Minutes of the NGO Working Group

Date: 2 February, 2006

Venue: FPA, Willis St, Wellington

Present: Gill Greer (Chair), Louise Carr, Marion Blake, Donna Matahaere-Atariki, Carole Maraku, Ida Faiumu Isa’ako, Jacki Richardson, Jenny Prince, Jo Fitzpatrick, Kawshi De Silva, Damian Zelas (MoH) and Emily Faith (MoH)

Proxy attendees: Glen Haitana, Lorna Kumitau

Apologies: Joanne Hayes Sue Lewer, Dahlia Naepi, Julian Inch

Secretariat: Alan Chapman (Minute Taker)


Those attending the meeting as new Working Group members or as proxies for other Working Group members were welcomed by the Chair and thanked for making themselves available.

Agenda Items were prioritised to ensure key topics were given adequate attention and to accommodate late arrivals

Previous minutes: Amendments:

Page 3 Item 4, line 5: s/b 2005

Page 4, Item 5: wording revision

Page 5 Item 9: Louise to provide an update for inclusion in the final version

Page 5, Item 9, line 9: change “France” to “Frances”

Page 12, line 2: add…”(through the Ministry of Social Development’s “Funding for Outcomes” project)”..

Minutes, with amendments, were confirmed Carole/Louise

Opening discussions:

A discussion on the format for meeting minutes resolved that:

§  there will be two records of Working Group meetings-

o  abbreviated Minutes which will be placed on the NGO page of the MoH website, and

o  Notes which will be for the exclusive use of Working Group members

§  draft Minutes would be circulated to the Working Group within 10 working days of the meeting, Notes available within 3 weeks

§  Working Group to respond with amendments within 1 week

§  draft Minutes will appear on the website while being finalised, ie at the next Working Group meeting

§  names of Working Group members will be removed from the minutes details; use instead the “noted”/“agreed” format

§  “Background” sections to be abbreviated and linked to the previous details in minutes

§  webpage to link topics

§  NGO sector to be asked about their information needs

§  November Minutes to be revised into abbreviated format, and amended version to Working Group as Notes.

Matters arising from the previous meeting:

1.  Strategic Plan/Work Plan

The subgroup, who progressed this work, were thanked for their efforts.

Further work will need to be done to:

§  finalise the Strategic Plan

§  produce an annual plan, which is realistic, prioritises objectives and has clear outcomes

§  incorporate agreed joint DHBNZ priorities

§  include a communications with stakeholders sobjective

§  must include task to fulfill our contractual obligations.

Subgroup will be Damian, Donna, Gill and Alan and the re-draft will need to be reviewed by the Working Group at the next meeting (on 23 March) and for presentation at the Forum on 11 April. Meeting to be organised for late February.

Notes from the Strategic Planning discussion are attached as Appendix II.

2.  Working Group communication processes

The Working Group agreed that is was an appropriate time to review the Terms of Reference under which the group operates. A project group will undertake a revision which will seek ratification at the April Forum.

The review of our objective should include:

§  clarifying our expectations about inclusion in consultations and other working groups, especially how to involve NGO staff rather than merely WG members

§  ensuring NGO input into strategic planning processes

§  enhancing access to the Ministry’s directorates

§  examining common issues and disseminating relevant information.

The existing WG-MoH contract to be sent to WG (Alan).

3.  Briefing for the Incoming Minster of Health


The Working Group presented a briefing to the Minster prior to Christmas.

This covered:

§  actions being taken with the DG to address sector concerns

§  contracting

§  capacity/capability-differences and challenges

§  workforce –NGO participation in planning and strategic developments

§  acknowledgement of gains (eg, MoH’s NGO Desk and Interest Group, access to the DG, inclusion in policy planning/consultations, providing training to MoH staff, etc)

§  recommendations for co-operative steps to promote the “way forward”.


A letter has been received from the Deputy Director-General, Mental Health Directorate about comments in this briefing. It referred specifically to the section on NGOs participation in consultations, launches of key policy documents, etc.

It was agreed that a letter would be drafted acknowledging the error in the wording, commenting on the Directorate’s commendable involvement with NGOs while recognising the general sense of invisibility that NGOs experience in other Ministry activities.

