IEEE Rail Transit Vehicle Interface Standards Committee

Safety Standard for Software Working Group 4

Minutes of the December 2, 1998 WG-4 meeting held in Philadelphia, PA


Name / Affiliation / Phone/Fax Number / e-mail
Bill Gallagher / ALCATEL / 416-742-3900 /
Bill Petit / Safetran / 716-349-2305/2306 /
Manuel Galdo / FRA / 202-632-6323/6230 /
John C. Lewis / MBTA / 617-222-5540/3918
Omar Rezzoug / MATRA / (33) 14-965-7298/7279 /
Dave Rutherford / RSE / 716-292-1440/1446 /
G. Anagnostopoulos / USDOT/VNTSC / 617-494-2087/2318 /
Sofia K. Georgiadis / NYCT / 212-492-8208/8390 /
Linda Martinez / RTS / 212-986-9866/9855 /
Rick Mazur / WABCO / 864-433-6346/0176 /
Lang Nguyen / FRA/R&D / 202-493-6349/6111 /
Martin Lukes / WMATA / 202-962-1111/2437 /
Harvey Glickenstein / PB Transit / 973-565-4820/
973-824-3140 /
Ken Karg / ADtranz / 412-655-5225/5108 /
John LaForce / SEPTA / 215-580-8228/8282 /
Rick Shults / GEHarris / 407-242-5446/4223 /
Vinnie Ferrando / GEHarris / 407-242-5081/4223 /
Rob McHugh / BCRTC (Skytrain) / 604-520-3641/
604-521-2818 /


The meeting was called to order at 9 am. Dave Rutherford chaired the meeting in the absence of Jim Hoelscher who was in Europe. There were no comments on the minutes from the previous meeting.

Introductions were made among the attendees and the working group expressed its thanks to John LaForce and SEPTA for hosting the meeting.

The reminder was again made that for those members that have been designated as part of the balloting group you are required (by the IEEE) to be an IEEE member and a member of the IEEE Standards Association(SA). Please send me (if you have not already done so) your IEEE number and confirm that you are an SA member or you are joining SA. If this presents a problem for anyone please contact me so that I can review the problem with Tom McGean.


The next meeting is tentatively scheduled as a two day meeting on March 2,3 in Melbourne, Fla. , to be hosted by GE Harris. Note that WG 2 is tentatively scheduled to meet for two days on Feb. 22, 23 in Louisville, KY, hosted by Safetran.


Exceptional progress was made at the meeting in moving the Draft Standard toward balloting. The following schedule to events was proposed and agreed to:

1.Additional comments on the current draft version P1483/DO.14 (Nov. 12) are due by 8 Jan 99 to Jim Hoelscher or Dave Rutherford. This includes revisions to the following draft sections as discussed at the meeting:

General editing (Harvey Glickenstein)

Last paragraph of Section 4.1 (Linda Martinez)

Section 5.0 (Vinnie Ferrando)

Second paragraph of Section A1.1 (Linda Martinez)

Section A1.2.5 (Dave Rutherford)

Section A1.4 (Vinnie Ferrando)

Section B1 (Linda Martinez)

2.All new comments and revisions agreed to at the 2 Dec. meeting will be incorporated into Version DO.15 and will be posted by 15 Jan 99.

3.Comments on Version DO.15 are due by 15 Feb 99.

4.Version DO.16 will be posted by 25 Feb. 99 and copies will be provided at the next meeting.

5.Version DO.16 will be discussed at the next meeting and minor changes will be incorporated into Version DO.17. It was agreed that Version DO.17 will be submitted to the IEEE for editing and formatting prior to a line-by-line review by the working group.

6.A final meeting will be held after the draft is returned by the IEEE for a line-by-line review. The standard will then be balloted.


The changes to each section of Version DO.14 were reviewed and any new changes were discussed. For sections which did not require significant additional changes a vote was taken regarding the section’s status for ballot. The results of the votes and the additional changes identified are outlined as follows;


This section has been voted ‘ballot ready’.


Participants will be organized into Balloting Group, Participants, Contributers and Friends and each will be classified as Supplier, User or Other. In addition, the following replacements were recognized:

Rick Shults replaces Frank Baglivio (GE Harris)

Omar Rezzoug replaces Olivier Hocheid (MATRA)

Jim Kyle replaces Martin Paget (Safetran)


The section was voted ‘ballot ready’.

Section 1

The section was voted ‘ballot ready’.

Diagrams (all):

Minor changes were agreed to for all diagrams. Diagrams will be transported to Visio for the next version (Dave Rutherford)

Section 2

Will be completed for draft version DO.15 (Jim Hoelscher)

Section 3.0 Definitions

 List of Acronyms will be included for next version (Jim Hoelscher)

 Definition 3.7 (Hardware Failure) was changed to:

“A change in the characteristics of a hardware element beyond its designed tolerances.”

 Definition 3.11 (MTBHE) was changed to:

“Mean Time Between Hazardous Events, where hazardous events and the equipment which may precipitate them are defined at the system level. The hazardous events included in MTBHE are those defined as unacceptable hazards.”

  • With the above changes, this section was voted as ‘ballot ready’.

Section 4.0

 Wording in the second paragraph of Section 4.0 was revised so that reference to system safety goals is made in a separate paragraph as:

“The results of the verification activities shall demonstrate achievement of the system safety goals.”

 The last paragraph of Section 4.1 will be revised to indicate that ‘verification methods’ comprise Analysis, Demonstration, Test and/or Inspection (ADTI), and IEEE standards addressing ADTI will be referenced.

  • Section 4.2 will be revised to indicate more strongly that FFT1, FFT2 and FFT3 are ‘levels’ of one FFT.

Section 5.0

 Wording of first & second paragraphs of Section 5.0 will be revised (draft wording to be supplied by Vinnie Ferrando).

 Minor changes were made to Section 5.1.

  • It was agreed that Sections 5.2.8 (SSHA) and 5.2.9 (SSIHA) will be revised not be considered Optional if these hazard analyses are required by the system level SSPP. Also the ‘Notes’ in these sections will be moved to the appendix.
  • Section 5.3 had minor revisions, and Section will be revised to include reference to ADTI methods in Section 4.1.
  • Section 5.4, first paragraph, the sentence beginning with “All of the following tasks ...” will be deleted.
  • Last sentence of the second paragraph of Section will be deleted.
  • Section 5.5.3 heading changed to “Safety Verification Final Report” and reference to ‘confirmation of attainment of safety goals’ will be deleted.
  • Section will be revised to include the requirement of an associated level of confidence in the quantitative result of the verification activities.
  • Section 5.6 will be added to include a summary of the work products required to meet the standard.

Appendix A:

  • Second paragraph of A1.1 will be revised (wording to be proposed by Linda Martinez).
  • Section a1.2.5 to be revised (wording to be provided by Dave Rutherford).
  • Section A1.4 (Verification Methods) will be revised (by Vinnie Ferrando) to include only references to verification methods. All other text will be deleted.

Appendix B:

  • Wording of Appendix B1will be revised (by Linda Martinez) however the scope and general content of this section was approved.
  • Appendix B2 will be added (by Dave Rutherford) to extend the example of B1 through the FTA.
  • It was agreed that Appendix B3 would be deleted from the draft. If agreed, an adjunct to the Standard may be published, including a ‘vertical slice’ or some other example of a comprehensive implementation of the standard.

End comments.

Thanks again to John LaForce and SEPTA for hosting the meeting and Happy New Year to all.

Prepared by Dave Rutherford

Minutes of 12/2/98 Meeting - Page 1