Minutes of the Monthly CISD Meeting
Hosted by Doug Bryant – Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
January9, 2018
Call to Order:
David Alexander called the meeting to order.
Member/Guest Sign-in and Introductions (13):
Members (12):
Ahmed, Rizwan / OTS / Alexander, David / PBRCAsoodeh, Mike / SLU / Ballinger, Andrea / LSU
Brown, Alice / OSFA / Bryant, Doug / CRT
Dousay, David / OTS / Johnson, Lata / SUL
Phillips, Alan / SBME / Piazza, Fred / LSU Ag
Ragan, Danny / OFI / Salisbury, Bruce / CAHS
Guests (1):
Thomas Allsup
OTS Update:
Thomas Allsup explained House Concurrent Resolution No. 121(HCR 121) methodologies and requirements.Questions and concerns were discussed between members and Mr. Allsup.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
The minutes for the December meeting were deferred until February meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
David Dousay presented the Treasurer’s report. Aerohive still has not paid from the past conference. There is a balance of $44,303.73. Edward Thornton submitted receipts from the conference to be reimbursed. A motion to accept reimbursement was made by Alan Philips and seconded by Danny Ragan. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Danny Ragan and seconded by Fred Piazza.
State Agency
No updates
Committee Reports:
Civil Service – Doug Bryantcompleted civil service desk audits with his staff and is seeking competitive salary data for recent IT graduates.
Conference – Scott Mayers: No update
Program – Brent Leblanc: From David Alexander of Brent’s behalf - The committee seeking ideas or interest in topics to be presented by vendors. Cyren and Zscaler were the current recommendations. Dell EMC storage, HCI storage,Azure cloud based services and Puppet Chef Enterprise server provisioning technology were new recommendations brought up in the meeting as topics of interest.
Technology – Scott Mayers: No update
Old Business: Alan Phillips presented Fred Piazza with the 2017 CISD president’s appreciation plaque.
New Business:David Alexander is asking for volunteers to host meetings. There is still a need for meeting hosts and to coordinate with David Alexander. Andrea Ballinger offered to host February.
Date and Location of Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be hosted by Andrea Ballinger at LSU on February 6, 2018
Adjourn:David Alexander made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Danny Ragan.
2018-1-9 CISD JanuaryMinutes Page 1