TEXT: The book of Jeremiah was written by Jeremiah during his ministry from 627 BC to 585 BC.
THEME:Staying faithful during trying times.
INTRO: The book of Jeremiah has been called by some as “a weeping prophet to a wayward people.” Jeremiah’s ministry was one characterized by giving the people a message from God even though they didn’t want to hear. Jeremiah’s ministry lasted roughly fifty years. His message from God was one mostly of judgment upon God’s people; a message that wasn’t very popular. Jeremiah told the people to submit to Babylon and avoid harsher treatment. This message caused him to fear for his life many times. He was accused of treason and was tried, persecuted and imprisoned for the message he preached. During all of his struggles, evensuffering depression,Jeremiah continued to preach God’s message to the people. There were great high spots in his ministry however, mostly by way of visions. He was given this book to write not once but twice. He received visions of: the return from captivity, the New Covenant, and the ultimate return of the Messiah to Jerusalem. Some conjecture has been made that it was during the preaching of Jeremiah that one particular Jew turned Babylonian captive, turned prophet came to put their trust in the promises of Gods’ coming Messiah; that prophet was Daniel. The book of Jeremiah is particularly a message for Pastors; of the nine times that the Bible mentions pastors directly, eight of them are in the book of Jeremiah.
- Jeremiah’s Call and Comission,1:1 – 19
- His Call, 1:1-10
-Jeremiah started his ministry around age twenty when Judah’s last good king, Josiah was around the same age.
- The Confirmation of the Call, 1:11-19
- Jeremiah saw two visions to confirm his calling:
- The budding almond tree
- The seething pot facing the North.
- Prophecies Concerning Judah, 2:1 – 45:5
- Judah’s Willful Sin, 2:1-3:5
- God’s disposition toward them before their sin.2:1 – 18
- Hereminds them of His love for them.
- He reminds them of His faithfulness.
- Illustrations of their willful sin. 2:19 – 28
- The harlot.
- The strange vine.
- The wandering dromedary (camel).
- The caught thief.
- Their idol worship.
- God questions the reasons for their sin. 2:29 – 37.
- Judah’s Chastening, 3:6-6:30
- Contrast Between Israel and Judah, 3:6-10
- Israel is referred to as a backsliding harlot.
- Judah is referred to as Israel’s treacherous sister.
- Call of repentance, 3:11-25
- God sends a man to call Israel and Judah to repent.
- God gives them hope of greatness if she repents.
- They have turned from the Lord from whence comes their salvation.
- Prediction for judgment,4:1-31
- To avoid judgment they must repent and turn to God.
- The judgment to come unless they repent.
- The voice of judgment against them.
- The vision of their judgment.
- Their response to the judgment.
- Reasons of judgment, 5:1-31
- The unrighteous men who refuse correction.
- The idol worshipping children.
- The false prophets that speak lies.
- The rebellious people.
- Certainty of judgment, 6:1-30
- Judgment on Jerusalem is foretold.
- Instructions to people who will not hear.
- The pouring out of God’s fury in judgment.
- The instrument of God’s judgment.
-The Babylonians.
- Judah’s Wrong Religion, 7:1-10:25
- Jeremiah’sTemple sermon, 7:1-8:3
-Amend your ways and you can stay
- Their disobedience brings sorrow, rebuke and judgment, 8:4-9:26
- The sin of the people and God’s judgment, 8:4~13.
- The sorrow of Jeremiah and the Lord, 8:14~9:3.
- The sin of the people and God’s judgment, 9:4~16.
- Jeremiah’s sorrow and God’s judgment, 9:17~26.
- The folly of idolatry, 10:1-18
- How idols are made.
- Their lack of power.
- The reaction of the prophet, 10:19-25
- Judah’s Breaking of God’s Covenant, 11:1-13:27
- The fact,11:1-17
- The consequence, 11:18-12:17
- The warnings, 13:1-27
- Judah’s Coming Drought, 14:1-15:9
- Jeremiah’s message,14:1-6
- Jeremiah’s intercession, 14:7-15:9
- Judah’s Prophet Recommissioned, 15:10-16:9
- Jeremiah’s remorse, 15:10-21
- Jeremiah’s restrictions,16:1-9
- Judah’s Sins, 16:10-17:27
- Judah and the Sovereign Potter 18;1-23
- Judah as a Broken Bottle, 19:1-20:18
- The message, 19:1-15
- The reaction: Jeremiah persecuted,10:1-18
- Judah’s Kings, 21:1-23:8
- The message to Zedekiah,21:1-22:9
- The message concerning Jehoahaz(Shallum) , 22:10-12
- The message concerning Jehoiakim, 22:13-19
- The message concerning Jehoiachin (Coniah), 22:20-30
- The message concerning Messiah, 23:1-8
- Judah’s False Prophets, 23:9-40
- Judah’s Captivity, 24:1-25:38
- The deportees, 24:1-10
- The duration, 25:1-11
- The disposition of the captor nation, 25:12-38
- Judah’s Reaction to Jeremiah’s Ministry, 26:1-24
- Judah’s Advice from Jeremiah: Submit to Nebuchadnezzar, 27:1-22
1. Sign of the yoke, 27:1-22
2. Opposition of a false prophet, 28:1-17
- Letter to Jews in captivity, 29:1-32
O. Judah’s Hope of Restoration, 30:1-33:26
1. The promise declared: restoration after tribulation, 30;1-31:26
2.The promise covenanted: the new covenant, 31:27-40
3.The promise illustrated: a field bought, 32:1-44
- The promise reaffirmed: the Davidic covenant, 33:1-26
- Events Before the Fall of Jerusalem, 34:1-38:28
- Message to Zedekiah, 34:1-7
- Message to the people, 34:8-22
- Message concerning the Rechabites, 35:1-19
- Jehoiakim burns Jeremiah’s scroll, 36:1-32
- Jeremiah imprisoned, 37:1-38:28
Q. The Fall of Jersalem,39:1-18
- The fate of the Jews, 39:1-10
- The fate of Jeremiah, 39:11-18
R. Events After the fall of Jerusalem, 40:1-45:5
- Jeremiah ministers to Jews in Palestine, 40:1-42:22
- Jeremiah ministers to Jews in Egypt, 43:1-44:30
- Jeremiah ministers to Baruch, 45:1-5
III. Prophecies Concerning the Nations, 46:1 – 51:64
- Prophecies Against Egypt, 46;1-28
- Prophecies Against the Philistines, 47:1-7
- Prophecies Against Moab, 48:1-47
- Prophecies Against Ammon, 49:1-6
- Prophecies Against Edom, 49:7-22
- Prophecies Against Damascus, 49:23-27
- Prophecies Against Arabia, 49:28-33
- Prophecies Against Elam, 49:34-39
- Prophecies Against Babylon, 50:1-51:64
IV. Historical Supplement, 52:1 – 34
- The fate of Jerusalem, 52:1-23
- The fate of Certain People, 52:24-34