The Working Group doesn’t expect to be the only means of communication with the NGOs sector but it does want to ensure that it can channel information to the sector.

The letter will be copied to the Minister of Health and the Director–General of Health and an amended version will be placed on the website. A draft copy of this letter will be circulated to the Working Group for comment before sending (Gill, Alan).

The Briefing is also to be sent to other Ministers, ie the Minister of Community and Voluntary Sector, Minister of Finance and????

4.  Primary Health Care Strategy-PHO Development Taskforce


The Taskforce is to provide strategic advice to the Deputy Director-General (Clinical Services) to assist with implementation of the Primary Health Care Strategy and with the development of primary health organisations. The Taskforce will provide this advice in the context of the parameters of Government policy.

Louise has been our representative on the Taskforce, since taking over this position from Liz McElhinney.


Louise reported that the taskforce is still debating a number of key issues, such as community engagement and governance activities. A public version of minutes of these meetings will soon available on the MoH website.

The paper being drafted on “What is a PHO?” is open to NGO input. Louise, who is one of those working on this paper, is encouraging the Working Group to submit contributions.

5.  MoH’s Draft Instruction to MoH staff on NGO contracts (Lobbying/Advocacy)


In October 2003 an issue arose through questions in Parliament regarding a clause in NGO contracts concerning lobbying. It appeared that groups had been specifically contracted to lobby MPs and the legitimacy of this was called into question. Public service “Code of Conduct” states clearly that the Ministries, as public service departments, must comply with the convention of a politically neutrality.

Discussions have continued both with the Ministry and other government departments and between government departments themselves.

The Working Group, at a previous meeting, explored alternative solutions to the issue. Paramount amongst these was the proposal for a Code of Ethics/Code of Practice which has mandatory compliance for NGOs contracting with government departments.


The revised and abbreviated statement on political neutrality for NGOs contracting with government departments has been prepared and presented at the Community Sector Taskforce hui in November, 2005. This will now be sent to the wider sector for comment (Alan).

Indications are that the Ministry is close to finalising its statement and standard clauses.

6.  Meeting with the Minister of Health


Following the presentation of our briefing to the new Minister of Health, Hon Pete Hodgson, we have been offered an meting with him on 14 March, 2006.


The issues we intend raising are:

§  to emphasise the importance of the NGO sector to the achievement of the health outcomes sought by Government

§  the NGO sector’s willingness to collaborate with the public sector funders and providers

§  the concerns we have about contracts going to PHOs without an open process

§  H&D NGO workforce issues, including the resources to recruit and retain staff

§  Means to sustain the NGO sector in the face of DHB and PHO dominance.

The NGO Desk, MoH will prepare a briefing and the Working Group can submit bullet points to Damian.

Those attending this meeting will be: Gill, Jackie, Jenny, Carole and Ida (with Alan).

7.  Meeting with Karen Poutasi, Director-General of Health


Prior to Christmas, 2005 the Working Group wrote to Dr Poutasi to report back on an number of matters we had been involved with over recent months. Specifically the meetings with the Ministry’s directorates following the survey of NGO-Ministry relationships. As apart of the report we requested a meeting with Dr Poutasi.


A meeting will take place on 22 February, 2006. Similar agenda items to those being addressed with the Minister will form our agenda, as will our desire to continue pursing a limited number of pilot, joint projects with the directorates.

Those attending to be confirmed.


PHONZ, an umbrella organization representing a number of PHOs, has been identified as an important interest group for the Working Group to build a relationship with.

The suggestion was made to include the Chair (Sir Ron Scott) in the April forum. The Forum Planning group will pursue this.

9.  April 2006 Forum planning


The next Forum is being planned for April, will be opened by the Minister and will be held in South Auckland. The theme will be contracting


Planning group to progress the forum arrangements urgently. A change of venue will need to be organised, Ida will explore venues available through her community.

The venue planning group will be Ida, Jo, Jenny, Dahlia and Jackie.

The agenda planning group, will be Damian, Marion, Carole, Louise, Joanne, Kawshi, Ida and Alan..

