Draft Minutes Nov 14
Salford Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at
Salford Village Hall
on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 7.30pm
Cllrs S. McBride (Chairman), N. Hill (Vice-Chairman, R. Caldin, and H. McGlynn, and Mrs C. Ross (Clerk). County Councillor Hilary Biles, Mr George Fawdry (for item 12) and two members of the public were also present.
1. To note apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
3. To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on 21 October 2014
The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.
4. To note matters arising from the minutes
(a) The Clerk would organise a weekend date in the near future so that 1000 daffodils could be planted outside the playground fence at the top of Roses Lane. Notices would be put up in the village to encourage helpers. Canes should be put in to indicate their location and Newman’s would be asked not to mow the grass within six weeks of flowering.
(b) With regard to the Worcester Road parking, a reply had been received from the PCSO Kirsten Tyrer saying the police were aware of and monitoring the situation.
5. To note and discuss financial matters
(a) The second half of the precept had been received, and there was £7133 in the current account, and £332 in the deposit account.
(b) Next year’s precept request would be discussed at the next meeting.
(c) A cheque for £93.96 to reimburse the Clerk for the payment to Internet Gardening Ltd in respect of the daffodil purchase was approved.
6. To discuss and evaluate planning applications
With regard to the Hirons Hill Farm planning application, the Clerk had requested that it should be put before the WODC planning committee.
7. To note the current state of the playground
Cllr McBride would look at and repair the two fence palings. It was likely that further surfacing would need to be done next year to the playground and Cllr McBride had details of a competitive company which he would pass on to the Clerk.
8. To discuss and decide whether the Parish Council should apply for The Black Horse to be made an Asset of Community Value
It was agreed that this should be done in the near future.
9. To discuss The Leys ditch
Work should be done on this when possible and Cllr McBride would discuss it with Cllr Colston.
10. To discuss servicing the mower
Cllr McBride would arrange for the mower to be serviced.
11. To discuss the progress of the World War 1 memorial sculpture and retrospectively approve the Parish Council’s acceptance of Mr Sparvell’s estimate of £895 (£500 of which will be covered by the WODC Community Activities Grant)
· The sculpture was progressing although taking longer than anticipated due to the thickness of the material and the heat required to bend it. Mr Sparvell was currently unwell so had been unable to attend the meeting.
· Mr Sparvell’s quote of £1032.46 for labour and consumables, minus his discount, was retrospectively approved.
· A plaque would be placed on the side of the stone acknowledging the West Oxfordshire District Council’s contribution and the donation of the stone by Smith & Sons, and the Clerk would approach Chipping Norton School to enquire about the possibility of their pupils making one.
· The Parish Councillors were asked to consider the wording on the other commemorative plaque and to bring ideas to the January meeting.
· At Cllr Biles’ suggestion, the Clerk would apply for a Big Society grant to help finance the sculpture.
12. To discuss The Fawdry Trust
George Fawdry notified the Council that Roma Smith had resigned from The Fawdry Trust and was being replaced by Diana Zenyik. Mrs Smith was thanked for her 10 years’ contribution. The Rev James Kennedy was now Church Trustee and Mr. Fawdry would submit the accounts to the Charity Commission.
13. To discuss any other business
· The question of a 50 mph speed limit along the road from the Greedy Goose to the Rollright Stones was again discussed, and Cllr Biles agreed to raise it with the Highways Department in the near future.
· Cllr Colston would be reminded to have a word with Mr Alexander Ward about the ditch drainage at the Cornwell turning on the A44.
· Cllr Biles would raise with Highways the question of the damaged header wall at the Salford bend on the A44 where there was flooding last winter.
· The pavement at the bottom of The Leys was obstructed by a hedge. Cllr McBride would have a look and see what could be done.
· It was confirmed that the white lines in and around the village were in acceptable condition.
· Cllr Biles stated that vehicle-activated speed signs would shortly be erected on the Worcester Road.
· The footbath on the way to Chipping Norton was being cleared.
· A Village Hall committee meeting would be held the following evening, if any Parish Councillor was able to attend.
· The Clerk would attend an Emergency Plan meeting in November.
14. To note the date of the next meeting
Tuesday, 16 December, 2014.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
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Signed Date