Practice requirements for Personal Advisors

16+ and Care Leavers Team

1:Personal Advisors will review Pathway plans with their allocated young people a minimum of every six months, or more often as required or directed by the Team / Practice Manager, or if the Young Person requests it.

2:Pathway plans will accurately reflect the young person’s situation and (where possible) have a multi-agency component. Pathway plans will be aspirational and plan for young people’s future as well as considering the present. Pathway plans will clearly identify how the young person will be supported to develop the skills they need to live independently. Young people will have signed copies of their Pathway plans, and this will be on Raise.

3:Young people will be offered face to face contact with their Personal Advisor a minimum of every eight weeks. Evidence of all attempts to keep in touch must be recorded on Raise.

4:Visits for PAs for co-worked cases with a Social Worker can be or joint and single visits, and frequency will be agreed in the Care / Pathway plan, or at LAC reviews.

5:With Care Leavers where there are difficulties in communication then the Personal Advisor must make sustained efforts to contact them e.g. text, letters, follow up with local agencies, and unannounced visits as agreed with the Team / Practice Manager.

6:Young people who do not wish to have contact with the Post 18 service should have letters sent to their home reminding them of the service at a frequency agreed with the Team / Practice Manager e.g. six monthly. If young people are explicit about their wish to disengage e.g. in writing, then this can be an annual reminder.

7:Cases co-worked with the Child Health and Disability Team should have a visiting pattern agreed with the Team / Practice Manager, who will liaise with the Team Manager of the CHAD team.

8:Cases co-worked with Adult Services should be a minimum of three monthly visits, unless otherwise agreed with the Team / Practice Manager and exceptions made.

9:Care Leavers in custody and out of county will be offered a visit every eight weeks.

10:Recording (e.g. visits and contacts) to be on Raise within 72 hours.

11:Care Leavers returns must be updated monthly.

12:PAs must be familiar with the location and contents of the Tri-X Bournemouth Policies and Procedures.



Bournemouth Practice Standards:

Version: 1.0 (September 2017)

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