Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th February 2018

at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Cllr Vaughan (Chairman)

Cllr Cullender

Cllr Ruth

Cllr Kerr

Cllr Wiles

Sally Upshall - Clerk

Cllr Westbrook – NDDC Councillor

Roger Bell – DCC Highways.

There were 5 members of the public present.

  1. Welcome & Domestic Notices

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notices.

Planning Meeting


Popes Farm, New Street To Common Lane - Lane, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1NU

Convert former threshing barn to 1 No. dwelling, repair and convert barn to form garage/store, improve existing access, retain 4 No. parking spaces and carry out all internal/external alterations and associated works in connection to this.

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2017/1926/FUL - Popes Farm New Street To Common Lane - Lane Marnhull Dorset DT10 1NU – As Above.

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2017/1906/VARIA - Buildings South Of Popes Farm Bungalow New Street To Common Lane - Lane Marnhull Dorset.

Convert barn to 1 No. dwelling, erect boundary walls and form garden and parking areas. Variation of Condition No. 9 of Planning Permission No. 2/2017/1134/FUL to only require a site investigation, risk assessment and remediation works if contamination is found on site during works.

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2017/2020/FUL - Whiteway Quarry White Way Lane Marnhull Dorset.

Erect building for use as stone cutting shed, and erect office / showroom building with training area and staff facilities. Form additional parking spaces and hardstanding. Office Showroom with training area, toilets and kitchen area.

Application Withdrawn.

2/2017/1923/CPE - Grafthayes Nash Lane Marnhull DT10 1JZ

Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness to continue using the outbuilding as ancillary domestic accommodation to the existing house, without separation.

Application Withdrawn.

2/2017/1834/LBC - South Well Carraway Lane Marnhull Dorset DT10 1NJ

Remove and replace existing fireplace surround and hearth (retrospective)

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2017/1960/LBC - Rosedale Cottage Crown Road Marnhull DT10 1LN

Convert existing garage to form additional living accommodation and carry out external and internal alterations in association with this.

Resolved: No Objections.

2/2017/1959/HOUSE - Rosedale Cottage Crown Road Marnhull DT10 1LN

Convert existing garage to form additional living accommodation.

Resolved: No Objection.

2/2017/1848/FUL - Os Plot 7987 Stoneylawn Marnhull Dorset.

Demolish existing redundant agricultural buildings. Erect 1 No. Eco dwelling with underground parking.

Resolved: No Objection. (With the comment that it is resolved with no objection as long as there is no obstruction to the footpath).

2/2017/1970/HOUSE - 12 Lovells Mead Marnhull Dorset DT10 1JL

Erect single storey extension (demolish existing). Install 4No. rooflights.

Resolved: Objection.

Loss of Light, Height of the proposed extension, overdevelopment of the site. It NDDC are minded to approve the Parish Council request this is heard by the Development Control Committee.

2/2017/1736/FUL - Land South Of The Manor House Nash Lane Marnhull Dorset

Change of use from Agricultural to Equestrian Land for personal recreational use.

Resolved: No Objection.

  1. 2018/001 Declarations of Interest Regarding

a)Agenda Items


b)Grant of dispensations regarding Disclosable Pecuniary Interests when setting the Annual Precept


  1. 2018/002 Public Consultation

There was none.

Council Session

  1. 2018/003 Apologies for Absence.

Cllr Mrs Wright, Cllr Hamer, Cllr Chapman, Cllr Mrs Ruth.

Cllr Carr-Jones – DCC.

  1. 2018/004 Chairman’s Urgent Business

No urgent business from the Chairman.

  1. 2018/005 Minutes

The minutes for the 4th of December 2017 were agreed and signed.

  1. 2018/006 Matters arising from the previous minutes (not on agenda)

Cllr Hamer has already circulated information to the Councillor’s regarding the trees in the Recreation Ground and this includes the tree at the bottom of the drive. Action Cllr Hamer

The clerk has had no further reply from the Youth Football.

