PRESENT:Council:Mayor Sandra Benford

Deputy Mayor Garth Ward

Deputy Mayor Harold Williams

Administration:Wendy Wildman, CAO

Heather Luhtala, Asst. CAO

Appointment:Auditor, John Pawluik – Via Teleconference – 11:32 a.m.


Motion #
Mayor Benford called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m.
2. / 33-11
(Agenda) / AGENDA
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williamsthat the April 14, 2011agenda be approvedwith the following addition:
9. a) Action Pending List.
3. / 34-11
(Minutes-Regular Meeting) / MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Ward that the minutes of the March 1st, 2011Regular Council Meeting be approved as presented.
6. / 35-11
(2011 FCSS)
(FCSS – Seniors in Motion)
(Seniors Week Proclamation)
(Weed Control Inspector) / BUSINESS
a) AB. FCSS – 2011 FCSS Funding Agreement: $3,655 total of which $2,924 is Provincial And $731 is Municipal
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Ward that Council approve and ratify execution of the Alberta & Family Community Support Services – 2011 Funding Agreement ($2,924 Provincial Contribution and $731 Municipal Contribution for a Total Contribution of $3,655).
b) Lac Ste. Anne County – March 24 letter on Seniors in Motion Funding Through FCSS
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williamsthat the Summer Village of South View go on record with 100% support for the Seniors in Motion Program offered by the East End Bus Society, being funded by FCSS as it is an eligible expense due to the program providing socialization for senior citizens of the Summer Village as well as those within the boundaries of Lac Ste. Anne County, and that this program is a much needed service in our communities.
c) Seniors Advisory Council for Alberta – Feb. 28 letter on Proclaiming Seniors Week June 6 to 12
MOTION by Mayor Benford that in honor of the past, present and future contributions of the seniors of this community and throughout Alberta, the week of June 6 to 12, 2011 be proclaimed as Senior’s Week.
d) AB. Agricultural and Rural Development – March 24 letter on Weed Control and appointing inspectors
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams that in accordance with the new Alberta Weed Control Act, the Summer Village of South View appoint Jackie Gamblin as the Weed Control Inspector to enforce and monitor compliance under the Act within the municipality.
e) Petition received for Park Reserve – Plan 2647 Block 1, Lots 1 to 5
It was the unanimous consensus of Council to move this business item to the end of the meeting.
f) Development Permit Application File No. 5700100 DP 031-11
Mayor Benford recessed the meeting at 10:36 a.m. to hold a Municipal Planning Commission Meeting.
Mayor Benford reconvened the meeting at 10:51a.m.
g) Annual Information Meeting Date/Time
The Annual Information Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 25th from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Darwell Golden Age Centre.
-Wendy will contact Edie to book the centre
-Wendy will Contact Jackie Gamblin, Weed Inspector and LSA County CPO/ACO as possible guest speakers
-Discussion on Agenda Items: windrow/snow removal, weed inspections, animal control, paving program, waste bins in a central location, waste pickup in winter every three weeks, school requisition increase.
7. / 39-11
(Accounts Payable)
(Income/Expense Statements)
(Bank Reconciliation)
(Grant Report) / FINANCIAL
a) Accounts Payable – Cheque #35 to #41 totaling $3,213.29 for February 2011 (including automatic debits)
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williamsto accept for information Accounts Payable cheque listing #35 to #41 totaling $3,213.29 for February 2011 (including automatic debits) as presented.
b) Income and Expense Statements – as at February 28, 2011
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams that Council accept for information the Income and Expense Statements as at February 28, 2011 as presented.
c) Bank Reconciliation – as at February 28, 2011
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams that Council accept for information the Bank Reconciliation as at February 28, 2011 as presented.
d) Grant Report – updated March 18h, 2011
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams to accept for information the grant report updated March 18th, 2011as presented.
8. / 43-11
(Council Reports) / COUNCIL REPORTS
Mayor Benford:
-attended and reported on Yellowhead Rural Crime Watch meeting
- sent new map of road work to Border Paving, will be meeting with Border and they will provide an updated quote and advised that they are booked for Spring at this point
- advised that any calls she had with respect to snow removal were addressed within hours
- Discussion on snow removal for next year, roads should be better as there will be more pavement next year, too much pack built up, need to scrape roads down further, need to have meeting with snow removal contractor and LSACounty to discuss plan and expectations for next year.
- Discussion windrow removal – will bring up at the AIM – costs for snow removal will be higher if windrows are being removed
- Discussion on lagoon disposal fee increase
- Mayor Benford inquired about the newsletter that goes out with the taxes, items that are to be included in the newsletter are: spring clean-up mattress/white metal fees, lagoon disposal fees, library fees/hours, annual projects, weed inspection (get blurb from Jackie)
