Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Goods Yard House on 1st June 2015 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr J Edwarde, Cllr A Higgins, Cllr L Hatch, Cllr J Smith, Cllr M Colenutt, Cllr R Eastwood, Cllr G Horner, Cllr S Howard and Cllr C Tamplin.
Absent: Cllr K Hawes and Cllr C Beare.
20. To accept apologies for absence.
Cllr K Hawes and Cllr C Beare.
21. Declarations of interest in respect of matters to be discussed.
The Chair reminded Cllrs to declare and interests when applicable.
22. To Approve Minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 18th May 2015
Cllr Colenutt was added to Rights of Way Committee.
Proposed as a true record by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.
23. Matters Arising.
Cllr Higgins requested a follow up to SALC re representatives required. The Clerk would action.
The Clerk confirmed Steve Medhurst had been called to confirm HPC position on parking on the croft.
24. Correspondence.
Nothing of note had been received since the last PC meeting two weeks prior.
The Clerk reported on a request for parking on the hard standing near the pavilion on Wednesday 3rd for a funeral and there were no issues raised with this request.
25. Finance
(i)To report on account 2015/16.
This was deferred to the next meeting as only two weeks had elapsed since the last report.
(ii)To approve expenditure as itemised on schedule.
Proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Colenutt and unanimously approved.
(iii)To confirm movements in ear marked reserves.
Nothing to report.
- To review Co option applications and fill vacancies
The Chair outlined there were five vacancies so far three people willing to be co opted. She outlined some background and as all were present each was voted on in turn.
Christine Tamplin – proposed by Cllr Edwarde seconded by Cllr Smith and unanimously appointed.
Giles Horner - proposed by Cllr Smith seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously appointed.
Stephen Howard - proposed by Cllr Colenutt seconded by Cllr Smith and unanimously appointed.
All new Cllrs duly signed their acceptance of office and took their places at the Council table for the remainder of the meeting.
- Goods Yard House update and proposals to be considered.
The Clerk reported she was waiting on a letter to be drafted by Cllr Hawes and ex Cllr Searle to send to the loss adjusters. She would follow up with Cllr Hawes and ex Cllr Searle.
Cllr Edwarde proposed that a working party / temporary committee to decide action between meetings should be established and it was agreed Cllrs Smith, Hatch and Eastwood agreed to form this group. Seconded by Cllr Higgins and unanimously approved.
It was proposed by Cllr Edwarde that this committee should have delegated powers for expenditure up to £1000 between meetings for urgent work seconded by Cllr Tamplin and unanimously approved.
On a non related matter the Clerk outlined the issue with the first floor water pressure and expenditure up to £450 was proposed by Cllr Higgins seconded by Cllr Hatch and unanimously approved.
- Neighbourhood Plan update
Cllr Hawes had sent a report and Cllr Edwarde in his absence explained the history to new cllrs. Cllr Edwarde suggested the Council should help Cllr Hawes finalise the plan and arrange expenditure if required to complete the process.
The Cllrs wanted to understand the requirements possible costs and time required to finalise it and asked for it to be deferred to the July meeting.
Cllr Eastwood would investigate some options.Cllrs Hawes could then explain more details for a formal proposal to the Council in July.
The Clerk would add to the July agenda.
- Items for Reporting or Inclusion in Future Agendas
Cllr Colenutt reported on a local traffic highways meeting he had attended.
Cllr Hatch reminded Cllrs of the Neighbourhood Plan website to enable them to view the process to date.
Cllr Edwarde asked for Youth Voice to go on the July agenda.
Cllr Tamplin agreed to go on the planning committee, Cllr Horner on Town Croft and Parish Assets and Cllr Howard on Rights of Way.
Meeting closed at 8:55pm
Dates of Next Meetings:
Parish Council 6th July 2015 7:30pm
SLR 8th June 9:30am
Rights of Way 22nd June 7:30pm
Planning 25th June 2015 7:30pm