The Village Hall, North Street, Hellingly, East Sussex, BN27 4DS
Tel: 01323 844108
Minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee held at the Village Hall, North Street, Hellingly
On Monday 29th January 2018 at 7pm
P.001.01.18 – P.006.01.18
Present:Councillors, G Hesselgrave (Chairman), J Blake, S Davies, G Ibbotson, C Jackets, P Strudwick and D White.
In Attendance:Tracy Harper (Deputy Clerk) and Jenny Hoodless (Clerk).
Apologies:Councillor W Hesselgrave.
Declarations of Interest:None.
P.001.01.18The Planning and Environment Committee Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 18th December 2017 were approved and signed.
P.002.01.18Matters Arising:
P.061.11.17The Clerk was still awaiting details regarding arranging a presentation of the findings from the County Archaeologist.
P.069.11.17Robin Hood – Tree Cutting:
The Clerk had received quotes and would arrange for the work to be done with the Chairman of the Allotment Committee regarding work on the trees at Robin Hood on the allotment boundary.
P.003.01.18The Committee commented on the Planning Application received as follows:
Oak Tree Farm, Camberlot Road, Upper Dicker, BN27 3RHWD/2017/2652/F
Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with accessible dwelling.
The Planning & Environment Committee withhold comments on this application due to the applicant having worked for the Parish Council.
Land south of New Road and land north of AmberstoneWD/2017/2846/MAO
Outline planning application for up to 59 dwellings with associated landscaping and infrastructure.
The Planning & Environment Committee SUPPORT this application in principal but have concerns at the absence of any children play facilities in the proposed development. Either one site providing or a S106 financial contribution should be secured.
Prospect House, The Dicker, Lower Dicker, BN27 4BTWD/2017/2907/F
Double storey side extension.
The Planning & Environment Committee have NO OBJECTION to this application however object to the design of the proposed extension due to it being unsympathetic to the design of the area of the Lower Dicker.
Bowhill, The Drive, Hellingly, BN27 4EPWD/2017/2936/F
Proposed installation of Juliet balcony and French on south east elevation at second floor.
The Planning & Environment Committee SUPPORT this application.
Laurelhurst Farm, Lower Dicker, BN27 4BDWD/2017/2280/F
New agricultural access.
The Planning & Environment Committee are IN FAVOUR of this application. The proposed access is wider than the present, is off the road which will make access safer and away from the neighbouring properties.
Leyhurst Granary, North Street, Hellingly, BN27 4EFWD/2018/0126/F
Erection of an oak framed infill garden room.
The Planning & Environment Committee SUPPORT this application.
Licence Application:
Off The Line Vineyard, North Street, Hellingly, BN27 4EAWK/201712383
New Application.
The Planning & Environment SUPPORT this application as this brings business into the countryside.
P.004.01.18Councillor Blake updated the Committee of the Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation on the Draft Plan had closed. 26 questionnaires had been returned, plus other comments had been received via emails and letters. All responses are being considered with a list being composed. Wealden District Council has responded with comments and suggestions on the plan all responses will be accommodated if possible. The Steering Group meet next on 5th March to discuss the proposed alterations to the plan. The next stage is to finalise the plan. A progress report will be brought to Full Council in April.
P.005.01.18Cllr. Jackets requested that a meeting of the Community Hall Sub Committee takes place to discuss moving forward with the building of the new Community Hall. It was agreed that the Clerk would collate the landscaping plans for the reserve matters of the application along with arranging a meeting of the Sub Committee.
P.006.01.18The Committee noted Wealden District Council’s Planning Committee South’s Delegated Approvals and Refusals from meetings held on 7th December 2017 and 1st February 2018.
Meeting closed at 8.10pm
Date of next meeting: Scheduled Wednesday 14th February 2018 at 6.30pm
Tracy Harper 30th January 2018
Clerk to the Committee