- Discussion on playground drainage, culvert should be lowered and swale made deeper, will wait until water is gone and look into further, Mayor Benford will get Border Paving to quote this work to be done when they are out to look at the road paving project
- Discussion on posting a caution advisory sign at the park with respect to the water (Wendy will check with insurance before doing this)
- Discussion on the road project and patching – Mayor Benford will get Border Paving to quote this work to be done when they are out to look at the road paving project
Deputy Mayor Ward
- advised that the next YRL meeting is on June 6th (Mayor Benford will attend)
- attended and reported on YRL meeting (3 new members – Sunrise Beach, Sandy Beach, Castle Island)
- advised that the AGM for Alberta Libraries is being held in Jasper this year
- suggested that Council consider having a central waste location in the SummerVillage (will discuss with residents at the AIM)
Deputy Mayor Williams
- requested administration add a separate line on the agenda for Public Works items/reports
- had feedback from CPO, Dwight Dawn on an untidy/unsightly property
Council Reports
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Ward that Council accept for information the verbal Council reports as presented.
9. / CAO Report
Action Pending List
Council and Administration reviewed the Action Pending List. Administration will update the list accordingly.
4. / 44-11
(Reserve Transfer)
(2010 Fin. Stmts.) / APPOINTMENTS
Auditor, John Pawluik,attended the meeting via teleconference at 11:32 a.m.
Mr. Pawluik presented and reviewed the 2010 Draft Financial Statements noting the following:
-As part of the audit procedure, he must look for fraudulent or illegal activities noting that nothing indicated to him that either of these activities is taking place.
-He is independent of the SummerVillage and as such the Financial Statements are being fairly represented.
-John reviewed the income/expense statement and the balance sheet in detail
-Noted that the records are well kept and easy to audit.
-Noted that the SummerVillage has a surplus in the amount of $10,418.11 and is recommending this be transferred back to the Tax Stabilization Reserve Account
-Recommended keeping only $25,000 to $30,000 in the unrestricted operating fund for a SummerVillage the size of South View (currently we have $35,199.67)(advised moving $10,000 to reserves)
Reserve Transfer
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Ward that $10,000 be transferred from the Unrestricted Operating Fund to the Tax Stabilization Reserve Account.
2010 Draft Financial Statements
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams that the 2010 Draft Audited Financial Statements, as presented and reviewed by Auditor John Pawluik, be approved.
Council thanked Mr. Pawluik for his very clear presentation of the financial statements.
Mr. Pawluik left the meeting via teleconference at 11:55 a.m.
10. / 46-11
(Information & Correspondence) / INFORMATION AND CORRESPONDENCE
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Williams that the following information and correspondence be accepted:
  1. Lac Ste. Anne Foundation – April 2nd, letter on 2011 Requisition
  2. AB. Municipal Affairs – Mar. 1 letter on 2011 MSI Allocation: total of $82,146 of which $71,363 is Capital and $10,783 is Operational
Note from MLA on correspondence b. in regards to Bill 8 - Missing Persons Act and Privacy Concerns. Mayor Benford requested administration send a letter on behalf of Council in support of Bill 8.
  1. AB. Municipal Affairs – Mar. 7 letter on MSI Project Approval $144,264 for Local Road Upgrade Project
  2. AB. Transportation – Mar. 7 letter on 2011 Transportation Grant Allocations: Basic Municipal Transportation Grant (BMTG) (SIP Component) $11,833 and federal Gas Tax Fund (FGTG) (Former NDCC) $11,409
  3. AB. Municipal Affairs – Mar. 9 letter on MSI Program reducing Capital threshold from 10% to 5%
  4. Statement of Direct Deposit - $731.00 FCSS Funding First Payment
  5. 2011 AB.School Foundation Requisition - $41,096.86
  6. AUMA – Mar. 29 letter on increases on registry fee schedule
  7. AUMA – Mar. 22 notice on 2011 Nomination Deadline for Board of Directors (Sep. 16)
  8. AUMA – Feb. 24 Letter on Mayors Caucus Meetings
  9. AUMA – Feb. 25 Letter on 2011 President’s Summit on Energy May 10-12 in Ft.McMurray
  10. AB. Municipal Affairs – Mar. 10 letter on conducting our own census
  11. AB. Children & Youth Services – Mar. 21 letter on FCSS Handbook and 2009 Overview
  12. WCB – Mar. 14 letter on Day of Mourning April 28
12. / 47-11
(Next Meeting – Regular) / NEXT MEETING
Regular Council Meetings
MOTION by Deputy Mayor Ward that the next Regular Council Meetings be scheduled for Thursday, April 28th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday, June 9th, 2011 at 10:00 am at the Wildwillow Enterprises Administration Office.
e) Petition received for Park Reserve – Plan 2647 Block 1, Lots 1 to 5
Council and Administration reviewed the documents submitted by the land owners. As there was no new information received from the previous correspondence on this item, the CAO will communicate back to the land owners on whether they want to go forward with a presentation to Council and will further advise that Council is willing to work with two of the land owners on land use setbacks if required.
Mayor Benford declared the meeting adjourned at 12:34p.m.





Upcoming Meetings:

April 28 – Regular Council Meeting – 10:00 a.m.

June 9 – Regular Council Meeting – 10:00 a.m.

June 11 – SVLSACE – 9:00 a.m. (Hosted by Silver Sands – Fallis Hall)

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