

Clubs attending— Greg and Cindy Bessert J&J; Mary Findley, Stephanie Martinez; Rachel Shrum Flip-Tops;; Linda Laaker, Terry Laaker, Patti Melvin C.I.T.T.,.Mike VanSpankeren Top Star, Juan MendozaChicago Park Dist,; Julie Morgan, Miglrnia Dimchrova, One World;Shawn Moore Twiststars Tiffany Winton Gym Etc, Tammy Lackland Extreme Air Jonathan Lackaland Extreme Air Pat Fugate Extreme Air, Vicki Foran Monticello, Stacy Jauch, Fox Valley

The meeting was called to order by Mary at 1:05pm. She welcomed everyone to Bloomingtonand introducted herself been with tumbling and trampoline for 26 years, 20 years of judging. For the State to run smooth needs everyone help. Mary thanked Linda for all her years of endless work and thanks and wished her luck to the future.

1st thing on Agenda was to elect secretary for the board as Mary cannot do both. Mary asked for nominations or volunteers and got none. Mary nominated Stephanie Martinez, Julie Morgan 2nd 12 ayes 0 nays motion passed

State Chair’s Report-Linda Laaker-

Mary went through packet quickly, stated Illinois has a lot on world age and world team which is a great accomplishment.

Goals for the year are to gain more clubs, get a state website working. The regional is working on Google calendar so everyone will be able to see all dates. Please be patient as we all learn new things.

Regional clinic will be held in Dyer Oct 16-18

We will not plan to have an Illinois state clinic this year, as the regional is close.

T200 is online course now for any coaches that want to be on floor at meets, still need to do T201 as hands on.

Secretary Report—Mary Findley-

Rachel Schrum motion to accept, Patti Melvin 2nd

12 ayes 0 nays

Treasurer Report—Linda Laaker- motion by Mike Van Spankeren to accept. 2nd by Julie Morgan 12 ayes 0 nays

Technical Chair Report Julie Morgan

We need Illinois judges,

Courses will be held at regional clinic in Dyer on Oct 16-18, and in Michigan the week before.

T210 will be online after November for all pro members judges, and coaches cost will be 10.00 required to judge or coach.

Julie also stated next year everyone will have to retest so if you wanted to upgrade may be best to wait until next year but always can use upper levels at this time also. Julie encouraged to get level 3 as they do use when needed especially local meets.

Coaches Report- Mike VanSpankeren

Mike sent email to all coaches and did receive one back from Cindy Moreno to make sure she got on the email list for all information.

Mike also said to help Mary out this year any coaches who have concerns or need anything please contact him then he will do one call to Mary, or regional or national office to get answers, this way we are not getting a bunch of calls for one thing. You may call him or email him . Email is best: . Or 815-978-0707

Program Committee Report –Megan Gearhart –not in attendance but Cindy Bessert filled in.

There will be a level 5 -7 nationals location and date TBA in the next week. (Did receive call later in day will be in July)

Old Business–

None to report

New Business

Proposal by Linda Laaker:

To fund World Championship & World Age group athletes and personal coaches.

I propose that Kristie Lowell & Garret Waterstradt (WC athlete be awarded #$500.00. I propose Terry Wight WC personal coaches ) be awarded 500.00 each.

Aubrey Beyers, Dylan Bohn, Reaghan Brands, Myles Debose, Naomi Klingbeil, Alyssa Long, and Asa Taylor (WAG athletes will be receiving $350.00 from Midwest challenge fund.

I propose that Jim Aamodt, Paulette Konstantaras and Linda Laaker/Jon Williams (each will receive ½), and be awarded 500.00 each

I propose that each of these athletes and these coaches receive this funding to aid them in their travel, lodging and food needs for the World championships and the World Age group games.

I believe that is should be taken into consideration that since all of the WAG athletes (in compliance with the Ilinois State rules and policies) are given money raised at the Midwest Challenge… that the World Championship athletes (not already funded 100%). The World championship coaches, and the world age group coaches should be given our support,. Also I am open to the amount to be granted to them… I trust the voting members attending the Illinois State meeting to determine the amount… the determined amount (if any) would be distributed the week following the Illinois State meeting.

A discussion was held and a motion was made to see what the region if any was giving to fund these athletes and coaches and state would make up difference up to 500.00, so checks would wait until hear from region than state chair would send them out.

Patti Melvin made motion

Shawn Moore 2nd

12 ayes 0 nays

Mary Findley made a proposal to get a state website working. Discussion was held and everyone agreed we need one. Some options to look at were yahoo or go daddy. A motion was made to go ahead with website but to pay no more than 150.00 a year in fees.

Linda Laaker made motion

Patti Melvin 2nd

12 ayes 0 nays

Worked on meet schedule –

State must be held in March due to regionals in April and nationals for upper divisions in June.

In Illinois rules we have that to host state you must of held a USAG T&T local meet within the past year,. With this in mind the following were able to bid for state

Chicago Park Dist

Kewanee Flip –Tops




TopStar is looking into a venue and will see if want to do it, One other club Monticello Tumbling also put a bid in. It was decided that if TopStar did not want to do state or could not then we would amend the bylaws and allow Monticello to host. State will be determined will everything is confirmed.

Athletes must attend state and regional to go to nationals a new rule for the year.

Jan 10 Winterfest One World Gymnastics

Jan 16-17 Hang 10 invitational Kenosha WI Scamps

Jan 31 Midwest meet Dyer IN

Feb 14 tentative Kewanee Flip-Tops

Feb 27-28 Chicago IL Chicago Park Dist

March 6 Peoria IL CITT

March ----state TBA

April---- regional TBA

May 22 Dyer In team challenge JJ

June 8-13 Levels 8-elite Providence, RI

Vicki Foran had one last question on how many elite challenges for mobility there are this year. Winter, Dallas and regionals.

Meeting adjourned 1:45 pm Mike VanSpankeren motion Linda Laaker 2nd 12ayes 0 nays, motion passed