/ Great Dawley Town Council
Town Hall
New Street
Tel: (01952) 567 910
Fax: (01952) 567 917

Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of

Great Dawley Town Council held on

13th June 2016 at 18:30 at Dawley Town Hall

PRESENT: Councillors: Choudhary, Davies, Dillon, Duce, Heighway, Pinter, Randle, Sahota, Salter, Sekhon and Turley.

Staff: C Turner (Clerk), C Binnington (Committee Secretary), S Eccleston (Finance, Procurement and Contracts Officer), D Phillips (Community Projects and Events Co-ordinator)

There was one member of the public present.

A quorum was present when decisions were made.

001 / Chairman’s Welcome
The Mayor, Councillor Jane Pinter welcomed all present and offered her congratulations to Councillor Sekhon on being awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her tireless charity work.
002 / Apologies for Absence and Reasons
Proposed by Councillor Duce, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Council accept the apologies and reasons for absence from Councillors:
Rice, Sahota, Tranter and Wharton
003 / Code of Conduct
Disclosable Pecuniary and other Interests.
Councillors Pinter and Salter declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item OCM16 019 as they are both Councillors for Dawley Hamlets.
004 / Public Session
Local resident Gill Pickering thanked the Clerk and Deputy Clerk, Clare Turner and Wendy Tonge for their help in getting the path from New Street to the Langley School cleaned up. She is taking part in the trial with Environmental Services to tackle dog fouling and has been given equipment and spray paint to highlight the dog mess.
The meeting was then reconvened.
005 / Minutes
Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Council accept the minutes of the Extra-ordinary Council meeting on the 9th May 2016 as an accurate record.
006 / Borough Councillors.
The Borough Councillors were given the opportunity to report to the Town Council and for the Town Council to question their Borough Councillors.
Borough Councillor Davies announced that he is the new Leader of Telford & Wrekin Council and paid tribute to former Leader, Borough Councillor Sahota for all his hard work and success.
Councillor Davies is working with all councillors across the political spectrum and is delighted to have a good mix of councillors in his cabinet, with a good balance of male and female councillors as well as the councils first female Mayor.
Priorities for the new Leader will be:-
Ø  To retain Accident and Emergency Department at the Princess Royal Hospital, Telford.
Ø  Fair funding – there is a 12million shortfall in funding and a grant is needed from Central Government to address the issue.
Ø  Continue to fight for external funding.
Ø  Continue with ward walks.
Councillor Choudhary congratulated Councillor Davies on his appointment as Leader of the Council. He asked Councillor Davies if he would not support the building of the new hotel in the Town Park as this would be taking up the green space in the Town Park and he felt that it was being built against the wishes of residents.
Councillor Davies replied that there has been no planning application so far, but the Town Council are not able to stop planning, only comment and advise on applications.
Councillor Turley left the room at this point as he is a member of Telford & Wrekin Council’s (TWC) Planning Committee and therefore, declared an interest.
Councillor Choudhary asked why weed killer is not being used to kill weeds around the Malinslee area. Councillor Davies replied that due to cutbacks in TWC’s budget, the spraying won’t be carried out so often.
Councillor Randle said how honoured he was to start the Phoenix Flyer in his role as Deputy Mayor. The event was well attended and was a great success.
Borough Councillor Pinter reported that she recently carried out her first engagement as Mayor of Great Dawley Town Council, where she attended an event at St Leonards Church and met Reverend John Jukes, who is Team Vicar for central Telford. Councillor Pinter is continuing her ward walks and is dealing with speeding issues in New Street/Trinity Road. She has also met with Wrekin Housing Trust and helped with a clean-up in Dawley Park.
Councillor Turley returned to the meeting.
007.1 / Annual Return and Year End 2015 / 2016.
The Council were asked to receive the Annual Return for 31st March 2016.
a)  The Annual Return
Councillors agreed to sign off the Annual Governance Statement for 2015/16
(Section 1) as part of the Annual Return for Mazars, External Auditors as follows:
1 / We have put in place arrangements for effective financial management during the year, and for the preparation of the accounting statement. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle.
The Committee agreed with
Part 1, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
2 / We maintained an adequate system of internal control including measures designed to prevent and detect fraud and corruption and reviewed its effectiveness. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Duce.
The Committee agreed with
Part 2, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
3 / We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and proper practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of this smaller authority to conduct its business or on its finances. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Salter.
The Committee agreed with
Part 3, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
4 / We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of elector’s rights in accordance with requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Duce, Seconded by Councillor Randle. The Committee agreed with
Part 4, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
5 / We carried out an assessment of the risks facing this smaller authority and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover when required. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon.
The Committee agreed with
Part 5, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
6 / We maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the accounting records and control systems. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle.
The Committee agreed with
Part 6, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
7 / We took appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle.
The Committee agreed with Part
7, Section 1 of the Annual
Governance Statement.
8 / We considered whether any litigation, liabilities, or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year end, have a financial impact on the smaller authority and, where appropriate have included them in the accounting statements. / √ / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle.
The Committee agreed with Part 8, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement.
