Minutes of the Patient Participation Group
Annual General Meeting
8th October 2013 6pm Ashby Road Surgery
Present – Allen Ransome (Chair), David Beverley Christine Buckley, Elaine Godley, John Hill, KanakMehrotra, Sue Taylor, Jackie Vessey, Ken Whiteley,
Claire Williamson, Lesley Wilson, Dr.Jajja.
- Apologies
Cheryl Hassall, Wendy Lawtey, Michael Lutton, Helen Smith, Kevin Vessey,
- Presentation of Annual Report (Chair)
AR stated that the group had achieved so much in the last year:
- Patient Survey – a smaller group were working on the outcomes of ‘you said we did’ and how these could be reflected back to all patients.
- Flu Clinics – members of the PPG had attended the clinic on Saturday 4th October at both Ashby Road and Detuyll Street Surgeries. CB thanked all that attended for their help.
- Presentations – presentations had been given by Ian Reekie (lay member for the CCG), Healthwatch, North Lincolnshire and Goole together with North Lincolnshire Local Authority around the beginning of health and social care.
- Resource Library – this had been set up and posters placed in reception.
- Newsletter – members had been active in contributing to its contents.
- Information from the practice
CB told the meeting that it had been a very busy year for the practice with the following changes taking place:
- All major building work at Ashby Road had been completed
- The practice had received RCGP accreditation (Royal College of Practitioners) – something that the practice was very proud of as they were the first practice in the country to achieve this.
- New telephone system at Ashby Road
- The pharmacy at Ashby Road had been opened and seemed to be very popular with all patients.
- The practice had changed from a PMS (personal medical service) practice to a GMS (general medical service) practice.
- Extended Hours – the practice now working extended hours at Ashby Road – 2 late night surgeries 3 evenings a week.
- The practice was now taking on all John Leggott’s international students which amounts to about 70 students per year.
- Staff changes in the practice – Dr Jajja and Dr Tehmina have become partners. Dr Kennedy will be retiring on the 8th November 2013 and will be sadly missed by all.
- A bid has been put in for improvements to be made at Detuyll Street but as yet no decision has been received.
- The practice has changed its name from Dr Kennedy & Partners to Ancora Medical Practice with Dr Henalla being the lead GP.
- Election of Management Committee
It was agreed by all that Allen Ransome continue as Chairman for the PPG.
- Any Other Competent Business
AR stated that it has been very difficult to get direct information from the CCG. A meeting has been arranged with a group of chairs from various PPG’s and the CCG to discuss and he would feed back into the group once this has taken place. JH stated that there were public meetings held on the 2nd Thursday of alternate months at 1.30pm Health Place, Brigg if anybody would like to attend.
JH told the group that the accident & emergency department at Scunthorpe General Hospital has been given a new name of Emergency Centre and also a new way of working which will tie in with single point of access, 111 and SAGPEC. Peter Speck was the manager for out of hours, GP’s and single point of access so maybe a meeting could be set up with him to discuss the changes.
AR asked if the practice had heard anything around a visit from the CQC. CB stated that 1 practice in Scunthorpe had received a visit from them but as yet the practice has not heard anything.
AR asked the group if any more thought as to where views of the practice could be sought:
- Community Advice Centre on Frodingham Road
- Gresian Hall
- Baby clinic
- Francis Street – Chinese community
- Parkinson Ave – Pakistani community
He had visited the centre on Frodingham Road and had been given leaflets to hand out to our polish patients wanting help around communicating with us, these would be given out with the patient survey.
Dr Jajja left the meeting 7pm.
CB showed the group a leaflet around patient data sharing which was being led by NHS England to direct the HSCIC (Health and Social Care Information Centre) to extract, store and manage/use personal information and explained that all patients would be included in unless they opted out. AR asked CB whether all patients would be made aware of this? CB stated that leaflets had been put in reception and a message put on the Jayex board. EG also said that all patients that had opted out of sharing medical records had been sent a letter/leaflet explaining this project. AR thought it a good idea if all patients could be sent an SMS text to make them aware of this.
EG told the group that the patient survey 2013 had been handed out at the flu clinics at both Ashby Road and Detuyll Street and asked where else they could be circulated. AR said that this would be decided at the next sub group meeting.
- Closing Remarks
AR asked if any members would like to join the sub group along with:
John Ayton, David Beverley, Collin Fletcher, John Hill, Wendy Lawtey,
Allan Ransome, Jackie Vessey, Claire Williamson, Lesley Wilson
KanakMehrotra expressed her interest.
Next meeting of the sub-group to discuss patient survey and market stall will be held:
Tuesday 15th October 2013, 6pm at Ashby Road
JH gave his apologies
Meeting Closed 7.30pm