10.  DHBNZ


The relationship between the Working Group, the Forum and DHBNZ has long been on the Working Group’s agenda. Subsequent to the CEO of DHBNZ (Julian Inch), contacting the Ministry’s NGO Desk to seek negotiations on the ways that DHBNZ could involved in both the Forum meetings and with the Working Group, he was invited to regularly attend Working Group meetings and subsequently two DBNZ presentations were made at the September forum. We are exploring ways that a closer relationship can be fostered and are identifying which DHBNZ projects could appropriately include NGO participation.


As requested by Julian, the priority areas the Working Group consider for engaging with DHBNZ include:

§  relationship building with DHBs

§  workforce planning

§  NGO sector sustainability.

Julian has also arranged for Gill to attend the meeting of DHB Chairs on 6 March, 2006 to talk about the NGO H&D sector and raise our profile with the DHBs.

11.  Workforce Planning Issues


As a follow up to the September Forum it was agreed at the previous Working Group meeting to engage a researcher to prepare a report on NGO sector workforce issues.


A draft Job Description has been prepared and this will be finalised by Louise, Marion and Alan. The contract will then be publicised through sector networks to seek an appropriately skilled contractor. This job description will also include ongoing research and report writing support to the Working Group.

12.  NGO Sector media project, COmVOiceS


A group of sector agencies (lead by NZFVWO, FIS, Healthcare Aotearoa, CST/Force, ANGOA, Philanthropy NZ and NZCSS) have advanced the concept of promoting a more positive and accurate view of the NGO sector. A media person has been engaged to ensure positive stories reach the media and to co-ordinate responses to particular stories.

The agreed name for the project will be “COmVOiceS” to reflect the community and collaborative nature of this venture.

When COmVOiceS drafted its first press releases, the Working Group were invites to add our name and logo. This has raised a number of issues for the Working Group, including our lack of an agreed logo and our ability to be associated with public statements, given our uncertain mandate and the unresolved lobbying issue. It was agreed to adopt a conservative stance until these matters could be resolved.


We have been asked by COmVOiceS to clarify our participation in this project. After discussion the Working Group agreed that we must, at this stage, retain our conservative approach, so that:

§  we would like to stay in partnership with COmVOiceS on some issues, such as sector promoting tasks, and not in those that have a political aspect. This would be as an “associate” member of COmVOiceS

§  at other times H&D NGOs could respond to issues as individual agencies rather than as the Working Group

§  we will contribute funds to those projects in which we are able to participate

§  for those matters where we want our own publicity support, we will engage in a contractual relationship with Ideas Shop.

Alan to negotiate this arrangement and advise COmVOiceS.

13.  Feedback and Updates

(11.1 to 11.5 awaiting info from Marion)

13.1 MSD’s Funding for Outcomes Project

13.2 Mental Health IT scoping project

13.3 HPCA

13.4 HWIS

13.5 MH Workforce Strategy

13.6 OCVS

There does not appears to be much activity involving NGOs currently.

The previous project has produced a useful Information Pack which is accessible through CommNet.

13.7 Public Health Forum

The next steps in planning this Forum are not clear, particularly about who is accepting responsibility for hosting. Unlikely ot be in April now.

Jo and Kawshi to follow up and advise.

13.8 Nurse Practitioners meeting

Louise attended and heard the Minister speak of the health priorities he would be pursuing, which included chronic disease services, health of Older People (especially home support and funding for Home Care workers) and the health Information Strategy.

Louise also mentioned she was writing an article on the integration of NGOs into the PHO structure for the NZ Doctor magazine.

13.9 Meeting with Sarah Turner, Clinical Services, MoH

Gill, Louise and Alan attended a meeting which was a follow up to the Survey of MoH-NGO relationship findings. The purpose of the meeting was to progress the Working Group’s request to develop some joint projects with the Directorate, especially concerning NGOs and PHOs.

This was a very positive meeting and a further meeting is planned. Sarah spoke of the stage of development that PHOs now appear to have reached and the difficulties that have been experienced in establishing this model of service delivery.

Problems have especially been around governance issues, as well as incorporating a population health based approach to Primary Care.