9 / (For local councils only) Trust funds including charitable. In our capacity as the sole managing trustee we discharged our accountability responsibilities for the fund(s)/assets, including financial reporting and, if required, independent examination or audit. / n/a / Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle.
The Committee agreed that
Part 9, Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement was not applicable.
(b) The Council was asked to authorise and approve the annual governance statement by this smaller authority.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Duce
RESOLVED that the Council accept and approve the Annual Governance Statement.
(c) The Council was asked the Chair and Clerk to sign Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2015/2016 for Great Dawley Town council for the year ending 31st March 2016.
Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Randle
RESOLVED that the Council agreed for the Chair and Clerk to sign Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement 2015/2016 for Great Dawley Town Council.
OCN16007.2 / Annual Return supporting documents for 31st March 2016.
Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Duce.
RESOLVED that the Council agreed to authorise the following supporting documents for the Annual Return for 31st March 2016:
·  To complete the Accounting Statement for 2015/16. (section 2)
·  To receive and sign the Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2016
·  To receive and sign the explanation of all significant variances
·  To receive and sign the reconciliation between closing balances
·  To receive and authorise the Contact Details
·  To receive and authorise the Electors Rights
·  To authorise and approve that for the year ended 31 March 2016 the accounting statements in this annual return present fairly the financial position of this smaller authority and its income and expenditure, or properly present receipts and payments, as the case may be.
·  Authorise the Chair and Clerk to sign Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2015/16 for Great Dawley Town Council for the year ending 31st March 2016.
The Council received the Internal Auditors report for information only.
OCM16007.3 / The Council is asked to authorise the following End of Year Accounts
a)  To receive and sign the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Duce
RESOLVED that the Council accept and sign the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
b)  To receive the Income and Expenditure Account.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that the Council accept the income and expenditure account.
c)  To receive in advance Opening/ closing Creditors, Opening / Closing Debtors.
Proposed by Councillor Turley, Seconded by Councillor Duce
RESOLVED that the Council accept in advance the Opening/ closing Creditors and
Opening / Closing Debtors
008 / Precept Agreement for 2016/17
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Turley
RESOLVED that following the Internal Auditor report, the Council agreed to receive and retrospectively authorise the Precept for 2016/17 following the amendment of variances.
OCM16009 / Grants
Voluntary Organisations.
The Committee is to consider Grant Applications from the following voluntary organisations:
·  Telford Athletics Club - £250
To support the Phoenix Flyer Road Race.
Proposed by Councillor Randle, Seconded by Councillor Duce
RESOLVED that £250 be grated to Telford Athletics Club.
·  Dawley Parent Led Toddler Group - £250
To provide Animal Man Equipment to use within the group.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Duce
RESOLVED that £250 be grated to Dawley Parent Led Toddler Group
·  Taste Not Waste - £250
To replace rotten gateposts at rear of property and a trolley to move goods around the shop.
Proposed by Councillor Duce, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that £250 be grated to Taste not Waste
·  Parents Opening Doors - £250
To provide a Christmas event, where families can come together. To include disco, photo booth and refreshments.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
Councillors Randle and Turley abstained and declared an interest and abstained
from voting.
RESOLVED that £250 be grated to Parents Opening Doors.
·  Kasapa Radio - £500
To provide a family fun day at St Leonards Fields, Malinslee.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
RESOLVED that £250 be granted to Kaspa Radio to pay for the hire of the field only. Cheque to be paid directly to Telford & Wrekin Council.
a)  Partnership Fund.
The Committee to consider any applications from the Partnership Fund:
·  St Leonards Youth Events - £880
To provide youth outreach activities as part of a one week long summer events programme for up to 40 young people per session and a further event during the autumn half-term (total of 6 sessions)for 5 -11 year olds from Old Park and Ladygrove Primary Schools.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Choudhary
RESOLVED that £880 be grated to St Leonards Church for their Youth Outreach Programme.
·  Royal British Legion - £2000
To assist with the cost of resurfacing the access road at the side of the RBL building.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Choudhary
RESOLVED that £2000 be granted to the Royal British Legion in Dawley to assist with resurfacing their access road.
·  Job Box
To refurbish the old kitchen area within the Dawley Social Club as a meeting, training and enterprise room as part of the Job Junction.
Proposed by Councillor Davies, Seconded by Councillor Sekhon
Councillor Davies declared an interest and abstained from voting.
Councillor Choudhary voted against granting the funding.
RESOLVED that £3000 be grated to Dawley Social Club towards refurbishment of the Kitchen area for the Job Box.
b)  Ward Councillors Pride Fund.
The Committee is to consider any Grant requests for match funding
St Leonards Church holiday clubs
(2 days both free) and school holiday club (1, £5 for the week, 5 days)
Cash Sponsorship £525 (matched against volunteer effort at a 50/50 ratio)
Cllr Sahota - Pride Fund (General) £131.25 match funded by GDTC . Total £262.50
Cllr Davies - Pride Fund (General) £131.25 match funded by GDTC. Total £262.50
Dawley Town Hall
Provision of Equipment for Community Use
Cllr Sahota - £250 match funded by GDTC £250 Total £500
Cllr Davies - £250 match funded by GDTC £250 Total £500
Old Park Primary School
Out of School Activities
Cllr Sahota - £50.00 match funded GDTC £50.00 = Total £100
Cllr Davies - £50.00 match funded GDTC £50.00 = Total £100
Ladygrove Primary School
Out of School Activities
Cllr Sahota - £50.00 match funded GDTC £50.00 - Total £100
Cllr Davies - £50.00 match funded DTC £50.00 - Total £100
Malinslee Voluntary Youth Club
To provide equipment or money for trips
Cllr Sahota - £100.00match funded GDTC £100.00 Total £200
Cllr Davies - £100.00match funded GDTC £100 Total £200
Hill Top Café - Dawley Baptist Church