Applicant: Stortford Interiors Ltd
3/01/0300/LC/SE / Demolition of mono pitched boiler house/larder, to allow construction of extension approved under ref: 3/00/2058/FP
3 Sandle Road
Applicant: Mr S Morris
3/01/0303/FP/MR / Retrospective application for approval of alterations to rear flat roof extension at second floor level
2-4 North Street
Applicant: Mantle Estates Ltd
3/01/0304/LB/MR / Alterations to rear flat roof extension at second floor level
2-4 North Street
Applicant: Mantle Estates Ltd
3/01/0315/FP/SE / Erect a PVCU conservatory to the side
43 Trinity Street
Applicant: Mrs Burpitt
Note: prior to discussions on this application Cllr Mrs Symonds declared a non-pecuinary interest and reserved her right to speak and vote
(ii) Objections were raised on the following applications:
3/00/2062/FP/SE / First floor extension – amended scheme15 Monkswood Drive
Applicant: Mr N Budd
(i) / Overdevelopment of the site
(ii) / The elevated height of the garage roof would result in the loss of light to the immediate neighbourhood
Comment: The Committee is given to understand that there may be a covenant on the premises to prevent such a development and East Herts District Council should take due to consideration of this prior to deciding upon the application
3/01/0177/FP/PB / Convert part of garage to study
29 Snowdrop Close
Applicant: Mr J Hills
The proposal would give rise to a loss of parking space with difficult ingress and egress
Comment: The Committee is given to understand that there may be a covenant on the premises to prevent such a development and East Herts District Council should take due to consideration of this prior to deciding upon the application
3/01/0215/FP/MHT / Convert half of double garage into dining room replace single double garage door with two single doors (additional information)
81 The Thatchers, St Michael’s Mead
Applicant: Mr Oldfield
Reason: The proposal would be detrimental to the street scene by virtue of being out of keeping with other properties and would set an undesirable precedent
Comment: The Committee is given to understand that there may be a covenant on the premises to prevent such a development and East Herts District Council should take due to consideration of this prior to deciding upon the application
3/01/0226/FP/SE / Conversion of part of garage to habitable room
8 Blair Close, Bishop’s Park
Applicant: Mr J Hayes
(i) / Lack of parking on a very restricted site
(ii) / Detrimental to the street scene which would set an undesirable precedent
Comment: The Committee is given to understand that there may be a covenant on the premises to prevent such a development and East Herts District Council should take due to consideration of this prior to deciding upon the application
3/01/0242/FP/MHT / Two storey front extension
5 Avenue Road
Applicant: Dr D Wales and Dr C Brown
Reason: The protruding front extension would be overbearing on the bungalow next door and during certain times of the day would result in a loss of light
3/01/0262/AD/PB / White opalescent illuminated rotating barbers pole with red and blue stripe
66A South Street
Applicant: Mr J Pyatt
Reason: The illumination of this non-traditionally coloured pole would be contrary to the Town Council’s policy on internally illuminated signage in a conservation area
Comment: The Committee would have no objection to a non-illuminated pole
3/01/0283/FP/SE / Extension and alterations
53 Manston Drive
Applicant: Mr C Carter
Reason: The proposed two storey extension is close to the boundary and contrary to Policy BE5 II of the East Hertfordshire Local Adopted Plan
3/0307/FP/MR / Change of use from retail (A1)/offices (B1) to food and drink (A3). Proposed extension to existing building for food and drink (A3)
45-47 South Street
Applicant: DCD (South Street) Ltd
Reason: The loss of three retail units and one office above????
Note: Prior to discussions on this application Cllr Taylor declared a non-pecuinary interest and reserved his right to speak and vote
3/01/0324/FP/MHT / Change of use of land to residential garden
Land adjacent to Ward Crescent allotments
(next to 80 Gibbs Field)
Applicant: Mr C R Williams
Reason: The proposal would result in an undesirable encroachment onto Allotment land
(iii) Deferred Application:
3/01/0245/FP/MHTVariation of house type and revision to original curtilage granted under ref: 3/00/0662/FP
Plot 6, Land adjacent to Rumbells Farm, St Michael’s Mead
Applicant: Martin Grant Homes (UK) Ltd
RESOLVED: that a decision on the above application be deferred as the plans submitted lacked information on dimensions, changes proposed and relationship with adjacent properties. No indication was given as to the effect the development would have on the existing large conifer hedge.
Clerk to seek further information.
To note the attached list of planning decisions from East Herts District Council.
(i)To note that the following appeal would be determined by the written representation procedure:-
3/00/1791/FP/SETwo storey rear extension, front porch and relocation of boundary fence
Appellant: Mr M J Devonny
(ii) To note that the following appeal had been withdrawn:-
3/00/1508/FPSite at 61 Maze Green Road
Appellants: Mark and Teresa Clark
The Clerk was asked to ascertain the current position with regard to the names proposed for the following development previously discussed by the Committee:-
(i) Anchor Street Leisure Centre
(ii) Island Court – London Road
To note the following transfer of Justice Licence:-
Leda Stores
From:Anna Katrina Baker, Rita Joan Benton and Leonard Charles Benton
To:Karen Georgina Hawkins and Luigi Daniello
RESOLVED: that the following members be elected to serve on the Sub-Committee viz:-
Cllr Barnes, Cllr Coldwell, Cllr Peek, Cllr Pinnell and Cllr Symonds.
1. / Illuminated Signage ( First raised April 2000)Response awaited from Director of Planning, East Herts District Council.
2. / Air Conditioning Unit Watermans (First raised 27 July 2000)
Response awaited from East Herts District Council on current position.
Members were reminded that a response had been received from the Director of Planning confirming that the air conditioning unit and cage which housed the unit required planning permission. The development which had not been granted planning permission was therefore in breach of planning control. Mr Biggs had written to the owner of the premises asking for the structure to be removed with a view to relocating it to a more unobtrusive location, taking into account the impact on neighbouring residents amenities. Further correspondence was awaited from Mr Biggs.
1. / River Stort ImprovementsTo note that Mr Ian Davies of the Environment Agency would attend the Planning and Environment Committee meeting to be held on 26 March 2001
2. / Telecommunication Masts
Closure of Towpath – London Road to the Causeway (Cllr Barnes)
Concern was raised regarding the decision taken to close the above stretch of the Towpath following the recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease, a decision which was felt to be a totally unnecessary panic measure.
The Clerk was requested to ascertain from the Trading Standard Office the reason for the closure.