MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Held at the Village of Lake Hallie Town Hall

13033 30th Avenue

Chippewa Falls, WI 54729


1. Meeting called to order by President Lehmannat 7 pm.

2.Roll Call: Mr. Perry, Mr. Sykora, Mr. Walkoviakand Mr. Lehmann present. Ms. Bernier is absent.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Public Comments:


5. New Business:

A. Review / Discuss creating Ordinance to implement per parcel charge to title companies for researching water utility and special assessment balances outstanding.

This is a request to create an ordinance charging title companies a set fee for per parcel inquiries on water utility, curb stop, special assessment and real estate/personal property tax status to include in the Village of Lake Hallie code of ordinances. Currently the Clerk’s office receives numerous requests daily via phone, fax and mail for the above mentioned information. This takes man-power time away from the staff’s daily duties and since the Clerk’s office does have minimal staff, which is primarily on a part-time basis, this creates a time constraint burden upon the employees. In reviewing the procedures of other local government municipalities, I have found that there are locations that currently have established a set fee for title companies per request. The range I have found runs from $5.00/parcel information request to $40.00/parcel information request. It has also been brought to my attention that process requirements have been implemented by those municipalities. For example, the City of Chippewa Falls charges $25.00/parcel request. They also have a requirement that all requests are in writing and that the request will take a minimum of 5 business days to provide the information. If a title company needs the information immediately, they charge $40.00/parcel. I feel that we should start to implement a set fee for these requests with certain guidelines. We should require the title company to provide all inquiries in writing. In doing so, this would allow a paper-trail and keep non-title company personnel from obtaining this information. I feel this would make the title companies accountable and pass the costs of such requests onto the title company instead of the Village taxpayers. The billing process that the other municipalities have established invoices each title company monthly, which I feel seems reasonable. Mr. Lehmann mentioned that the PW Department has purchased Workhorse Special Assessment software. The hope is that the Workhorse Utility and Assessment software would be able to link the information to the Village website in order to take the clerk staff out of the equation and make it public record information. Mr. Lehmann stated that the Clerk/Treasurer’s office is here for the people and should not have a problem with taking the numerous requests on a daily basis from title companies. Mr. Lehmann stated to implement a fee to the title companies would cause the taxes to raise. Mr. Walkoviak inquired if the title companies are currently charging residents and possible residents for this title search. The board suggested to give a 5-7 business day time-frame to supply the information to the title company and if the title company wants the information immediately to implement a fee. Mr. Lehmann said the board would look into this subject and bring it back around.

  1. Review / Approve Resolution 2009-02 Approved Automatic Payments.

Resolution 2009-02 Scheduled Payments: WHEREAS, the Village of Lake Hallie Board of Trustees are responsible tomaintain acceptable accounting practices, and;WHEREAS, billing and payment practices allow for automatic withdraws forbills from bank accounts, and;WHEREAS, vendors are requesting this payment method, and;WHEREAS, Lake Hallie offers this payment method for village water bills, and;WHEREAS, billing statements and payment entries shall be present on “Claimsand Disbursements’ when appropriate, and;

WHEREAS, board of trustees will approve establishing this payment methodbefore this service is started.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board of LakeHallie, approves establishing automatic withdraw with Kwik Trip, Xcel Energy, EauClaire Energy (REA), AT&T, AT&T Mobile, and Holiday Gas. Mr. Sykora made a motion to approve Resolution 2009-02, seconded by Mr. Walkoviak. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

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  1. Review / Approve Resolution 2009-03 Amendment of Resolution 2007-09 with Independence State Bank and replacement of promissory note.

