Minutes of the Physics Division ES&H Committee
October 9, 2006


John Emes

Noel Gorman

John Kadyk

Stewart Loken

Ron Madaras

Frank Rosado

Jim Siegrist

Tony Spadafora

Helmuth Spieler

Cathy Thompson

Barbara Tuse

Marty White

1) Quarterly Reports

-  Now due; about half of 17 have been turned in

-  Noel is concentrating on employees who have not turned them in…Doing informal walkthroughs to meet lab owners

-  Give owners one more week to turn reports in

-  No violations have been listed on the reports that have been turned in

2) Safety Coordinator’s Position

-  EH&S will post a position that will cover both divisions

-  Siegrist to check with DeBusk

3) GERT Training

-  25 employees have not taken GERT

-  108 have not taken current version

-  Noel will contact those who need to take the current version

4) Ergo Training

-  30 employees still have not taken Ergo Training

-  Important to get this training completed

-  Must have 85% of employees trained or we are “in the red”

-  Discussion of issues between database and HR; employees no longer at LBNL are still on the list

-  Important to go through list of names to see if this is valid

-  Suggestion: Look up profile of each person

5) Supervisors and Managers Course

-  This is a one-time course

-  Many people who attended the course were not given credit

-  The entire division was given the course at least once (1/23/06)

-  List will need some cleaning up

Action Item: Check with Kathie Hardy for sign-in sheet

6) CATS Update (M. White)

-  37 findings have been closed

-  6 open; on schedule (anchoring of bookcases)

-  5 open; overdue

-  One of the open findings involve emergency signage; Building Mgrs have been contacted. Flavio Robles is the POC for this

-  Discussion of who should pay for relocation/upgrade of signage (evacuation)

7) Integrated Safety Management (ISM)

-  Slides from presentation have been distributed

-  Favorable comments re: Waste Management

-  What will happen to this? Will they be turned into action items?

-  Many complaints are Lab-wide, not just in PH Division

-  Physics will wait for further instruction, timeline, etc.

8) Additional Safety Issues

-  Safety responsibilities for G. Smoot need to be re-assigned to someone else. Quarterly walk around needs to be done. George’s lab space is not very active and should not have any violations.

-  Student Safety Meeting: Look at Jim’s calendar and pick a date by next meeting