Cllr Mr Ruth had been along Sackmore Lane and looked at the bin and bench and its looks like they are unusable. There may be an option to put a dog bin in and remove the bin there and the bench but this will be ongoing. Action

There was a complaint about the hedge along Love Lane belonging to Squirrel Bank and Avalon House, the clerk will follow this up. Action Clerk

Cllr Mr Ruth read out Cllr Mrs Ruth’s information regarding the telephone boxes in Marnhull that she had previously circulated. It was thought that Cllr Mrs Ruth’s suggestion of not keeping the one at StoneyLawn was the best way forward and it was proposed by the Chairman that the Parish Council Purchase New Street and Burton Street, this was seconded by Cllr Wiles and all were in favour. Action Cllr Mrs Ruth

  1. 2018/007 Financial Matters

a)Payment Schedule.

Payment Schedule for January/February for £3049.96 was signed by the Chairman.

  1. 2018/008 Planning Matters

The clerk had previously circulated Mr Eveleigh’s email and there were no further comments to be made.

Cllr Westbrook explained that the planning training that was due to take place in Dorchester in March was the best way for some of the Councillors to get training. The clerk will see if she can get some more places than just the two, the Councillors interested in going are, Cllr Chapman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr Kerr, Cllr Wright and Cllr Hamer.

10.2018/009 Councillors’ Reports

NDDC – Cllr Westbrook informed the Council regarding the Solar Farm in Fifehead Magdalen. There is a lot of Village and surrounding Village opposition to the proposal and there is a meeting in the Village Hall in Fifehead on the Saturday morning following this meeting.

She also informed the Council that there had been four million put into the Gillingham development to improve the roads and utilities.

Cllr Westbook also explained that Dorset is trialling the Accountable Care System.

Parish Councillors reports

Village Hall – There was some discussion regarding the padlocks at the Recreation Ground and it was proposed by Cllr Wiles and seconded by Cllr Kerr that the clerk purchase new padlocks for the ground and the key be held with the clerk and only given to a small minority who may need it on a regular basis, all were in favour. Action Clerk

Cllr Mrs Wright to inform Village Hall Committee at their meeting on 6th Feb. Action Cllr Mrs Wright.

Henstridge Airfield – Some years back the Parish Council contributed to the legal fund for the planning at the Airfield and now the account has been closed we have received £161 back.

St Gregory’s Church Yard – The Parish Council are now responsible for the Church Yard and the next few months will be trial and error as to working out how things proceed.

Cricket Club SLA – The clerk to chase this. Action Clerk

Group Chairman’s Meeting – The Chairman explained that there were nine Parish Council representatives and people from NDDC and Cabinet members from DCC present and sadly no minutes were taken as there was on one to take them.

Four choices for SID’s could be submitted for consideration

Sturminster Newton Development Plan- This should have previously been circulated to Marnhull Parish Council. The Chairman has now circulated and it was decided that there was no comment to make, this was proposed by Cllr Wiles and seconded by Cllr Ruth. The Chairman will let them know.

Annual Review

Asset Register.

Council Insurance Policy

Risk Assessment.

These were all reviewed and there are no changes to make at present.

Transport Review – No comments to make.

Footpath Sackmore Lane – This problem is now resolved.

Ham Meadows Footpath – This has now been cleared.

Hains Lane – The flooding situation is nearly completed.

Adrian Curtis – Mr Curtis was extremely grateful for all that was done for his leaving.

St Gregory’s School Quiz night – The Parish Council has two teams entering.

  1. 2018/010 Clerk’s Report/s

The clerk explained that the Data Protection Laws were changing and she would keep the Council updated.

The clerk explained that she had two letters of correspondence regarding dog fouling in the Village. Cllr Kerr will add a note in the Marnhull Messenger. There has been a big push regarding signs and dog waste bins from the Parish Council but sadly some dog owners still cannot take responsility and clear up after their dogs.

  1. Correspondence –

The clerk had received some correspondence on the broken finger post signs and she will forward to DCC and Roger Bell for forwarding to Dorset signpost. Mr Eveliegh informed the meeting that he was aware of a document that could help and he would forward it.

  1. 2018/011 Date and time of next meeting

Council Meeting Monday 5th March 2018 in the Village Hall at 7pm

The meeting concluded at 8.40pm.

Chairman…………………………. Date…………………….