Resolution 2009-03: WHEREAS, on April 16, 2007, the Village of Lake Hallie, Chippewa County, Wisconsin (“Village”) promulgated Resolution 2007-09 approving the borrowing of the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) from Independence State Bank for purposes of construction of a municipal well. A copy of said resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit A (“Resolution”); WHEREAS, the Village subsequently issues a Promissory Note (“Note”) to Independence State Bank evidencing the Village’s obligation to repay said sum. A copy of said Promissory Note is attached hereto as Exhibit B; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Resolution, the Village resolved that there be levied on all the taxable property of the Village a direct annual irrepealable tax sufficient in amount to pay the principal and interest on the Note did not set forth the amount of payments to be made by the Village on the Promissory Note; WHEREAS, Independence State Bank and the Village now wish to amend the Resolution and to replace the Promissory Note in order to reflect the amount of payments to be made by the Village on the Promissory Note. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Village consents and agrees to the amendment of the Resolution and replacement of the Promissory Note. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in all other respects the Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Promissory Note be replaced and superceded by the revised promissory note attached hereto as Exhibit C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village President and Village Clerk be vested with the authority to execute any such documents necessary to effectuate the amendment of the Resolution and replacement of the Promissory Note. A complete copy of Resolution 2009-03 and exhibits are located at the Village clerk’s office. Mr. Perry made a motion to approve Resolution 2009-03, seconded by Mr. Walkoviak. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

6. Old Business:


7. Approval of Minutes:

A Village Board Meeting – January 19, 2009

Mr. Sykora made a motion to approve the January 19, 2009 Village Board meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Walkoviak. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

8. Finance:

A. Treasurer’s Report: (Usually 2nd Meeting of Each Month).

B. Claims & Disbursements.

1. Village Claims & Disbursements.

  1. February 2, 2009 Claims & Disbursements.

Mr. Perry made a motion to approve the February 2, 2009 Village Claims & Disbursements in the amount of $215, 200.94, seconded by Mr. Sykora. Roll Call: All members present. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

C.Claims & Disbursements.

2. Public Works Department Claims & Disbursements.

  1. February 2, 2009 Claims & Disbursements.

Mr. Sykora made a motion to approve the February 2, 2009 Public Works Claims & Disbursements in the amount of $50, 931.89, seconded by Mr. Walkoviak. Roll Call: All members present. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

9. Licensing:


  1. Sara M. Stolt – New – Hallie Bar & Grill. Faxed to PD 1/15/09 – already approved by Chief Nehring.
  2. Shane L. Webb – New – Holiday Station Store #582. Faxed to PD 1/19/09 – already approved by Chief Nehring.

Mr. Sykora made a motion to approve the new operator licenses for Sara Stolt and Shane Webb which were already approved by the PD, seconded by Mr. Walkoviak. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

B. Social Use Permit (Village Hall Rental):


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10. Committee/Department Reports:

A. Building Committee Update.


B.Fire Commission Update.

The Mayor of Chippewa was discussing building a station on the southside in the borders of the Village of Lake Hallie. The theme was that something needs to be done to save money.

C.General Government Committee Update.


  1. Parks Board Update.


  1. Planning Commission Update.

Mr. Reese from the Planning Commission indicated Mr. Clary submitted his paperwork on the housing element for the Smart Growth Plan.

  1. Police Commission Update.

Mr. Spilde indicated the Commission was down to 5 applicants to interview for the Chief of Police. Interim Chief Nehring is doing an excellent job. Mr. Lehmann stated that previous Chief Gale Haas will be picking up equipment from the approved grant and providing training to the officers.

  1. Recycling Center Update.

Currently the recycling gates are open throughout the day to drop off brush and cardboard.

  1. Streets Committee Update.

Mr. Lehmann stated he was working on getting letters out to those residents on the unapproved streets discussed in a previous meeting. A resident requested that the board review reducing the speed limit on 40th Ave. Mr. Walkoviak asked that we bring that subject back on an agenda.

I. Water Committee Update.

Well 1 is available for service but not currently in service. The board made a good suggestiontorebuild but the well previously pumped 160 gallons/minute but now it pumps 192 gallons/minutes so we need to do some rewiring before we can put that back on line.

11. Adjournment.

Mr. Walkoviak made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Sykora. Motion carried on unanimous voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.